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FTPS Proxies

Robin Rodricks edited this page Jul 28, 2022 · 19 revisions


  • new FtpClientSocks5Proxy() - Creates a new FTP client to connect to an FTP server using a SOCKS5 proxy.

  • new FtpClientHttp11Proxy() - Creates a new FTP client to connect to an FTP server using an HTTP 1.1 proxy.

  • new FtpClientUserAtHostProxy() - Creates a new FTP client to connect to an FTP server using a User@Host proxy.

  • new FtpClientBlueCoatProxy() - Creates a new FTP client to connect to an FTP server using the BlueCoat proxy.


How do I login with an HTTP 1.1 FTP proxy?

Create a new instance of one of the proxy classes and then use any of the available API to control the connection. For example:

// create an FTP client connecting through a HTTP 1.1 Proxy
var proxy = new ProxyInfo(){
    Address = new Uri(""),
FtpClient client = new FtpClientHttp11Proxy(proxy);
client.Host = "";
client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("david", "pass123");

// begin connecting to the server

// get a list of files and directories in the "/htdocs" folder
foreach (FtpListItem item in client.GetListing("/htdocs")) {
	// if this is a file
	if (item.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.File){
		// get the file size
		long size = client.GetFileSize(item.FullName);
		// calculate a hash for the file on the server side (default algorithm)
		FtpHash hash = client.GetHash(item.FullName);
	// get modified date/time of the file or folder
	DateTime time = client.GetModifiedTime(item.FullName);

// upload a file
client.UploadFile(@"C:\MyVideo.mp4", "/htdocs/MyVideo.mp4");

// rename the uploaded file
client.Rename("/htdocs/MyVideo.mp4", "/htdocs/MyVideo_2.mp4");

// download the file again
client.DownloadFile(@"C:\MyVideo_2.mp4", "/htdocs/MyVideo_2.mp4");

// delete the file

// disconnect! good bye!

How do I login with a SOCKS5 proxy?

// create an FTP client connecting through a SOCKS5 Proxy
var client = new FtpClientSocks5Proxy(new ProxyInfo(){
	Credentials = null,
	Host = "",
	Port = 12345
client.Host = "";
client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("david", "pass123");

// begin connecting to the server

// get a list of files and directories in the "/htdocs" folder
foreach (FtpListItem item in client.GetListing("/htdocs")) {
	// if this is a file
	if (item.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.File){
		// get the file size
		long size = client.GetFileSize(item.FullName);
		// calculate a hash for the file on the server side (default algorithm)
		FtpHash hash = client.GetHash(item.FullName);
	// get modified date/time of the file or folder
	DateTime time = client.GetModifiedTime(item.FullName);

// upload a file
client.UploadFile(@"C:\MyVideo.mp4", "/htdocs/MyVideo.mp4");

// rename the uploaded file
client.Rename("/htdocs/MyVideo.mp4", "/htdocs/MyVideo_2.mp4");

// download the file again
client.DownloadFile(@"C:\MyVideo_2.mp4", "/htdocs/MyVideo_2.mp4");

// delete the file

// disconnect! good bye!

How does the SOCKS5 proxy work?

The FtpClientSocks5Proxy supports:

*SOCKS5 protocol as specified in RFC1928 spec *SOCKS5 username/password authentication as specified RFC1929 spec

It has been tested against VSFTPD using Dante as a SOCKS proxy, both locally and against an Azure installation, where the FTP was running on a local address.

How do I test a connection using a SOCKS5 proxy?

You will need to install Docker on your dev machine.

Docker commands to spin up a local copy for testing:

docker run -d --restart=always -p 9020:20 -p 9021:21 -p 9100-9110:9100-9110 -e FTP_USER=ftp -e FTP_PASS=ftp -e PASV_ADDRESS= -e PASV_MIN_PORT=9100 -e PASV_MAX_PORT=9110 -v /data/ftp:/home/vsftpd fauria/vsftpd

docker run -d -p 1080:1080 wernight/dante

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