I often have to fork github repositories just to send a single PR, and forget to delete them after. I'm thinking of a web-app similar to http://astralapp.com/, to manage stale forked repositories.
- Sign in with Github, app pulls in your repositories.
- Shows you a list of stale forks along with why they are stale.
- Multiple 'strategies' can be applied for considering repositories as stale
- Has no open PRs + no additional commits that aren't present upstream
- Has no open PRs, but has unmerged commits
- Has open PRs, but they've been dormant for >
days - You're now a collaborator on the original repository
- Multi-select to filter out the ones you want to delete. Done!
One tool that helps with this is remove-github-forks
Limitations of remove-github-forks
- Doesn't tell you why a fork is stale, has rigid assumptions on what stale means.
- Doesn't allow partially selecting repos. I should be able to choose to retain one or more repos and delete the others
- No GUI