Python Script to automatically generate a bootable Image file with a specifiable partition table for embedded Linux distributions
This Python script can generate an bootable image file with Kernel-,bootloader- and user-files. Tools like "rufus" can write for instance a SD-card to enable the booting of a Linux Distribution.
The script can be used inside an other Python application or it can be executed as a console task. In the console mode is a simple XML-file used to describe the partition table of a final image file. Then the script generates folders depending on the image configuration. In the next step it is enabled for the user to copy files and folders to the partitions. These files will be added to the final image file. The script can automatically compile Linux device tree (.dts)-files, unzip archive files, like "tar.gz" or "zip", and can calculate the required partition size for the entire content.
Actually, I designed this script to expand the capabilities of my custom build system for my embedded Linux rsyocto for Intel SoC-FPGAs. However, I noticed that the flexibility of my script allows the usage for almost all embedded Linux platform for instants the Raspberry Pi or NVIDIA Jatson.
It is designed to run on modern Linux distributions.
Boot image (.img) file generation for distributing embedded Linux Distributions
Extended partition table with more then 4 parttitions
Configurable partition size in Byte,Kilobyte,Megabyte or Gigabyte
File structure for each partition will be generated and user files can be added
Partition file size check
Dynamic mode: Partition size = Size of the files to add to the partition
An offset can be added to a dynamic size (e.g. for user space on the running Linux)
Linux device tree (dts) -files inside a partition can be automatically compiled and replaced with the uncompiled file
A u-boot script with the name "boot.script" inside a partition can be automatically compiled and replaced with the uncompiled file
Compressed files (e.g. "tar.gz") containing for instance the Linux rootfs can be unzip and automatically added to the partition
Image Sizes, Block Sizes, Start Sectors for every partition will be automatically generated for the depending configuration
The final image file can be compressed to a "zip-archive file to reduce the image size
Supported Filesystems
- ext2
- ext3
- ext4
- Linux
- vfat
- fat
- swap
Supported archive file types, that can be unzipped automatically
- .tar -Archives
- .tar.gz -Archives
- .zip -Archives
Extended partition support
- Incase of more then 4 partitions the script will generate a extended partition table
- Then, partition 4 will be the extendend partition and the other partitions will be logical partitions inside the extended partition
Tested Development Environments
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- CentOS 7.7
- CentOS 8.0
For generating a bootable image by executing a single Linux command please follow this step-by-step guide:
- Clone this repository with the following Linux console command
git clone
- To install "git"
- Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install -y git
- CentOS
sudo yum install git
- Ubuntu
- To install "git"
- For compiling Linux Device tree files install the device tree compiler
- Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install -y device-tree-compiler
- CentOS
sudo yum install dtc
- Ubuntu
- For compiling u-boot script install the u-boot tools
- Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install -y u-boot-tools
- CentOS
sudo yum install uboot-tools
- Ubuntu
- Navigate into the repository folder
cd LinuxBootImageGenerator
- Start the Python script and follow the instructions
- Note: The execution with root ("sudo") privileges is not necessary
Generation of a XML configuration file
The script will generate the XML-file "DistroBlueprint.xml" ('LinuxBootImageGenerator/'). It defines the blueprint of the final image
. Thepartition
object characterizes a partition on the final image. A description of every attribute is available inside this file, as well.The following lines show the XML file of a partition configuration for Intel SoC-FPGAs.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> <!-- Linux Distribution Blueprint XML file --> <!-- Used by the Python script "" --> <!-- to create a custom Linux boot image file --> <!-- Description: --> <!-- item "partition" describes a partition on the final image file--> <!-- L "id" => Partition number on the final image (1 is the lowest number) --> <!-- L "type" => Filesystem type of partition --> <!-- L => ext[2-4], Linux, xfs, vfat, fat, none, raw, swap --> <!-- L "size" => Partition size --> <!-- L => <no>: Byte, <no>K: Kilobyte, <no>M: Megabyte or <no>G: Gigabyte --> <!-- L => "*" dynamic file size => Size of the files2copy + offset --> <!-- L "offset" => in case a dynamic size is used the offset value is added to file size--> <!-- L "devicetree"=> compile the Linux Device (.dts) inside the partition if available (Top folder only)--> <!-- L => Yes: Y or No: N --> <!-- L "unzip" => Unzip a compressed file if available (Top folder only) --> <!-- L => Yes: Y or No: N --> <!-- L "ubootscript" => Compile the u-boot script file ("boot.script") --> <!-- L => Yes, for the ARMv7A (32-bit) architecture ="arm" --> <!-- L => Yes, for the ARMv8A (64-bit) architecture ="arm64" --> <!-- L => No ="" --> <LinuxDistroBlueprint> <partition id="1" type="vfat" size="*" offset="500M" devicetree="Y" unzip="N" ubootscript="arm" /> <partition id="2" type="ext3" size="*" offset="1M" devicetree="N" unzip="Y" ubootscript="" /> <partition id="3" type="RAW" size="*" offset="20M" devicetree="N" unzip="N" ubootscript="" /> </LinuxDistroBlueprint>
Customize the XML file for your Linux distribution and platform.
Generation of a directory for every configured partition
The script will generate for every selected partition a depending folder. At this point it is enabled to drag&drop files and folders to the partition folder. This content will then be included in the final image file. Linux device tree- and archive-files, copied to the partition folder, will be automatically processed by the script incase these features were enabled for the partition inside the XML file. Of cause, archive files or uncompiled device tree files will not be added to the final image.
The following illustration shows generated folder structure with the previous XML configuration file.
Copy or drag&drop your files/folders to these partition folders to pre-install these content to the final image.
Note: On RAW partitions are only files allowed!
Generation of the bootable image file with custom configuration
The script will generate a image file with name "LinuxDistroYYYYMMDD_HHMM.img". Additionally, it is possible to generate a ".zip" archive file with the name "". Tools, like "rufus" can process this ".zip" file directly and can bring it onto a SD-Card.
Beside the usage of this Python script as an console application it is enabled to use it inside a other Python application. The "LinuxBootImageGenerator" consists of two Python classes:
Class | Description |
Partition | Descries a filesystem partition |
BootImageCreator | The Linux Boot image generator |
The following steps describes in the right sequence the required Python methods to generate a image file:
Generation of a XML configuration file
Configure the image partition by creating objects of the class "Partition". Description of the construtor of the class "Partition":
# # @brief Constructor # @param diagnosticOutput Enable/Disable the console printout # @param id Partition Number of the partition table (1-4) # @param type Filesystem name as string "ext[2-4], Linux, xfs, vfat, fat, none, raw, swap" # @param size_str Size of the partition as string # Format: <no>: Byte, <no>K: Kilobyte, <no>M: Megabyte or <no>G: Gigabyte # "*" dynamic file size => Size of the files2copy + offset # @param offset_str In case a dynamic size is used the offset value is added to file size # @param devicetree Compile the Linux Device (.dts) inside the partition if available # @param unzip Unzip a compressed file if available # @param ubootscript Compile the u-boot script "boot.script" for architecture "arm" or "arm64" # @param operation_mode File scan mode: 1= List every file | 0= List only top files and folders # def __init__(self,diagnosticOutput=True, id=None, type=None,size_str=None, offset_str=None,devicetree=False,unzip=False,,ubootscript=None, operation_mode=0):
Add folders/files to the partitions
To include directories and files to a partition are two methodes available. To add every file inside in file path to the partition use following methode of the class "Partition":
# # @brief Find files in a directory and add them to the file list # These files will then be added to the partition # @param diagnosticOutput Enable/Disable the console printout # @param searchPath Directory to search # def findFileDirectories(self,diagnosticOutput=True,searchPath = None):
By using a list of file- or folder directories to add to the partition use following methode of the class "Partition":
# # @brief Import files to the file list # These files will then be added to the partition # @param diagnosticOutput Enable/Disable the console printout # @param fileDirectories List of File directories to import # def importFileDirectories(self,diagnosticOutput,*fileDirectories):
Calculate partition sizes
Use following methode of the class "Partition" to calculate the required sizes for the partition:
# # # @brief Calculate the total file size of all files to import to the partition # @param diagnosticOutput Enable/Disable the console printout # def calculatePartitionFilesize(self,diagnosticOutput=True):
Create a BootImage Generator object
Use constructor of the "BootImageCreator" class to create a new object:
# # @brief Constructor # @param partitionTable partitionTable as list of "Partition" class objects # @param outputFileName Name of the output image file with the suffix ".img" # @param pathOfOutputImageDir File path of the output image file # def __init__(self, partitionTable=None,outputFileName=None,pathOfOutputImageDir=None):
Optional: Print the final partition table
Use following method of the class "BootImageCreator" to print all sizes of the partition table to generate:
# # @brief Print the loaded partition table # def printPartitionTable(self):
Generate the output image file
Use following method of the Python class "BootImageCreator" generate the final bootable image file:
# # @brief Generate a new Image file with the selected partitions # @param diagnosticOutput Enable/Disable the console printout # def generateImage(self, diagnosticOutput = True):
Optional: Print the partition table inside the image file
To back check the image generating process it is possible with following method of the class "BootImageCreator" to print the partition table of generated image file:
# # @brief Print the final image partition with fdisk # @param diagnosticOutput Enable/Disable the console printout # def printFinalPartitionTable(self,diagnosticOutput=True):
Optional: Compress the generated image file
Use following method of the class "BootImageCreator" to zip the output image file:
# # @brief Compress the output image file to ".zip" # @param diagnosticOutput Enable/Disable the console printout # @param zipfileName Path with name of the zip file # def compressOutput(self, diagnosticOutput=True,zipfileName=None):
Use following commands inside your repository to link this Python library to your build system:
git submodule LinuxBootImageFileGenerator & git submodule update --init
To update the linked repository (submodule) use following command:
git pull --recurse-submodules & git submodule update --remote --recursive
Example output after an execution
vm@vm2:~/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator$ python3
# #
# ######## ###### ## ## ####### ###### ######## ####### #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
# ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## #
# ######## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
# ## ## ###### ## ####### ###### ## ####### #
# #
# #
# by Robin Sebastian ( #
# Contact: #
# Vers.: 1.01 #
# #
---> The Linux Distribution blueprint XML file exists
---> Read the XML blueprint file
---> Load the items of XML file
--> Working folder name:"Pat_1_vfat"
--> Working folder name:"Pat_2_ext3"
--> Working folder name:"Pat_3_raw"
# Copy files to the partition folders to allow the pre-installment #
# to the depending image partition #
# #
# === Folders for every partition === #
# Folder: "Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat"| No.: 1 Filesystem: vfat Size: *
# Folder: "Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3"| No.: 2 Filesystem: ext3 Size: *
# Folder: "Image_partitions/Pat_3_raw"| No.: 3 Filesystem: raw Size: *
# #
# #
# Compress the output image file? #
# Should the output file be compressed as .zip to reduce the size #
# Image creator tools like "Rufus" can directly work with .zip files #
# #
# Y: Compress the output image as .zip #
# Q: Quit the script #
# Any other input: Do not compress the output image #
# #
# Please type ... #y
---> Scan every partition folder to find all file directories
and calculate the total partition size
--> Scan path "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat" to find a files inside it
--> Compile a Linux Device Tree (.dts) file
Looking for a .dts in the top folder
DTS File: socfpga_cy5.dts
Remove the old output filesocfpga_cy5.dtb
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:86.20-92.5: Warning (simple_bus_reg): /soc/base-fpga-region: missing or empty reg/ranges property
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:770.10-789.5: Warning (simple_bus_reg): /soc/eccmgr: missing or empty reg/ranges property
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:873.13-877.5: Warning (simple_bus_reg): /soc/sdramedac: missing or empty reg/ranges property
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:994.10-999.5: Warning (simple_bus_reg): /soc/usbphy: missing or empty reg/ranges property
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:80.5-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/amba/pdma@ffe01000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:98.4-19: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/can@ffc00000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:107.4-19: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/can@ffc01000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:150.6-21: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/main_pll@40:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:157.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/main_pll@40/mpuclk@48:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:166.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/main_pll@40/mainclk@4c:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:175.7-26: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/main_pll@40/dbg_base_clk@50:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:175.7-26: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/main_pll@40/dbg_base_clk@50:clocks: cell 1 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:184.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/main_pll@40/main_qspi_clk@54:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:192.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/main_pll@40/main_nand_sdmmc_clk@58:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:200.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/main_pll@40/cfg_h2f_usr0_clk@5c:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:211.6-29: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/periph_pll@80:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:211.6-29: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/periph_pll@80:clocks: cell 1 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:211.6-29: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/periph_pll@80:clocks: cell 2 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:218.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/periph_pll@80/emac0_clk@88:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:226.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/periph_pll@80/emac1_clk@8c:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:234.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/periph_pll@80/per_qsi_clk@90:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:242.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/periph_pll@80/per_nand_mmc_clk@94:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:250.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/periph_pll@80/per_base_clk@98:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:258.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/periph_pll@80/h2f_usr1_clk@9c:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:269.6-29: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/sdram_pll@c0:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:269.6-29: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/sdram_pll@c0:clocks: cell 1 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:269.6-29: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/sdram_pll@c0:clocks: cell 2 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:276.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/sdram_pll@c0/ddr_dqs_clk@c8:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:284.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/sdram_pll@c0/ddr_2x_dqs_clk@cc:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:292.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/sdram_pll@c0/ddr_dq_clk@d0:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:300.7-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/sdram_pll@c0/h2f_usr2_clk@d4:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:309.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/mpu_periph_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:317.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/mpu_l2_ram_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:325.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/l4_main_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:333.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/l3_main_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:341.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/l3_mp_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:350.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/l3_sp_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:358.6-27: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/l4_mp_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:358.6-27: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/l4_mp_clk:clocks: cell 1 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:367.6-27: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/l4_sp_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:367.6-27: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/l4_sp_clk:clocks: cell 1 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:376.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/dbg_at_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:385.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/dbg_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:394.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/dbg_trace_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:403.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/dbg_timer_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:411.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/cfg_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:419.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/h2f_user0_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:427.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/emac_0_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:435.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/emac_1_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:443.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/usb_mp_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:452.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/spi_m_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:461.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/can0_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:470.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/can1_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:479.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/gpio_db_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:488.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/h2f_user1_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:496.6-31: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/sdmmc_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:496.6-31: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/sdmmc_clk:clocks: cell 1 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:496.6-31: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/sdmmc_clk:clocks: cell 2 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:505.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/sdmmc_clk_divided:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:514.6-31: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/nand_x_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:514.6-31: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/nand_x_clk:clocks: cell 1 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:514.6-31: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/nand_x_clk:clocks: cell 2 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:522.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/nand_ecc_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:530.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/nand_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:539.6-31: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/qspi_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:539.6-31: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/qspi_clk:clocks: cell 1 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:539.6-31: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/qspi_clk:clocks: cell 2 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:547.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/ddr_dqs_clk_gate:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:555.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/ddr_2x_dqs_clk_gate:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:563.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/ddr_dq_clk_gate:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:571.6-22: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/clkmgr@ffd04000/clocks/h2f_user2_clk:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:582.4-19: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/fpga_bridge@ff400000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:590.4-19: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/fpga_bridge@ff500000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:608.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/ethernet@ff700000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:627.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/ethernet@ff702000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:658.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/gpio@ff708000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:680.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/gpio@ff709000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:702.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/gpio@ff70a000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:725.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/i2c@ffc04000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:738.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/i2c@ffc05000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:751.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/i2c@ffc06000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:763.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/i2c@ffc07000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:822.4-25: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/dwmmc0@ff704000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:822.4-25: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/dwmmc0@ff704000:clocks: cell 1 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:841.4-30: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/nand@ff900000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:841.4-30: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/nand@ff900000:clocks: cell 1 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:841.4-30: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/nand@ff900000:clocks: cell 2 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:886.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/spi@fff00000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:905.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/spi@fff01000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:921.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/timer@fffec600:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:928.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/timer0@ffc08000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:939.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/timer1@ffc09000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:950.4-19: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/timer2@ffd00000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:961.4-19: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/timer3@ffd01000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:974.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/serial0@ffc02000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:987.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/serial1@ffc03000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:1005.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/usb@ffb00000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:1019.4-20: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/usb@ffb40000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:1033.4-19: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/watchdog@ffd02000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:1042.4-19: Warning (clocks_property): /soc/watchdog@ffd03000:clocks: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:975.4-33: Warning (dmas_property): /soc/serial0@ffc02000:dmas: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:975.4-33: Warning (dmas_property): /soc/serial0@ffc02000:dmas: cell 2 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:988.4-33: Warning (dmas_property): /soc/serial1@ffc03000:dmas: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:988.4-33: Warning (dmas_property): /soc/serial1@ffc03000:dmas: cell 2 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:1009.4-18: Warning (phys_property): /soc/usb@ffb00000:phys: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:1023.4-18: Warning (phys_property): /soc/usb@ffb40000:phys: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:581.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/fpga_bridge@ff400000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:589.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/fpga_bridge@ff500000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:610.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/ethernet@ff700000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:629.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/ethernet@ff702000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:724.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/i2c@ffc04000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:737.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/i2c@ffc05000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:750.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/i2c@ffc06000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:762.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/i2c@ffc07000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:930.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/timer0@ffc08000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:941.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/timer1@ffc09000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:952.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/timer2@ffd00000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:963.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/timer3@ffd01000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:1007.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/usb@ffb00000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:1021.4-25: Warning (resets_property): /soc/usb@ffb40000:resets: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:1071.4-28: Warning (gpios_property): /leds/hps0:gpios: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts:1081.4-28: Warning (gpios_property): /gpio-keys/reset:gpios: cell 0 is not a phandle reference
--> Compilation of the Linux Device Tree file "socfpga_cy5.dts" done
Name of outputfile: "socfpga_cy5.dtb"
Exclute the file "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dts" from the list
== File processing for the folder is done
Number of files: 4
--> Calculate the entire size of partition no.1
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/uboot_a10.scr
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/zImage
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dtb
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga.rbf
--> Scan path "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3" to find a files inside it
--> Uncompress Archive files
Looking for archive files inside the top folder
Process .tar files
Process .tar.gz files
Unzip the file:" /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/rootfs.tar.gz"
Process .tar.gz files
--> Uncompressing of all files is done
Exclute the archive file "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/rootfs.tar.gz" from the list
== File processing for the folder is done
Number of files: 15
--> Calculate the entire size of partition no.2
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/etc
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/etc"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/sys
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/sys"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/mnt
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/mnt"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/home
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/home"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/boot
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/boot"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/tmp
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/tmp"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/media
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/media"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/run
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/run"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/proc
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/proc"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/sbin
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/sbin"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/var
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/var"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/dev
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/dev"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/usr
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/usr"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/lib
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/lib"
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/bin
Calculate folder size of folder "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/bin"
--> Scan path "/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_3_raw" to find a files inside it
== File processing for the folder is done
Number of files: 1
--> Calculate the entire size of partition no.3
Read file size of: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_3_raw/u-boot-with-spl.sfp
---> Insert the partition list to the image generator
-> Print the loaded Partition table
-- Partition Table --
--- Partition No. 1 ---
Filesystem: vfat | Size: *
Offset: 1M
File2copy: 15M | Total: 16M
Filled: 94%
L-- Size: 0B | Offset: 1048576B | Total: 16740940B
--- Partition No. 2 ---
Filesystem: ext3 | Size: *
Offset: 500M
File2copy: 761M | Total: 2G
Filled: 60%
L-- Size: 0B | Offset: 524288000B | Total: 1321369265B
--- Partition No. 3 ---
Filesystem: raw | Size: *
Offset: 20M
File2copy: 826K | Total: 21M
Filled: 4%
L-- Size: 0B | Offset: 20971520B | Total: 21817242B
Total Image size: 2G 1359927447B
Image File Name: "LinuxDistro20200723_1334.img"
Start generating the image by typing anything to continue ... (q/Q for quite)
--> Start generating all partitions of the table
[sudo] password for vm:
--> Create loopback device
losetup: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/LinuxDistro20200723_1334.img: Warning: file does not fit into a 512-byte sector; the end of the file will be ignored.
losetup: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/LinuxDistro20200723_1334.img: Warning: file does not fit into a 512-byte sector; the end of the file will be ignored.
Loopback device used:/dev/loop11
--> Calculate partition blocks and sectors for the table
Pat.:1 Start: 2048 Block size: 32699
Pat.:2 Start: 34748 Block size: 2580801
Pat.:3 Start: 2615550 Block size: 42613
--> Create Partition Table
with loopback device: /dev/loop11
"fdisk" pipe is open
Create Partition No. 1 with fdisk
Write the Filesystem type: vfat HEX: b
= done
Create Partition No. 2 with fdisk
Write the Filesystem type: ext3 HEX: 83
= done
Create Partition No. 3 with fdisk
Write the Filesystem type: raw HEX: a2
= done
Progess change with fdisk and leave
fdisk work done
--> Check partition with partprobe
= Okay
--> Remove the loopback "/dev/loop11"
+ Prase partition Number 1
--> Prase partition with ID:1
--> Create loopback device
losetup: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/LinuxDistro20200723_1334.img: Warning: file does not fit into a 512-byte sector; the end of the file will be ignored.
Loopback device used:/dev/loop11
--> Format partition
--> Format partition with: mkfs.vfat
Execute Linux command mkfs.vfat
Execution is done
--> Copy all files to the partition No.1
--> Mount filesystem vfat to the partition
Create mounting point folder /tmp/1595504084_32535
= done
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/uboot_a10.scr"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/zImage"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga_cy5.dtb"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_1_vfat/socfpga.rbf"
== Done
--> Unmount Partition with mounting point "/tmp/1595504084_32535"
--> Remove the loopback "/dev/loop11"
= Done
+ Prase partition Number 2
--> Prase partition with ID:2
--> Create loopback device
losetup: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/LinuxDistro20200723_1334.img: Warning: file does not fit into a 512-byte sector; the end of the file will be ignored.
Loopback device used:/dev/loop11
--> Format partition
--> Format partition with: mkfs.ext3
Execute Linux command mkfs.ext3
Execution is done
--> Copy all files to the partition No.2
--> Mount filesystem ext3 to the partition
Create mounting point folder /tmp/1595504093_32535
= done
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/etc"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/sys"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/mnt"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/home"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/boot"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/tmp"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/media"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/run"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/proc"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/sbin"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/var"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/dev"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/usr"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/lib"
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_2_ext3/bin"
== Done
--> Unmount Partition with mounting point "/tmp/1595504093_32535"
--> Remove the loopback "/dev/loop11"
= Done
+ Prase partition Number 3
--> Prase partition with ID:3
--> Create loopback device
losetup: /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/LinuxDistro20200723_1334.img: Warning: file does not fit into a 512-byte sector; the end of the file will be ignored.
Loopback device used:/dev/loop11
--> Format partition
--> Format partition with: None
--> Copy all files to the partition No.3
Copy file:"/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/Image_partitions/Pat_3_raw/u-boot-with-spl.sfp"
== Done
--> Remove the loopback "/dev/loop11"
= Done
--> Print the partition table of the final Image file with "fdisk"
Disk /home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/LinuxDistro20200723_1334.img: 1,27 GiB, 1359927296 bytes, 2656108 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0xacdf836b
Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/LinuxDistro20200723_1334.img1 2048 34747 32700 16M b W95
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/LinuxDistro20200723_1334.img2 34748 2615549 2580802 1,2G 83 Linu
/home/vm/Desktop/LinuxBootImageFileGenerator/LinuxDistro20200723_1334.img3 2615550 2656107 40558 19,8M a2 unkn
---> Compress the output image as .zip
--> Zip the image file with the name ""
== Done
# #
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Output file:"Image_partitions" #
# Compressed Output file:"" #
# #
# #
# ( #
# #
# #
# LinuxBootImageGenerator and rsYocto are projects, that I have fully #
# developed on my own. No companies are involved in these projects. #
# I am recently graduated as Master of Since of electronic engineering #
# Please support me for further development #
# #
- rsyocto; Robin Sebastian,M.Sc. (LinkedIn)
LinuxBootImageFileGenerator and rsyocto are self-developed projects in which no other companies are involved. It is specifically designed to serve students and the Linux/FPGA open-source community with its publication on GitHub and its open-source MIT license. In the future, rsyocto will retain its open-source status and it will be further developed.
Due to the enthusiasm of commercial users, special features for industrial, scientific and automotive applications were developed and ready for the implementation in a highly optimazed closed commercial version. Partnerships as an embedded SoC-FPGA design service to fulfil these specific commercial requirements are offered. It should help, besides students with the rsyocto open-source version, commercial users, as well.
For commercial users, please visit the rsyocto embedded service provider website: