Scala-bootstrapper has created a fully-functional Scala service for you. You can verify that things are set up correctly by doing:
$ sbt update test
There are two ways to start your service. You can build a runnable jar and tell java to run it directly:
$ sbt package-dist
$ java -Dstage=development -jar ./dist/searchbird/searchbird-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
or you can ask sbt to run your service:
$ sbt 'run -f config/development.scala'
The java/sbt command-lines will "hang" because the server is running in the
foreground. (In production, we use libslack-daemon to wrap java processes into
unix daemons.) Go to another terminal and check for a logfile. If your server
is named "searchbird", there should be a searchbird.log
with contents like this:
INF [20110615-14:05:41.656] stats: Starting JsonStatsLogger
INF [20110615-14:05:41.674] admin: Starting TimeSeriesCollector
DEB [20110615-14:05:41.792] nio: Using the autodetected NIO constraint level: 0
That's your indication that the server is running. :)
The IDL for your service is in src/main/thrift/searchbird.thrift
. The
Thrift compiler uses the IDL to generate bindings for various
languages, making it easy for scripts in those languages to talk to
your service. More information about Thrift and how to write an IDL
for your service can be found here.
Your service implements simple get() and put() methods. Once you have your server running, as above, bring up a different shell and:
$ cd searchbird
$ bundle install
$ ./dist/searchbird/scripts/console
>> $client
>> $client.put("key1", "valueForKey")
>> $client.get("key1")
By default, your project is configured to use
Ostrich, a library for service
configuration, administration, and stats reporting. Your config file
in config/development.scala
defines which port ostrich uses for admin
requests. You can view the stats via that port:
$ curl localhost:9900/stats.txt
Searchbird/connects: 1
Searchbird/requests: 2
Searchbird/success: 2
Ostrich also stores historial stats data and can build graphs for you.
You can ask the server to shutdown over the admin port also:
$ curl localhost:9900/shutdown.txt
In src/main/scala
, take a look at SearchbirdServiceImpl.scala
. (This may
have a different name, based on what you called your server.)
The base interface is specified by thrift. Additionally, we're using Twitter's async I/O framework: finagle. Finagle (and a lot of great documentation about it) is hosted here:
At the top of SearchbirdServiceImpl.scala, add:
import com.twitter.ostrich.stats.Stats
Then inside get():
and inside put():
Then restart your server, talk to the server via console, and check your stats:
$ curl localhost:9900/stats.txt
Searchbird/connects: 1
Searchbird/requests: 2
Searchbird/success: 2
searchbird.gets: 1
searchbird.puts: 1
You can also time various things that your server is doing, for example:
Stats.time("searchbird.put.latency") {
Thread.sleep(10) // so you can see it
database(key) = value
Specs is a Behavior-Driven Design framework that allows you to write semi-human-readable descriptions of how your service should behave and test that those descriptions are valid. You already have some Specs code for your project in src/test/scala/com/twitter/searchbird/SearchbirdServiceSpec.scala. Check out the existing test and add a new one for the counter functionality we just added.
import com.twitter.ostrich.stats.Stats
"verify stats" in {
val counters = Stats.getCounters
searchbird.put("name", "bluebird")()
searchbird.get("name")() mustEqual "bluebird"
counters.getOrElse("searchbird.gets", 1) must_==1
counters.getOrElse("searchbird.puts", 1) must_==1
TODO: add link to scala school lesson on Specs
By now you've had to Ctrl-C your server and restart it to get changes to show up. This gets a little tiresome. The build tool we are using, SBT (simple build tool) has a console that you can access by just running "sbt" from the command line.
$ sbt
[info] Standard project rules 0.11.4 loaded (2011-03-18).
[warn] No .svnrepo file; no svn repo will be configured.
[info] Building project searchbird 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT against Scala 2.8.1
[info] using SearchbirdProject with sbt 0.7.4 and Scala 2.7.7
SBT has a wide array of features, but a useful one right now is to use the "~ test" command.
> ~ test
The tilde tells SBT to look for changes to your source files and re-execute the command when it detects a change.
TODO: add link to scala school lesson on SBT
-D foo=bar runtime.arguments.get("foo")