This file should assist you in compiling and running the game.
openage currently consists of a pure C++ binary and the
python package which in turn includes C++ extension
modules. openage.convert
is used to generate parts of the C++
binary code.
To actually run openage, it needs original game assets that need to
be extracted by the openage.convert
python module from an
Microsoft Age of Empires 2 installation directory (Support for
setup CDs is almost finished).
We use the cmake
system for all our building needs. The configure
script is a cmake wrapper that will create a build directory and
invoke cmake with the appropriate flags. The Makefile in the project
root acts as a wrapper around several useful features.
For more build system internals, see doc/
Dependencies are needed for:
- C = compiling
- R = running
- T = media convert script
Dependency list:
CRT python >=3.3
T python imaging library (PIL) -> pillow
T numpy
CR opengl >=2.1
CR glew
CR ftgl
R dejavu font
CR freetype2
CR fontconfig
C cmake >=2.8.10
CR sdl2
CR sdl2_image
CR opusfile
T opus-tools
C gcc >=4.8 or clang >=3.3
T age of empires II conquerors expansion patch 1.0c
optionally: with userpatch/forgotten empires
expansion installed: with wine OR as the program
directory we will support more patchlevels in the
future. due to fundamental technical differences,
age of empires II HD does _not_ work yet.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake libfreetype6-dev python3-dev libglew-dev libsdl2-dev ftgl-dev libsdl2-image-dev libopusfile-dev libfontconfig1-dev opus-tools
- (obviously) clone this repo or acquire the sources some other way
- make sure you have everything from the dependency list below
./configure --mode=debug --compiler=clang++
will prepare buildingmake
will do code generation, build all python modules and the openage executablemake media AGE2DIR="~/.wine/drive_c/age2"
will convert all media files from the given age2 install folder, storing them in./userassets
make run
will run the game. try./openage --help
make test
will run the unit tests
./configure --mode=release --compiler=g++ --prefix=/usr
to compile the projectmake install
will install the binary to /usr/bin/openage, python packages to/usr/lib/python...
, static assets to/usr/share
etc.- after installing, the user will still need to run the convert
script using
python3 -m openage.convert
, to store the convert original assets to~/.openage
. This does not work yet, and the convert invocation will later be integrated into the main binary.
- Don't use
; instead, handle openage like a regularcmake
project. In doubt, have a look at./configure
's cmake invocation. - For
make install
, which will then be packed/installed by your package manager.
Help, it does't work!
Maybe you've found a bug...
Why did you make the simple task of invoking a compiler so incredibly complicated? Seriously. I've been trying to get this pile of utter crap you call a 'build system' to simply do it's job for half an hour now, but all it does is sputter unreadable error messages. I hate CMake. I'm fed up with you. Why are you doing this to me? I thought we were friends. I'm the most massive collection of wisdom that has ever existed, and now I HATE YOU. It can't be for no reason. You MUST deserve it.
- Coincidentially, the exact same question crosses my mind whenever I
have to build an
project, so I can sympathize. - Unfortunately, it's not as simple as invoking an compiler. Building
involves code generation and the building of Python C++ extension modules. - See buildsystem/simple, which does exactly these three things, manually.