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SwitchHead: Accelerating Transformers with Mixture-of-Experts Attention


Official implementation of the SwitchHead attention from our NeurIPS 2024 paper.

This repository is an user-friendly implementation of SwitchHead. For the training code, please refer to

This implementation relies on the CVMM Triton kernel from $\sigma$-MoE.


import torch
import switchhead
import math
from typing import Tuple, Optional

class SwitchHeadSelfAttention(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, d_model: int, *args, **kwargs):
        self.norm = torch.nn.LayerNorm(d_model)
        self.attention = switchhead.SwitchHeadRope(d_model,  *args, **kwargs)

    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, mask: Optional[switchhead.AttentionMask] = None, kv_cache: switchhead.KVCache = None) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, switchhead.KVCache]:
        xn = self.norm(x)
        res, kv_cache = self.attention(xn, xn, xn, mask=mask)
        return x + res, kv_cache

# 243M param model from the paper.
batch_size = 8
context_window = 1024
d_model = 1024
n_layers = 18

x = torch.randn(batch_size, context_window, d_model).cuda()

# RoPE example (default)
attention = SwitchHeadSelfAttention(d_model, n_heads=4, n_experts=4, d_head=100, init_scale=1/math.sqrt(n_layers)).cuda()
out, _ = attention(x)


A simple example can be found in


We provide two versions:

  • SwitchHeadRope is a standard RoPE attention implementation. It uses F.scaled_dot_product_attention for fast and efficient attention.
  • SwitchHeadXL is a Transformer XL-style relative positional encoding-based attention. The attention itself is implemented in PyTorch.

SwitchHead does not have an internal residual connection or layernorm. This is to provide greater flexibiltity for customization. It also requires passign individual tensors for q, k, v projections. See or the example above to see how to use it as a simple self attention.

The signature of the init function of the RoPE version is as follows:

def __init__(self, d_model: int, n_heads: int, n_experts: int, dropout: float = 0.0,
             d_head: Optional[int] = None, expert_dropout: float = 0.0, moe_k: int = 2,
             init_scale: float = 1.0, rotate_fraction: float = 0.5, rope_base: float = 10000):

The meaning of the arguments:

  • d_model - the number of channels in the residual stream.
  • n_heads - number of attention heads
  • n_experts - the number of attention experts. The att_n_experts=1 case is handled specially for efficiency reasons. It behaves like a standard attention with a learned output gate.
  • d_head - the size of the K, Q, V projections in the attention
  • att_expert_dropout - the probability of dropping out an expert.
  • moe_k - the number of simultaneously active experts in the attention layer
  • dropout - dropout used on the queries
  • init_scale - scaling for the std for the initial random weights. Should be set to 1/math.sqrt(n_layers) for the best performance.
  • rotate_fraction (RoPE only) - what proporiton of the channels to rotate
  • rope_base (RoPE only) - controls the gaps between the frequencies of the different channels.

The signature of the forward function:

def forward(self, q_src: torch.Tensor, k_src: torch.Tensor, v_src: torch.Tensor, mask: Optional[AttentionMask],
                kv_cache: KVCache = None) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, KVCache]:

The meaning of the arguments:

  • q_src - Input for the query projections. Shape: [batch size, context length, d_model]
  • k_src - Input for the key projections. Shape: [batch size, context length, d_model]
  • v_src - Input for the value projections. Shape: [batch size, context length, d_model]
  • mask - optional attention mask. If None, causal mask is automatically used. Pass AttentionMask() to disable masking.
  • kv_cache - optional KV cache. Pass an empty dict ({}) to start caching. Otherwise, no KV cache is returned to save memory.

The forward pass returns a tuple of (output, update kv cache). The updated KV cache is None if the argument kv_cache was None to save memory. Otherwise it can be fed as the kv_cache in the next forward pass.

The AttentionMask has two optional boolean fields. True if to be removed. If None, they are ignored.

  • position_mask - position mask, e.g. the causal attention mask. Shape: [context length, context length]
  • src_length_mask - for masking padding tokens in sequences. Useful if no autoregressive mask is applied. Shape: [batch size, context length]

torch.compile() support

torch.compile() is supported with PyTorch >= 2.3.

Project structure

├───switchhead - the SwitchHead attention implementation. Copy this to your project.
│    ├─ - the CVMM Triton kernel.
│    └─ - the implementation of SwitchHead
├─── - an example forward using both variants pass.
├───LICENSE - MIT License.
└─── - this documentation.

Installation Instruction

The only external dependencies are PyTorch (>= 2.1) and Triton (>= 2.1). Copy the switchhead directory to your project and import it as shown in the examples above.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Known issues

Triton seems to be broken on Volta GPUs when using float16 starting from PyTorch 2.2 to 2.3 (see github issue). Until the PyTorch team does not fix the issue, please downgrade to PyTorch 2.1 or disable AMP if you have Volta GPUs.


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