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Pro Office Calculator


This document details the release process for Pro Office Calculator.

All work is merged to the develop branch during development.

When the current state of develop is ready for release, these are the steps that need to happen.

  • If releasing a stable (non-snapshot) build, bump the version number in the VERSION file to match the stable version (i.e. no snapshot suffix). Leave unchanged for snapshot releases.
  • Build the project and create distributable packages for OS X, Windows, and Linux, making changes and pushing new commits if necessary. Every time a new commit is made, may need to rebuild on all other systems to ensure each platform's build is up-to-date.
  • Transfer all compiled artifacts to the dist/artifacts directory on the main Linux workstation. This includes all installers and zipped standalone bundles.

The dist directory should now look something like as follows (the artifact names are unimportant as the release script will rename them).

    $ tree -L 3

    ├── artifacts
    │   ├── manifest
    │   ├──
    │   ├── ProOfficeCalculator_1.0.12.deb
    │   ├── ProOfficeCalculator_1.0.12.msi
    │   ├── ProOfficeCalculator_1.0.12.tar.gz
    │   └──
    └── bundles
        ├── linux
        │   ├── AppRun -> procalc/bin/procalc
        │   ├── procalc
        │   ├── procalc.desktop
        │   └── procalc.png
        ├── osx
        │   └──
        └── windows
            └── procalc

Run, which will do the following:

  • Commit the VERSION file.
  • Run the script.
  • Commit the new changelog.
  • Merge develop into master. If this is a stable build (i.e. non-snapshot), tag the master branch with the version number prefixed with the letter v, e.g. v1.0.15. The annotation for the tag should have the form Pro Office Calculator v1.0.15.
  • Upload the source package to the launchpad PPAs. If the build is a snapshot, upload to the snapshot PPA; if it's a stable build, upload to the non-snapshot PPA.
  • Name the artifacts with the version number, including any snapshot suffix, e.g. ProOfficeCalculator_1.0.15+16SNAPSHOT20180719015812.msi.
  • Upload artifacts to S3.
  • Upload a manifest file to S3 so the website can know the versions stored in the bucket and which is the latest, etc.


Pro Office Calculator is currently deployed to:

Deployments to the PPAs and the website are performed by the release script. Deployments to other destinations involve manually uploading the artifacts via the relevant websites.


Install the Steam SDK somewhere (e.g. /opt/steamworks), then from the project root log into the console like so

    rlwrap /opt/steamworks/sdk/tools/ContentBuilder/builder_linux/ +login account password

And at the prompt, run the following, specifying the full path to the app build file

    run_app_build /absolute/path/to/steam/app_build_914430.vdf

Then log into Steamworks and set the build as the default.