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SelfCare's common components & features

This library contains utilities, components, decorators, custom hooks and features built for the selfcare project.


This libray has been built using react-i18next and string inside of it are also localizated. Actually the library contains the only "it" translation. The translations for the keys of the common components can be overwritten using the resources used during configuration. In order to configure it call the method configureI18n of the module locale/locale-utils which accept the following parameters:

Param Type Mandatory Description
resources Y { [lang: string]: any } a map containing the language as key and the map containing the key/translated messages as value. These values overwrite common's component keys if desired
defaultLanguage N string as default it language


In order to use these components it's necessary to set the following keys of the CONFIG object imported from /config/env as first things inside the application:

Key Type Description DefaultValue
URL_FE.LOGIN_GOOGLE string The url of the google login page /auth/google
URL_FE.LOGIN string The url of the login page /auth/login
URL_FE.LOGOUT string The url of the logout page /auth/logout
URL_FE.ASSISTANCE string The url of the assistance page /assistenza
MOCKS.MOCK_USER boolean If the application should configure a logged mocked User usable in DEV environment false
ANALYTICS.* See analitics feature
CONSENT.* See consent management feature



SelfCare Header component

Prop Type Mandatory Description
withSecondHeader Y boolean If true, it will render an other toolbar under the Header
productsList N ArrayProductEntity The list of products in header. Default []
selectedPartyId N The party id selected
selectedProductId N The product id selected. Default
partyList N ArrayPartyEntity The parties list. Default []
loggedUser Y `JwtUser false`
assistanceEmail N string The email to which the assistance button will ask to send an email, if the user is not logged in, otherwise it will be redirect to the assistance form
onSelectedProduct N (product: ProductSwitchItem) => void The function invoked when the user click on a product
onSelectedParty N (exitAction: () => void) => void The function invoked when the user click on a party from the switch
onExit N (exitAction: () => void) => void The function invoked when exiting from the application. As default it will just invoke the exitAction. Default exitAction => exitAction()
enableLogin N boolean If false, it will hide login/logout buttons. Default true
userActions N Array <UserAction> The users actions inside the user dropdown. It's visible only if enableLogin and enableDropdown are true. Default []
enableDropdown N boolean If true the user dropdown in headerAccount component is visible. It's visible only if enableLogin is true. Default false
addSelfcareProduct N boolean If true it concatenates selfcareProduct with productsList. Default true


SelfCare Footer component

Prop Type Mandatory Description
loggedUser Y boolean The logged user or false if there is not a valid session
onExit N (exitAction: () => void) => void The function invoked when exiting from the application. As default it will just invoke the exitAction. Default exitAction => exitAction()


Avatar to use to load Organization logo

Prop Type Mandatory Description
id string N The id attribute added to the element
customSrc string N The logo src
customAlt string N The alt text showed instead of the image
customWidth string N Logo width
customHeight string N Logo height
loading boolean N If true it will not display the component


Selfcare custom table available pages component

Prop Type Mandatory Description
page Page Y The actual page
sort string N The actual sort applied
onPageRequest (r: PageRequest) => void Y The function to be invoked if the user change page


Modal used to show a list of values from which to choose a single value

Prop Type Mandatory Description
open boolean Y If the popup is to be displayed
handleClose React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> Y The function to be invoked when clicking on exit button or selecting a value
title string Y The popup title
filterModalConfig FilterModalConfig<any, any> N See below
height string N The popup height
minHeight string N The popup minHeight

FilterModalConfig fields:

Field Type Mandatory Description
data Array<T> Y The list of values between to which choose
getLabel (e: T) => string Y A function that will select the label to show
getValue (e: T) => string Y A function that will select the value to return when selecting an item
onFilterChange (v: V) => void Y The function invoked when selecting a value


Selfcare's popup

Prop Type Mandatory Description
open boolean Y If this component should be displayed or not
title string Y The title to show in the popup
message React.ReactNode Y The body to show in the popup
onConfirm React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> N If defined, it will render a confirm button using this function as behavior
onConfirmEnabled boolean N If the confirm button should be enabled. Default true
onConfirmLabel string N The confirm label text
productEnvironments Array<{environment: string;url: string;}> N Introduced to manage the presence of test environments in the products, if defined, it will render as many buttons as there are test environments for the product
handleClose React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> Y The function invoked when clicking on close button or in the showed X icon
handleExit React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> N If defined, it allow to set a different behavior when clicking on X icon
onCloseLabel string N Close button text
height string N The popup height
minHeight string N The popup minHeight
width string N The popup width


Selfcare's page title

Prop Type Mandatory Description
title string Y The title to show
subTitle string N The subtitle to show
mtTitle number N The margin top of the title
mbTitle number N The margin bottom of the title
mbSubTitle number N The margin bottom of the subtitle
variantTitle Variant N The variant of the Typografy used for the title
variantSubTitle Variant N The variant of the Typografy used for the subtitle


Selfcare's toast

Prop Type Mandatory Description
open boolean Y If this component should be displayed or not
logo React.ElementType N The logo to be rendered. As default a confirm logo will be used
leftBorderColor string N The color used for the left border.
title string Y The toast title
message React.ReactNode Y The toast body
onCloseToast ()=>void Y The function to be invoked when closing the toast
width string N The toast width
wrapped boolean N If true, it will not position itself as fixed. Default false
bottom string N If not wrapped, the pixel from the bottom of the viewport where to place the toast. Default "64px"
rigth string N If not wrapped, the pixel from the right side of the viewport where to place the toast. Default "64px"


To stack multiple Toast component. Each Toast should have the prop wrapped setted to true

Prop Type Mandatory Description
bottom string N The pixel from the bottom of the viewport where to place the toast. Default "64px"
rigth string N The pixel from the right side of the viewport where to place the toast. Default "64px"

Ending Page

Selfcare's ending page

Prop Type Mandatory Description
icon React.ReactElement N The ending page icon
title string Y The ending page title
description React.ReactNode Y The ending page description
buttonLabel string N The ending page button label if any
onButtonClick () => void N if defined it will show a button that will performe this action on click
variantTitle ( 'button' 'caption'
variantDescription ( 'button' 'caption'


Selfcare's navigation bar

Prop Type Mandatory Description
paths Array<NavigationPath> Y The array which describe the navigation structure to display

NavigationPath's fields:

field Type Mandatory Description
description string Y The text displayed
onClick () => void N If defined, it will represent the function executed when clicking on the element. Moreover it will be displayed in bold


A component which render an overlay loading

Prop Type Mandatory Description
open boolean Y if show the loading overlay or not

NavigationPath's fields:

field Type Mandatory Description
description string Y The text displayed
onClick () => void N If defined, it will represent the function executed when clicking on the element. Moreover it will be displayed in bold



onRedirectToLogin: (store: EnhancedStore) => void

To show an error popup to inform of the not valid session

buildFetchApi = (timeoutMs: number = 300000) => fetch

Return the implementation of fetch configured with a timeout

extractResponse <R>(response: t.Validation<TypeofApiResponse<any>>, successHttpStatus: number, onRedirectToLogin: () => void, notValidTokenHttpStatus: number | null = 401, notAuthorizedTokenHttpStatus: number | null = 403, emptyResponseHttpStatus: number | null = 404): Promise<R>

Extract the response of a @pagopa/openapi-codegen-ts generated client rest invocation having status code successHttpStatus. If notValidTokenHttpStatus is not null and the returned status is equal to notValidTokenHttpStatus, it will call the onRedirectToLogin function and will schedule the redirect towards logout path. If notAuthorizedTokenHttpStatus is not null and the returned status is equal to notAuthorizedTokenHttpStatus, it will throw an Error with message "Operation not allowed". If emptyResponseHttpStatus is not null and the returned status is equal to emptyResponseHttpStatus, it will return a promise that resolve to null value. Other statuses will return will throw a generic error.


roleLabels: { [key in UserRole]: { shortLabel: string; longLabel: string } }

The short and long labels used for the roles of selfcare's projects


resolvePathVariables: (path: string, pathVariables: { [key: string]: string }): string

It will resolve the path variables in path using the provided map


storageDelete: (key: string, local?: boolean) => void

It will delete a key from the session storage. If local is true, it will use the local session storage instead.

storageWrite: (key: string, value: StorageValue, type: StorageValueType, local?: boolean) => void

It will store a key/value pair in the session storage. If local is true, it will use the local session storage instead.

storageRead: (key: string, type: StorageValueType, local?: boolean) => void

It will read a key from the session storage. If local is true, it will use the local session storage instead.

storageOpsBuilder(key: string, type: StorageValueType, local: boolean): StorageOps

It will build an object containing a complete set of operation to perform on the same key.


formatDateAsLongString: (date: Date) => string

It will return a string representing the provided date in the italian format gg mmm aaaa


An utility script to use when generating the stub through @pagopa/openapi-codegen-ts in order to handle the REST api whose operations returns an array of objects



An object containing a complete set of operation on the storage regarding the key used to store in the storage the loggedUser token in selfcare projects.


An object containing a complete set of operation on the storage regarding the key used to store in the storage the loggedUser in selfcare projects.



This feature is based on react-redux library and require to register the reducer build in userSlice into the application's redux store. This decorator has to be applied to components whose acces require an active session. Accessing to the components decorated with it without a session will brought to the login page. It's possible to modify the login path changing the value in CONFIG.URL_FE.LOGIN inside the index.tsx file


Decorator to retrieve a value and serve it once ready to the decorated component, moreover it will provide the decorated component a function to re-execute the retrieve method.

Using it together with useReduxCachedValue will allow to build a component which will use centralized and cached data (the reload function in this case will call again the function that will retrieve cached data).

See withRetrievedValue.test.tsx file for an example.

Given the following type parameters:

  • ENTITY_TYPE extends Record<string, any>,
  • PROP_NAME extends string,
  • PROPS extends Record<PROP_NAME, ENTITY_TYPE>

The arguments to provide to the decorator are the following:

Prop Type Mandatory Description
propEntityName PROP_NAME Y The name of the prop to which serve the value when available
getRetrieverService () => () => Promise<ENTITY_TYPE> Y A function that will return an other function to retrieve the expected value. This for allow the use of custom hook
WrappedComponent React.ComponentType<PROPS> Y The component to decore
onError (appError: AppError) => void N What to do in case of error. As default, it will use the feature ErrorBoundary
onLoading ReactNode N A component to show while waiting for the value

Custom Hooks


Custom hook used to simulate paginated resources when the external service doesn't implement it, caching values when filter doesn't change and serving them a page at time. Cached values are stored using useRef, so they are local to the component using this hook. The sorting actually is applied using string representation


See useReduxCachedValueParametricRetrieverTranscoded when there is not RETRIEVER_ARGS and RETRIEVED_VALUE === RETRIEVER_ARGS


See useReduxCachedValueParametricRetrieverTranscoded when RETRIEVED_VALUE === RETRIEVER_ARGS


See useReduxCachedValueParametricRetrieverTranscoded when there is not RETRIEVER_ARGS


It will return a method that will call the retrieverService only when there are not storing values, or a condition on them is not more verified. See useReduxCachedValue.test.tsx file for an example.

Given the following type parametes:

  • RETRIEVED_VALUE the type desired
  • STORED_VALUE the type stored

The arguments to provide to the custom hook are the following:

Prop Type Mandatory Description
entity string Y The name of the entity, used just for logging purpose
retrieverService (retrieverServiceArgs: RETRIEVER_ARGS) => Promise<RETRIEVED_VALUE> Y The service that will retrieve the value
reduxSelector (state: any) => STORED_VALUE undefined Y
reduxSetterAction (value: RETRIEVED_VALUE, retrieverServiceArgs: RETRIEVER_ARGS) => PayloadAction<STORED_VALUE> Y The action to store the value
selectedValue2RetrievedValue (value: STORED_VALUE, args: RETRIEVER_ARGS) => RETRIEVED_VALUE Y A function called to transform STORED_VALUE into RETRIEVED_VALUE and called when hitting the cache
selectedValuePredicate2Retrieve (value: STORED_VALUE, retrieverServiceArgs: RETRIEVER_ARGS) => boolean N An optional predicate evaluated when reduxSelector returned some value in order to compare it against the retrieverServiceArgs and evaluate if retrieverService should be called again
alwaysRetrieve boolean N If true, it will always retrieve and store the new value



This feature is based on react-redux library and require to register the reducer build in appStateSlice into the application's redux store. It allows to draw a loader when an async task to wait is running.

To use this feature you have to put LoadingOverlay in your App as a child of a redux Provider component. In order to register the start of an async task you have to use the custom hook useLoading passing the id of the task to await, which will return a setter function used to start and end the loading behavior.


This feature is based on react-redux library and require to register the reducer build in appStateSlice into the application's redux store. It allows to dispatch errors in order to display a warning or the error page to the user. Errors dispatched will be notified using errorService

To use this feature you have to put ErrorBOundary in your App as a child of a redux Provider component. In order to dispatch an error you have to use the custom hook useErrorDispatcher which will return a fuction to be used to dispatch the error.

The error to be submitted has type AppError which has the following fields:

Field Type Mandatory Description
id string Y The identifier used to recognize the error: it cannot be possible to have the same error id at the same time
error Error Y The Error thrown
errorInfo ErrorInfo N
blocking boolean Y If true, this error will show the error page, not allowing the user to do anything, otherwise it will show a closable popup
techDescription string Y A description of the error to send when notifying the error
displayableTitle string N A text to show as title of the popup when a not blocking error occurs
displayableDescription React.ReactNode N A text to show as body of the popup when a not blocking error occurs
onRetry () => void N If defined, in case of not blocking error, it will render a retry button which will execute this function
onClose () => void N If defined, in case of not blocking error, it will be executed when closing the popup
toNotify boolean Y If true, it will notify the error
component string N Can render a SessionModal or Toast component
autoclosable string N If component === 'Toast'. The notify will be autoclosed using this configuration, as default timer. If none, it will not be closed automatically. If timer, it will be closed after autocloseMilliseconds milliseconds
autocloseMilliseconds boolean N If component === 'Toast' and autoclosable === 'timer'. The millisecond after which close the notify. As default 2000
width string N The SessionModal or Toast width

The error will be notified as a GENERIC_ERROR through the analytcs feature


This feature is based on react-redux library and require to register the reducer build in appStateSlice into the application's redux store. It allows to dispatch User Notifies in order to display a pop up or a toast notification.

To use this feature you have to put UserNotifyHandle in your App as a child of a redux Provider component. In order to dispatch a User Notify, you have to use the custom hook useUserNotify which will return a fuction to be used to dispatch the User Notify.

The user notify to be submitted has type UserNotify which has the following fields:

Field Type Mandatory Description
id string Y The identifier used to recognize the user notify: it cannot be possible to have the same error id at the same time
title string Y / The title to show in the popup or toast
message React.ReactNode Y The body to show in the popup or toast
logo React.ElementType N If component === 'Toast'. The logo to be rendered. As default a confirm logo will be used
leftBorderColor string N If component === 'Toast'. The color used for the left border
onConfirm () => void N If component === 'SessionModal'. If defined, it will render a confirm button which will execute this function
confirmLabel string N If component === 'SessionModal'. If present, this string will rappresent the confirm button label
onClose () => void N If defined, it will be executed when closing the popup
closeLabel string N If component === 'SessionModal'. The close button label
component string N Can render a SessionModal or Toast component
autoclosable string N If component === 'Toast'. The notify will be autoclosed using this configuration, as default timer. If none, it will not be closed automatically. If timer, it will be closed after autocloseMilliseconds milliseconds
autocloseMilliseconds boolean N If component === 'Toast' and autoclosable === 'timer'. The millisecond after which close the notify. As default 10000
width string N The SessionModal or Toast width


This feature is based on react-redux library and require to register the reducer build in appStateSlice into the application's redux store. It allows to intercept when the user try to exit from the current page and ask him if he wants to continue or not.

To use this feature you have to put UnloadEventHandler in your App as a child of a redux Provider component. In order to use this feature you have to use the custom hook useUnloadEventInterceptor, which will return an object having the following keys:

  1. registerUnloadEvent: an arrow function which takes two optional parameters to customize the title and the description of the pop-up opened when invoking the exitAction function (see below) and enable the functionality.
  2. unregisterUnloadEvent: an arrow function to call in order to disable this functionality.

If you wont to enable immediately this functionality when invoking the custom hook you can use the hook useUnloadEventInterceptorAndActivate, which will enable the functionality and will disable it when unmounting the component.

In order to show a custom pop-up when the user trigger an exit action you have to use the custom hook useUnloadEventOnExit which will return an arrow function to invoke instead of the exit action passing to it the exitAction itself.

When the exitAction is the Logout you can use the custom hook useUnloadEventLogout which is the customization of the useUnloadEventOnExit using the logout as an exit action.


This feature allow to track the application events through an analytics tool. The actual version of the library make use of mixpanel tool to handle the tracking.

In order to start the analytics you have to call the initAnalytics method imported from the service/analyticsService module, otherwise this feature will be ignored

This feature can be configured with the following keys of the CONFIG object (each key has the ANALYTCS. prefix):

Key Type Description DefaultValue
ENABLED boolean If disabled, it will do nothing (except for event having name GENERIC_ERROR, if disabled, these events will be printed through console.error) false
MOCK boolean If true, it will print the event through the console.log function false
DEBUG boolean If the mixpanel's debug feature should be enabled false
TOKEN string The token to use when sending event data
API_HOST string The url where to send mixpanel events
PERSISTENCE string Where to store session data, possible values are cookie or localStorage localStorage
LOG_IP boolean If the ip should be sent false
LOG_IP boolean If the ip should be sent false
PROPERTY_BLACKLIST Array<string> If the ip should be sent ["$current_url", "$initial_referrer", "$referrer"]
ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES {[key: string]: string} An object containing a fixed set of properties to send every time, overridden if the actual event will report the same properties {}
ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES_IMPORTANT {[key: string]: string} As ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES, but these properties will take the precedence overriding events conflicting properties {}

In order track an event (once the initAnalytics method has been invoked) you have to call the trackEvent(event_name: string, properties?: any, callback?: () => void)=> void method where:

  • event_name: the name of the event
  • properties: the additional payload sent with the event
  • callback: an action taken when the track has completed (If the action taken immediately after the track is an exit action from the application, it's better to use this callback to perform the exit, in order to give to mixPanel the time to send the event)

Consent management

This feature allows the automatic enabling of the analytics feature only when the user accept to send that data.

The tool used is OneTrust, and in order to be able to use it, you have:

  1. to put the script tag obtained when registering to the service inside the head section of your index.html file.
  2. import the consentManagementConfigure.ts script inside your index.ts file (after the configuration of the common library)
Key Type Description DefaultValue
COOKIE_GROUP_ANALYTICS string The cookie group configured for the analytics tool. MixPanel's cookies are configured as default by OneTrust with C0004 group, or as Targeting Cookies C0004