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Maintenance policy

This extension is part of the Robocorp and automation and AI agent stack, maintained specifically for our customers. While it is free to use, please be aware that support for the latest Robot Framework releases may not be available. If you’re interested in using the latest Robot Framework for test automation, we recommend exploring other extensions.


Python 3.7+ and Robot Framework 3.2+.

Note: if using the Robot Framework Selenium Library, version 4.4+ is required.


Robot Framework Language Server can be installed from the VisualStudio Marketplace or as a .vsix.

To get a .vsix, download the latest Deploy - RobotFramework Language Server Extension in Robotframework-lsp Github Actions.

See: Install from a vsix for details installing a .vsix into VSCode.

See: Getting Started for a tutorial with some screenshots.


After having Robot Framework Language Server installed, some configurations (such as specifying the python executable used for launching the Language Server or Robot Framework) may be needed.

See: Config for details.

See: FAQ for common issues encountered while configuring the language server.


See: Contributing for how to help in the development of Robot Framework Language Server.

Reporting Issues

See: Reporting Issue for details on how to report some issue in the Robot Framework Language Server.

Features (1.13.0)

  • Robot Output View:
    • View current task/test being executed.
    • Shows Keyword being executed in real time.
  • Robot Documentation View:
    • Select a library import for the full library documentation.
    • Select another element for its docstring.
  • Test Explorer support in VSCode.
  • Interactive Console: a REPL for interactively experimenting with Robot Framework (for VSCode).
  • Code analysis:
    • Keywords/variables.
    • Keyword arguments.
  • Linting with Robocop.
  • Code completion:
    • Keywords, variables, sections and snippets.
    • Auto imports from keywords in the workspace.
  • Go to definition:
    • Keywords, variables and imports.
  • Find references for keywords and variables.
  • Refactoring:
    • Rename keywords.
    • Rename variables.
    • Extract local variable.
    • Extract variable to variables section.
  • Quick fixes (VSCode: Ctrl + .):
    • Add import for unresolved keyword.
    • Create local variable for unresolved variable.
    • Create argument for unresolved variable.
    • Creat variable in variables section for unresolved variable.
    • Assign keyword to variable.
    • Surround with Try..Except.
  • Symbols browser for keywords in workspace (VSCode: Ctrl + T).
  • Document symbols (VSCode: Ctrl + Shift + O).
  • Highlight of keywords and variables.
  • Syntax highlighting (using semanticTokens).
  • Syntax validation.
  • Signature Help (VSCode: Ctrl + Shift + Space).
  • Code Formatting (see: Editor Settings for details on how to toggle code formatting just for robotframework).
  • Hover.
  • Code folding.
  • Launch .robot files.
  • Debugger:
    • Add line breakpoints in .robot or .py files
    • Break on log error/failure
    • Evaluate keywords in debug console/hover/watch
    • Pause at breakpoints to inspect the stack and see variables
    • Breakpoint condition/hitCondition/logMessage
    • Step in
    • Step over
    • Step return
    • Continue

See: Changelog for details.

License: Apache 2.0