Pyfighter was built as part of a university group project by Robert Soane, Shaylen Mistry, and Rokas Danevicius. This file contains a general overview of contributions from each member of the group.
- Controller
- Robert, Rokas and Shaylen designed the Controller which manages the game loop.
- Character, Player and NPC
- Robert Designed the Character, Player and NPC classes from scratch.
- Robert and Shaylen worked together to ensure the characters work with their corresponding weapons.
- Weapons
- Shaylen designed the weapons class.
- Map and Tiles
- Robert and Rokas worked on a prototype map and tile structure
- Rokas designed the map and tile classes
- Text and Button Classes
- Robert designed the text and menu classes from scratch as the pygame text and support wasn't sufficient for our needs.
- Menus
- Robert designed the Start, Settings and Pause menu using the text and button classes. He designed the JSON structures used to save state between game.
- Rokas designed the game over and high scores menus.
- Music
- Rokas composed the music used throughout the game.
- Graphics
- Rokas and Shaylen designed the graphics for the game.