The main mission description can be serialized as xml document. The following sections describe the available tags describes the current format using the example file
The root node's tag is 'mission' and since the document is valid xml, namespaces can be used to compact the representation of IRIs (International Resource Identifier).
<mission xmlns=""
The 'name' and 'description' tag are mainly informal, and have no effect on the planning part.
<name>Immobile and mobile system deployment</name>
Immobile system needs a transport, but the mobile system is not dedicated to transport the
If you have a valid organization model installed - typically the TransTerrA model will automatically be installed, through this library's dependency on the library multiagent/organization model, then you have to reference it via its IRI. This allows then to use the agent models and properties that are defined within the respective organization model, for further usage as 'model' or 'property' for describing resource requirements and constraints.
An 'overrides' section allows to set a numeric property for a particular model, without manipulating the organization model directly.
Each mission has a limited fleet of agents that can be used for planning purposes. The fleet is specified in the 'resources' section and by defining the 'maxCardinality', i.e. maximum number of agents of a particular model that can be used for this mission. This does not mean that all available agents have to be used, a lesser number is possible, but as 'max' implies, not more.
Note, that how an actual model looks like, what properties it has etc. that is all part of the design of the referenced organization model.
The following 'constants' are available for definition:
- location
A location can be specified in two ways: Cartesian (x,y,z) or using Longitude Latitude:
The Cartesian representation is straight forward:
The Longitude-Latitude representation requires the definition of a 'radius', here, moon and earth, so that a projection to Cartesian coordinates can be made. Note, that internally, a location will only be handled with Cartesian coordinates.
Although timepoints are constants, the library currently only uses an implicit definition of them, i.e., they are can be used in the requirements or constraints section without explicitly declaring them in the constant section. Note, that this will be a subject to change.
Spatio Temporal Requirements (STRs) are collected with the 'requirements' section and are represented as follows:
<requirement id='0'>
The spatial-requirement and temporal requirements in combination define a space-interval tuple, where the location has to be defined in the constants section. The resource requirement collect minimum cardinality constraints, which are specified for each model - only model that have been defined in the resources section can be used.
Three types of constraints exist:
- temporal (quantitative)
- temporal (qualitative)
- model
Qualitative temporal constraints can be specified with using the following tags representing the relations:
- greaterThan
- lessThan
- equals
- greaterOrEqual
- lessOrEqual
- distinct
The attributes lval and rval define the relation arguments.
Quantitative temporal constraints are specified with the following syntax:
<duration min="50" max="100">
where the min and max attributes define the lower and upper time bounds respectively (in seconds), for the time interval [from,to].
The following model constraints are available:
Type | Description |
min | minimum cardinality |
max | maximum cardinality |
min-access | minimum access to a location (always or temporally bounded) |
max-access | maximum access to a location (always or temporally bounded) |
min-distinct | minimum number of distinct model instances |
max-distinct | maximum number of distinct model instances |
all-distinct | all agent models have to be distinct |
min-equal | minimum number of equal model instances |
max-equal | maximum number of equal model instances |
all-equal | all model instances have to be the same |
min-function | minimum function requirement |
max-function | maximum function requirement |
min-property | minimum value for a given property for an agent model |
max-property | maximum value for a given property for an agent model |
The constraint can apply to to existing requirements and their corresponding spatio-temporal qualification (location, [from, to]). Minimum and maximum access constraints can also refer only to the location, which implies a constraint with a spatio-temporal qualification (location, [timehorizon_start, timehorizon_end]), where timehorizon_start is the start of the mission and timehorizon_end. In this case the constraint applies to the timeinterval of the full mission. A corresponding min access constraint can be interpreted such that a minimum of one model instance has to be present on this location of the full mission, e.g., to guarantee an uninterrupted service, and max at most one can be present at any time, e.g., which might be the result of size constraints.
<!-- location access constraint -->
<!-- unification constraint -->
<min-distinct value="10">
<max-distinct value="2"> <!-- that would equal all-distinct -->
<min-equal value="1">
<max-equal value="1">
<!-- function: number of distinct systems to be available -->
<max-function value="10">
<min-function value="10">
<!-- when general properties makes sense -->
<max-property value="1000">
<min-property value="10">
<!-- min/max model cardinalities are part of the fluent time resource
representation -->