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Misc ABAP Classes

This ABAP cheat sheet contains a selection of available ABAP classes, serving as a quick introduction, along with code snippets to explore the functionality in action.

💡 Note

  • The cheat sheet is not a comprehensive overview, and the code snippets do not claim to be comprehensive as far as options, methods, or parameters are concerned. It is intended to give you a rough overview, for you to get an idea. It is an invitation to a more in-depth exploration.
  • For more information and where available, refer to the class documentation (for example, choose F2 when the cursor is on the class name in ADT), the ABAP Keyword Documentation, and the SAP Help Portal documentation.
  • In the cheat sheet, the focus is on a selected set of classes that are available in ABAP Cloud.

Excursion: Available Classes in ABAP Cloud

If available to you, you have accessed an SAP BTP ABAP Environment using the ABAP development tools for Eclipse (ADT). Access to SAP-provided repository objects is restricted to objects that have been released for ABAP for Cloud Development (released APIs). You can find the released repository objects in the Project Explorer view in ADT under Released Objects. The classes are located in the Source Code Library folder:

Released APIs

You can also programmatically get the released obects. You can use specific XCO classes or a CDS view, as shown in the example code snippet below.

SELECT ReleasedObjectType, ReleasedObjectName, ReleaseState
  FROM i_apisforclouddevelopment
  WHERE releasestate = 'RELEASED'
  AND ReleasedObjectType = 'CLAS'
  ORDER BY ReleasedObjectName
  INTO TABLE @DATA(released_classes).

Creating UUIDs

Class Details/Code Snippet
CL_SYSTEM_UUID Creating and and converting system UUIDs with various algorithms

"Generating UUIDs in binary format (16 bytes)
    DATA(uuid) = cl_system_uuid=>create_uuid_x16_static( ) .
  CATCH cx_uuid_error.

"e.g. B2B012691AC31EDEADA0A495A7130961

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Displaying Output in the ADT Console

Class Details/Code Snippet
CL_DEMO_CLASSRUN As an alternative to using the IF_OO_ADT_CLASSRUN interface for displaying output in the console, you can also use the CL_DEMO_CLASSRUN class, which offers more methods. For more information, refer to this blog. The following example makes use of the CL_DEMO_CLASSRUN. A structure and an internal table are displayed in the console. A structure component is a reference variable, which is automatically dereferenced. Plus, the write_xml method is shown, which displays XML data.

CLASS zcl_some_class DEFINITION
  INHERITING FROM cl_demo_classrun


  METHOD main.
             comp1 TYPE string,
             comp2 TYPE i,
             comp3 TYPE string_table,
             comp4 TYPE REF TO string,
           END OF s,
           it_type TYPE TABLE OF s WITH EMPTY KEY.

    DATA(struct) = VALUE s( comp1 = `Hello`
                            comp2 = 1
                            comp3 = VALUE #( ( `a` ) ( `b` ) ( `a` ) ( `p` ) )
                            comp4 = NEW #( `world` ) ).

    DATA(itab) = VALUE it_type( ( struct )
                                ( comp1 = `Hi`
                                  comp2 = 2
                                  comp3 = VALUE #( ( `x` ) ( `y` ) ( `z` ) )
                                  comp4 = NEW #( `ABAP` ) ) ).

    out->write( struct ).
    out->write( itab ).

    DATA(some_xml) = cl_abap_conv_codepage=>create_out( )->convert(
    `<hi><word1>hallo</word1><word2>how</word2><word3>are</word3><word4>you</word4></hi>` ).

    out->write( some_xml ).
    out->write_xml( some_xml ).

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Class Details/Code Snippet
CL_ABAP_BEHV_AUX A utility class for retrieving information about RAP handler implementations, such as the current context of RAP handler/saver methods, the handler kind, and the current RAP transactional phase (e.g., RAP interaction phase.

"Getting the current context of RAP handler implementations; 
"storing the information (true/false) in a variable declared inline
cl_abap_behv_aux=>get_current_context( IMPORTING from_projection = FINAL(fr_proj) 
                                                 from_interface  = FINAL(fr_int) 
                                                 in_local_mode   = FINAL(loc_mode) 
                                                 draft_activate  = FINAL(dr_act) 
                                                 for_permissions = FINAL(for_perm) 
                                                 privileged      = FINAL(priv) ).

"Getting the root entity name and handler kind
"For the latter, you can check the fixed values of abp_behv_kind (e.g., 'R' stands for read)  
DATA ent TYPE abp_root_entity_name.
FINAL(handler_kind) = cl_abap_behv_aux=>get_current_handler_kind( IMPORTING root_entity = ent ).

"Getting information about the current transactional phase
FINAL(phase) = cl_abap_behv_aux=>get_current_phase( ). 
CL_ABAP_BEHAVIOR_HANDLER Used for RAP handler classes that inherit from class CL_ABAP_BEHAVIOR_HANDLER.

"Skeleton of a RAP handler class declaration part in a CCIMP include
CLASS lcl_handler DEFINITION INHERITING FROM cl_abap_behavior_handler. 
  ... "Here go RAP handler method declarations

CL_ABAP_BEHAVIOR_SAVER Used as base class from which a RAP saver class in an ABAP behavior pool (ABP) inherits. The RAP saver class must be defined in the CCIMP include of an ABP.

"Skeleton of a RAP saver class declaration part in a CCIMP include
CLASS lsc_bdef DEFINITION INHERITING FROM cl_abap_behavior_saver. 
     METHODS check_before_save REDEFINITION. 
     METHODS cleanup_finalize REDEFINITION. 

  • Same as CL_ABAP_BEHAVIOR_SAVER. It is used as base class from which a RAP saver class in an ABAP behavior pool (ABP) inherits.
  • Normally, the basic rule is that failures must not occur in the RAP late save phase, but must be detected in the RAP early save phase in order for the save to be successful. The base class CL_ABAP_BEHAVIOR_SAVER_FAILED can be used in exceptional cases where the basic rule cannot be met.
  • For more information, see the ABAP Keyword Documentation.

"Skeleton of a RAP saver class declaration part in a CCIMP include
CLASS lsc_bdef DEFINITION INHERITING FROM cl_abap_behavior_saver_failed. 
     "Unlike in CL_ABAP_BEHAVIOR_SAVER, the RAP response parameters failed and reported are included.

CL_ABAP_BEHAVIOR_EVENT_HANDLER It is used as base class from which a RAP event handler class in its CCIMP include inherits. Its purpose is to locally consume RAP business events. More information: ABAP for RAP Business Events.

"Skeleton of a RAP event handler class declaration part in a CCIMP include
"The assumption is that there are the events 'created', 'updated', and 
"'deleted' specified in the BDEF.
CLASS lhe_event DEFINITION INHERITING FROM cl_abap_behavior_event_handler.


       updated FOR some_bdef~updated.

       deleted FOR some_bdef~deleted.

       created FOR some_bdef~created.



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Transactional Consistency

Class Details/Code Snippet
  • Explicitly setting transactional phases (the modify and save transactional phase) to enable transactional consistency checks with the controlled SAP LUW (which is an extension of the SAP LUW concept)
  • The controlled SAP LUW is automatically and implicitly supported by newer ABAP concepts such as RAP, i.e. the transactional phases are implicitly active when RAP handler methods are called.
  • Operations that are not allowed in a transactional phase are detected, resulting in a runtime error in certain contexts (or the violations are logged). For example, database modifications are only allowed in the save transactional phase because the data being processed in the modify phase may be inconsistent. Therefore, a database modification in the modify phase can disrupt the SAP LUW.
  • For more information, refer to the chapter Controlled SAP LUW.
  • See the restrictions in the ABAP Keyword Documentation: ABAP for Cloud Development / Standard ABAP.


"Activating the modify transactional phase
cl_abap_tx=>modify( ).

"The following database modification statement is not allowed in the
"modify transactional phase. In certain contexts, e.g. in ABAP Cloud,
"the runtime error BEHAVIOR_ILLEGAL_STMT_IN_CALL occurs.
MODIFY zdemo_abap_carr FROM TABLE @( VALUE #(
    ( carrid = 'XY'
      carrname = 'XY Airlines'
      currcode = 'EUR'
      url =  'some_url' ) ) ).


"Activating the save transactional phase
cl_abap_tx=>save( ).

"In this phase, database modifications are allowed.
MODIFY zdemo_abap_carr FROM TABLE @( VALUE #(
    ( carrid = 'XY'
      carrname = 'XY Airlines'
      currcode = 'EUR'
      url =  'some_url' ) ) ).

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Numbers and Calculations

Class Details/Code Snippet
CL_ABAP_MATH For operations with (decimal) floating point numbers and for providing constants for minimum and maximum values.

"Constants for the minimum and maximum values of built-in numeric types
"Example: Type i
DATA(min_int4) = cl_abap_math=>min_int4. "-2147483648  
DATA(max_int4) = cl_abap_math=>max_int4. "2147483647 

"Rounding binary floating point number to 15 places using commercial rounding
DATA flpnum TYPE f VALUE '1.005'.
DATA(rd) = cl_abap_math=>round_f_to_15_decs( flpnum ). "1.005000000000001E0
DATA(str2dcm) = |{ flpnum DECIMALS = 2 }|. "1.00
DATA(str2dcm_rd) = |{ cl_abap_math=>round_f_to_15_decs( flpnum ) DECIMALS = 2 }|. "1.01

"Properties of decimal floating point numbers
"Example: 98.765; an integer with fixed precision, i.e. a given length (the length of 98765),
"which is scaled by dividing through a power of 10 (10 powered by n, representing
"the number of decimal places; in the example, the scaling is the negative exponent)
DATA(decf) = CONV decfloat34( '98.765' ).
DATA(scale) = cl_abap_math=>get_scale( decf ). "3
DATA(precision) = cl_abap_math=>get_number_of_digits( decf ). "5
CL_ABAP_DECFLOAT For handling decimal floating point numbers.

"Converting currency amounts to decimal floating point numbers using a
"a currency key. The reverse is also possible.
DATA(dec) = CONV decfloat34( '12340'
cl_abap_decfloat=>convert_decfloat_to_curr( EXPORTING amount_decfloat = dec
                                                      cuky            = 'EUR'
                                            IMPORTING amount_curr = pdec ) .

"Converting strings to decimal floating point numbers
"The character string is converted to a value of type decfloat34,
"which is passed back in VALUE.
DATA dcfl34 TYPE decfloat34.
DATA return_code TYPE i.
DATA str TYPE string VALUE `1234.8652`.
    cl_abap_decfloat=>read_decfloat34( EXPORTING string = str
                                        IMPORTING value  = dcfl34
                                                  rc     = return_code ).
    CATCH cx_sy_conversion_overflow cx_abap_decfloat_invalid_char cx_abap_decfloat_parse_err.
CL_ABAP_BIGINT For calculations with integers of any size (e.g. to avoid the risk of an arithmetic overflow). Find more information in this blog, and check out the different methods available.

"Creating an arbitrary precision integer from a variable of type i
"and calculating the power; converting the result to string
DATA(pow1) = cl_abap_bigint=>factory_from_int4( 10 )->pow( 10 )->to_string( ).
"Comparison with integer value (the maximum value of type i; see the class above)
DATA(compare_i) = cl_abap_bigint=>factory_from_int4( 10 )->pow( 10 )->compare_int4( cl_abap_math=>max_int4 ). "LARGER

"10000000000 (result)
"2147483647  (maximum value for type i)

"Comparison with the ipow function (here, an exception is raised)
    DATA(pow2) = ipow( base = 10 exp = 10 ).
  CATCH cx_sy_arithmetic_overflow.
CL_ABAP_RATIONAL For calculations with rational numbers without precision loss and rounding errors.

"Creating a rational number from a string
DATA(rat_num) = cl_abap_rational=>factory_from_string(
  EXPORTING iv_value = `-1/3` ).

"Performing an addition and converting the result to string
DATA(addition_res) = rat_num->add( cl_abap_rational=>factory_from_string(
  EXPORTING iv_value = `3/2` ) )->to_string( ). "7/6
CL_ABAP_RANDOM* For generating arbitrary numbers for different numeric types: CL_ABAP_RANDOM_INT (type i), CL_ABAP_RANDOM_INT8 (int8), CL_ABAP_RANDOM_FLOAT (f), CL_ABAP_RANDOM_PACKED (p), CL_ABAP_RANDOM_PACKED_DEC1 - CL_ABAP_RANDOM_PACKED_DEC14 (p with 1 to 14 decimal places), CL_ABAP_RANDOM_DECFLOAT16 (decfloat16), CL_ABAP_RANDOM_DECFLOAT34 (decfloat34)

"Getting multiple random integers that are to be stored in an 
"internal table of type i
DATA int_tab TYPE int_tab_type.

"The optional parameters are explicitly specified in the example;
"'seed' represents the initial starting number, you can use 
"'cl_abap_random=>seed( )' to specify an arbitrary start value
DATA(random_num1) = cl_abap_random_int=>create( seed = cl_abap_random=>seed( )
                                                min  = 1
                                                max  = 100 ).
    APPEND random_num1->get_next( ) TO int_tab.

"Getting a random integer in one go using method chaining
DATA(random_num2) = cl_abap_random_int=>create( seed = cl_abap_random=>seed( )
                                                min  = 100
                                                max  = 1000 )->get_next( ).

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String Processing

Class Details/Code Snippet

"------- (De)compressing binary data -------
DATA(str) = `This is a data object of type string. It should be converted to xstring, compressed and decompressed.`.
DATA(xstr) = cl_abap_conv_codepage=>create_out( )->convert( str ).
DATA xstr_comp TYPE xstring.

"Compressing binary data
    cl_abap_gzip=>compress_binary( EXPORTING raw_in   = xstr
                                   IMPORTING gzip_out = xstr_comp ).
  CATCH cx_parameter_invalid_range cx_sy_buffer_overflow cx_sy_compression_error.

"Comparing the length of the data objects
DATA(len_xstr) = xstrlen( xstr ). "101
DATA(len_xstr_comp) = xstrlen( xstr_comp ). "81

"Decompressing binary data
DATA xstr_decomp TYPE xstring.
    cl_abap_gzip=>decompress_binary( EXPORTING gzip_in = xstr_comp
                                     IMPORTING raw_out = xstr_decomp ).
  CATCH cx_parameter_invalid_range cx_sy_buffer_overflow cx_sy_compression_error.

DATA(len_xstr_decomp) = xstrlen( xstr_decomp ). "101
DATA(conv_str) = cl_abap_conv_codepage=>create_in( )->convert( xstr_decomp ).

DATA(is_equal) = COND #( WHEN len_xstr = len_xstr_decomp
                         AND str = conv_str
                         THEN 'X'
                         ELSE '' ). "Result: X

"------- (De)compressing character strings -------
DATA zipped TYPE xstring.
    cl_abap_gzip=>compress_text( EXPORTING text_in  = `Hello world`
                                 IMPORTING gzip_out = zipped ).
  CATCH cx_parameter_invalid_range cx_sy_buffer_overflow cx_sy_conversion_codepage cx_sy_compression_error.

DATA txt TYPE string.
    cl_abap_gzip=>decompress_text( EXPORTING gzip_in  = zipped
                                   IMPORTING text_out = txt ).
  CATCH cx_parameter_invalid_range cx_sy_buffer_overflow cx_sy_conversion_codepage cx_sy_compression_error.

ASSERT txt = `Hello world`.
CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES Provides utilities for string processing, such as attributes that represent new lines and horizontal tabs.

DATA(tabbed) = `#` && cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab && `#`.

"The following attributes can be replaced by a representation of
"the control characters in a string template.
ASSERT cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline        = |\n|.
ASSERT cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab = |\t|.
ASSERT cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf          = |\r\n|.
CL_ABAP_STRING_UTILITIES For processing text strings, such as handling trailing blanks in character strings (i.e. data objects of type string).

DATA(string) = `ABAP   `.
"Removing trailing blanks
cl_abap_string_utilities=>del_trailing_blanks( CHANGING str = string ).

"Preserving trailing blanks when assigning text fields to data objects of
"type string
DATA(chars) = 'ABAP   '.
cl_abap_string_utilities=>c2str_preserving_blanks( EXPORTING source = chars 
                                                   IMPORTING dest   = DATA(str_w_blanks) ).
"`ABAP   `
DATA(str_no_blanks) = CONV string( chars ).
CL_ABAP_CONV_CODEPAGE For handling code pages, converting strings to the binary representation of different code pages and vice versa.

DATA(hi) = `Hello world`.

"string -> xstring
"Note: UTF-8 is used by default. Here, it is specified explicitly.
    DATA(conv_xstring) = cl_abap_conv_codepage=>create_out( codepage = `UTF-8` )->convert( hi ).
  CATCH cx_sy_conversion_codepage.

"xstring -> string
DATA(conv_string) = cl_abap_conv_codepage=>create_in( )->convert( conv_xstring ).
"Hello world
  • For an object-oriented representation of regular expressions.
  • For example, the CREATE_PCRE method creates instances of regular expressions with PCRE syntax.
  • The instances can be used, for example, with the CL_ABAP_MATCHER class, which applies the regular expressions.
  • A variety of methods and parameters can be specified to accomplish various things and to further specify the handling of the regular expression.

DATA(str) = `a1 # B2 ? cd . E3`.

"Creating a regex instance for PCRE regular expressions
"In the example, regex_inst has the type ref to cl_abap_regex. 
DATA(regex_inst) = cl_abap_regex=>create_pcre( pattern     = `\D\d`           "Any-non digit followed by a digit
                                               ignore_case = abap_true ).

"Creating an instance of CL_ABAP_MATCHER using the method CREATE_MATCHER of the class CL_ABAP_REGEX
"You can also specify internal tables with the 'table' parameter and more.
DATA(matcher) = regex_inst->create_matcher( text = str ).

"Finding all results using the 'find_all' method
"In the example, result has the type match_result_tab containing the findings.
DATA(result) = matcher->find_all( ).

"Using method chaining
DATA(res) = cl_abap_regex=>create_pcre( pattern     = `\s\w`        "Any blank followed by any word character
                                        ignore_case = abap_true )->create_matcher( text = str )->find_all( ).
XCO_CP Offers various options to process strings using the XCO Library; see a selection in the code snippet

"--------- Extracting a substring from a string ---------
DATA(some_string) = `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`.

"Creating an encapsulation of a string using XCO
DATA(str) = xco_cp=>string( some_string ).

"Using the FROM and TO methods, you can determine
"the character position. Note that the value includes the
"character at the position specified.
"The character index pattern for the example string above
"is (the string has 26 characters in total):
"a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 ... z = 26
"a = -26, b = -25, c = -24 ... z = -1
"Providing a value that is out of bounds means that
"the first (or the last) character of the string is used
"by default.
"Note: When combining FROM and TO, e.g. with method
"chaining ...->from( ...)->to( ... ), note that another
"instance is created with the first 'from', and another
"character index pattern is created based on the new
"and adjusted string value.

DATA(sub1) = str->from( 2 )->value.

DATA(sub2) = str->from( -23 )->value.

DATA(sub3) = str->from( -5 )->value.

DATA(sub4) = str->to( 5 )->value.

DATA(sub5) = str->to( -25 )->value.

"Result of 1st 'from' method call: bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
"Based on this result, the 'to' method call is
DATA(sub6) = str->from( 2 )->to( 6 )->value.

"Result of 1st 'to' method call: abcdefghijklmnopq
"Based on this result, the 'from' method call is
DATA(sub7) = str->to( -10 )->from( 4 )->value.

"Values that are out of bounds.
"In the example, the first and last character of the
"string are used.
DATA(sub8) = str->from( 0 )->to( 100 )->value.

"--------- Splitting and joining ---------

"Splitting a string into a string table
DATA(str_table) = xco_cp=>string( `Hello.World.ABAP` )->split( `.` )->value.

"Concatenating a string table into a string; specifying a delimiter
str_table = VALUE #( ( `a` ) ( `b` ) ( `c` ) ).
"a, b, c
DATA(conc_str1) = xco_cp=>strings( str_table )->join( `, ` )->value.

"Concatenating a string table into a string; specifying a delimiter and
"reversing the table order
"c / b / a
DATA(conc_str2) = xco_cp=>strings( str_table )->reverse( )->join( ` / ` )->value.

"--------- Prepending and appending strings ---------
DATA(name) = xco_cp=>string( `Max Mustermann` ).

"Max Mustermann, Some Street 1, 12345 Someplace
DATA(address) = name->append( `, Some Street 1, 12345 Someplace` )->value.

"Mr. Max Mustermann
DATA(title) = name->prepend( `Mr. ` )->value.

"--------- Transforming to lowercase and uppercase ---------
DATA(to_upper) = xco_cp=>string( `abap` )->to_upper_case( )->value.

"hallo world
DATA(to_lower) = xco_cp=>string( `HALLO WORLD` )->to_lower_case( )->value.

"--------- Checking if a string starts/ends with a specific string ---------
DATA check TYPE string.
DATA(str_check) = xco_cp=>string( `Max Mustermann` ).

IF str_check->ends_with( `mann` ).
  check = `yes`.
  check = `no`.

IF str_check->starts_with( `John` ).
  check = `yes`.
  check = `no`.

"--------- Converting strings to xstrings using a codepage ---------
DATA(xstr) = xco_cp=>string( `Some string` )->as_xstring( xco_cp_character=>code_page->utf_8 )->value.

"--------- Camel case compositions and decompositions with split and join operations ---------
"Pascal case is also possible
DATA(comp) = xco_cp=>string( `some_value` )->split( `_` )->compose( xco_cp_string=>composition->camel_case )->value.

"Camel case decomposition
DATA(decomp) = xco_cp=>string( `someValue` )->decompose( xco_cp_string=>decomposition->camel_case )->join( `_` )->value.

"--------- Matching string against regular expression ---------
DATA match TYPE string.

IF xco_cp=>string( ` 1` )->matches( `\s\d` ).
  match = 'yes'.
  match = 'no'.

IF xco_cp=>string( ` X` )->matches( `\s\d` ).
  match = 'yes'.
  match = 'no'.

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Time and Date

Class Details/Code Snippet
CL_ABAP_UTCLONG For handling time stamps in time stamp fields (data objects with type utclong).

"utclong_current: Using the built-in function to create a UTC time stamp
DATA(low_timestamp)  = utclong_current( ).
"utclong_add: Using the built-in function to create a UTC time stamp and
"adding time values
DATA(high_timestamp) = utclong_add( val     = low_timestamp
                                     days    = 1
                                     hours   = 2
                                     minutes = 3
                                     seconds = 4 ).

"diff: Calculating time differences
"In the example, the returned values correspond to the ones added above.
cl_abap_utclong=>diff( EXPORTING high     = high_timestamp
                                 low      = low_timestamp
                        IMPORTING days    = DATA(days)
                                  hours   = DATA(hours)
                                  minutes = DATA(minutes)
                                  seconds = DATA(seconds) ).

"read: Reading a time stamp from a string
DATA(ts) = |{ utclong_current( ) TIMESTAMP = ENVIRONMENT TIMEZONE = 'UTC' }|.


    cl_abap_utclong=>read( EXPORTING string   = ts
                                     timezone = 'UTC'
                           IMPORTING value    = DATA(utc_ts) ).
    CATCH cx_abap_utclong_invalid.
"e.g. 2024-01-01T13:01:54.546134Z
CL_ABAP_TSTMP For calculating and converting time stamps in packed numbers (types timestamp and timestampl)

"Creating a time stamp of type timestamp (the inline creation creates 
"a data object with that type by default)
"e.g. 20240101131220

"Calculations for time stamps in packed numbers
"Adding 1 hour
DATA(ts2) = cl_abap_tstmp=>add( tstmp = ts1
                                secs  = 3600 ).
"e.g. 20240101141220.0000000

"Subtracting 2 hours
DATA(ts3) = cl_abap_tstmp=>subtractsecs( tstmp = ts1
                                            secs  = 7200 ).
"e.g. 20240101111220.0000000

"Type timestampl
DATA tsl1 TYPE timestampl.
"e.g. 20240101131701.3309040

"Converting type timestampl to timestamp
DATA(ts4) = cl_abap_tstmp=>move_to_short( tsl1 ).
"e.g. 20240101131701

"Converting types timestamp/timestampl to UTCLONG
DATA(ts2utcl) = cl_abap_tstmp=>tstmp2utclong( tsl1 ).
"e.g. 2024-01-01 13:19:23.8622560

"Converting type utclong to timestamp
DATA(utcl2ts) = cl_abap_tstmp=>utclong2tstmp_short( ts2utcl ).
"e.g. 20240101132231

"Converting type utclong to timestampl
DATA(utcl2tsl) = cl_abap_tstmp=>utclong2tstmp( ts2utcl ).
"e.g. 20240101132231.0667200
XCO_CP_TIME Class of the XCO time library that provides abstractions for getting and working with date and time information. Find more details here.

"Creating a time stamp
"As a result (which is also true for other results below),
"you get a handler with which you can get further information
"(check the options following '->').
DATA(m_moment) = xco_cp_time=>moment(
  iv_year   = '2024'
  iv_month  = '01'
  iv_day    = '01'
  iv_hour   = '12'
  iv_minute = '34'
  iv_second = '55' ).

"Getting the created time stamp as a string
DATA(m2_moment_string) = m_moment->as( xco_cp_time=>format->abap )->value.
"... and with other formats applied.
DATA(m3_moment_format_a) = m_moment->as( xco_cp_time=>format->iso_8601_basic )->value.
DATA(m4_moment_format_b) = m_moment->as( xco_cp_time=>format->iso_8601_extended )->value.

"Getting user time zone
"e.g. UTC
DATA(m1_user_time_zone) = xco_cp_time=>time_zone->user->value.

"Getting the current moment in the time zone of the current user
"e.g. 2024-01-01T08:54:39
DATA(m5_cur_moment4user) = xco_cp=>sy->moment( xco_cp_time=>time_zone->user )->as( xco_cp_time=>format->iso_8601_extended )->value.
"Current moment in UTC
"e.g. 2024-01-01T08:54:39 (result is the same as above in the case of the cheat sheet example)
DATA(m6_cur_moment_utc) = xco_cp=>sy->moment( xco_cp_time=>time_zone->utc )->as( xco_cp_time=>format->iso_8601_extended )->value.
"Current UNIX timestamp
"e.g. 1703863291
DATA(m7_unix_tstmp) = xco_cp=>sy->unix_timestamp( )->value.

"For the time stamp, you can also use the TIME method
"e.g. 10:27:59
DATA(m8_time) = xco_cp=>sy->time( xco_cp_time=>time_zone->user )->as( xco_cp_time=>format->iso_8601_extended )->value.
"Getting second, minute, hour information
"e.g. 59
DATA(m9_seconds) = xco_cp=>sy->time( xco_cp_time=>time_zone->user )->second.
"e.g. 27
DATA(m10_minutes) = xco_cp=>sy->time( xco_cp_time=>time_zone->user )->minute.
"e.g. 10
DATA(m11_hours) = xco_cp=>sy->time( xco_cp_time=>time_zone->user )->hour.
"Calculations with time
"e.g. 11:29:00
DATA(m12_add_time) = xco_cp=>sy->time( xco_cp_time=>time_zone->user )->add( iv_hour = 1 iv_minute = 1 iv_second = 1 )->as( xco_cp_time=>format->iso_8601_extended )->value.
"e.g. 09:26:58
DATA(m13_subtract_time) = xco_cp=>sy->time( xco_cp_time=>time_zone->user )->subtract( iv_hour = 1 iv_minute = 1 iv_second = 1 )->as( xco_cp_time=>format->iso_8601_extended )->value.

"Getting date information
"e.g. 2024-01-01
DATA(m14_date) = xco_cp=>sy->date( )->as( xco_cp_time=>format->iso_8601_extended )->value.
"e.g. 01
DATA(m15_day) = xco_cp=>sy->date( )->day.
"e.g. 01
DATA(m16_month) = xco_cp=>sy->date( )->month.
"e.g. 2024
DATA(m17_year) = xco_cp=>sy->date( )->year.
"Calculations with dates
"e.g. 2025-02-02
DATA(m18_add_date) = xco_cp=>sy->date( )->add( iv_day = 1 iv_month = 1 iv_year = 1 )->as( xco_cp_time=>format->iso_8601_extended )->value.
"e.g. 2022-12-31
DATA(m19_subtract_date) = xco_cp=>sy->date( )->subtract( iv_day = 1 iv_month = 1 iv_year = 1 )->as( xco_cp_time=>format->iso_8601_extended )->value.

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Runtime Type Services (RTTS)

Class Details/Code Snippet
CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR RTTS represent a hierarchy of type description classes containing methods for:
  • getting type information on data objects, data types or instances at runtime (Runtime Type Identification (RTTI)).
  • defining and creating new data types as type description objects at runtime (Runtime Type Creation (RTTC)).

Apart from CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR, there are the following classes available. The list shows the hierarchy of type description classes. The example shows a small selection. See also the dynamic programming cheat sheet.

  |   | 
  |   |   | 
  |   |   |--CL_ABAP_ENUMDESCR 
  |   | 
  |       | 
  |       |--CL_ABAP_TABLEDESCR 
TYPES elem_type TYPE c LENGTH 5.
DATA(tdo_elem) = CAST cl_abap_elemdescr(
    cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'ELEM_TYPE' ) ).
DATA(rel_name) = tdo_elem->get_relative_name( ).

TYPES reftype TYPE REF TO string.
DATA(dref) = NEW i( 123 ).
DATA(type_descr1) = cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data_ref( dref ).
DATA(tdo_ref) = CAST cl_abap_refdescr(
    cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'REFTYPE' ) ).
DATA(type_descr2) = tdo_ref->get_referenced_type( ).

DATA structure TYPE zdemo_abap_carr.
DATA(tdo_struc) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr(
    cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( structure ) ).
DATA(abs_name) = tdo_struc->absolute_name.
DATA(struc_components) = tdo_struc->get_components( ).

DATA itab TYPE SORTED TABLE OF zdemo_abap_carr WITH UNIQUE KEY carrid.
DATA(tdo_itab) = CAST cl_abap_tabledescr(
    cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( itab ) ).
DATA(keys) = tdo_itab->get_keys( ).
DATA(tab_components) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr( tdo_itab->get_table_line_type( ) )->components.

DATA(tdo_oref) = CAST cl_abap_classdescr(
    cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'CL_ABAP_CLASSDESCR' ) ).
DATA(cl_methods) = tdo_oref->methods.
DATA(cl_attr) = tdo_oref->attributes.

DATA(tdo_iref) = CAST cl_abap_intfdescr(
    cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'ZDEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS_INTERFACE' ) ).
DATA(intf_methods) = tdo_iref->methods.
DATA(intf_attr) = tdo_iref->attributes.

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Class Details/Code Snippet

For assignments of components between structures or between internal tables with dynamically specified mapping rules. For more information, you can refer to the ABAP Keyword Documentation. The example shows simple assignments with structures.

        a TYPE i,
        b TYPE c LENGTH 3,
        c TYPE c LENGTH 5,
        END OF s1.

        a TYPE i,
        b TYPE c LENGTH 3,
        d TYPE string,
        END OF s2.

"Populating structures
s1 = VALUE #( a = 1 b = 'aaa' c = 'bbbbb' ).
s2 = VALUE #( a = 2 b = 'ccc' d = `dddd` ).
DATA(s3) = s1.
DATA(s4) = s2.

"Creating a mapping object
"An initial mapping table means that only identically named components are assigned.
"Other components retain their original values, i.e. the assignment for structures
"works like MOVE-CORRESPONDING or the CORRESPONDING operator with the BASE addition
DATA(map_obj) = cl_abap_corresponding=>create( source  = s1
                                               destination = s2
                                               mapping  = VALUE #( ) ).

"Performing the assignment
map_obj->execute( EXPORTING source      = s1
                  CHANGING  destination = s2 ).

*A    B      D
*1    aaa    dddd

"Performing the assignment without extra variable; specifying the mapping table:
"level: 0 means the top level
"kind: 1 means that components specified in this line are mapped to each other;
"      see the specification options in cl_abap_corresponding=>mapping_...
"srcname/dstname: source component/target component

    source  = s3
    destination = s4
    mapping  = VALUE #( ( level = 0 kind = 1 srcname = 'c' dstname = 'd' ) )
  )->execute( EXPORTING source      = s3
              CHANGING  destination = s4 ).

*A    B      D
*1    aaa    bbbbb

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Information about Non-Initial Structure Components

Class Details/Code Snippet
CL_ABAP_STRUCT_UTILITIES Provides methods to get information about filled components in structures allowing an efficient processing of non-initial components of a structure.

CLASS zcl_some_class DEFINITION

    INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun.

  METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main.
    out->write( `---------- filled_components method ----------` ).
    "It returns an internal table containing the names of the non-initial
    "components of the structure and their index.
    DATA: BEGIN OF struct,
            a TYPE c LENGTH 1,
            b TYPE i,
            c TYPE zdemo_abap_carr,
            d TYPE REF TO string,
          END OF struct.

    struct = VALUE #( a = 'X'
                      b = 123
                      c = VALUE #( carrid = 'LH' )
                      d = NEW #( `ABAP` ) ).

    "Getting component information using RTTI
    DATA(all_comps) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr(  cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( struct ) )->components.
    out->write( all_comps ).

    "Getting an internal table containing the names of non-initial components
    "and their index
    DATA(filled_comps) = cl_abap_struct_utilities=>filled_components( struct ).
    out->write( filled_comps ).

    "In a loop, structure components are cleared. The filled_components method
    "is called in each loop pass, visualizing the filled components in the
    DO lines( all_comps ) TIMES.
      CLEAR struct-(sy-index).
      filled_comps = cl_abap_struct_utilities=>filled_components( struct ).
      out->write( filled_comps ).

    out->write( `---------- filled_components_c method ----------` ).
    "Same as above. All structure components must be typed with c LENGTH 1.
    DATA: BEGIN OF struct_c1,
            a TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE 'X',
            b TYPE c LENGTH 1,
            c TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE 'X',
          END OF struct_c1.

    filled_comps = cl_abap_struct_utilities=>filled_components_c( struct_c1 ).
    out->write( filled_comps ).

    out->write( `---------- filled_components_x method ----------` ).
    "Same as above. All structure components must be typed with x LENGTH 1.
    "It is especially useful for checking filled components of BDEF derived types,
    "for example, %control.
    DATA struc_der_type TYPE STRUCTURE FOR READ IMPORT zdemo_abap_rap_ro_m.
    struc_der_type = VALUE #( %control = VALUE #( key_field = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
                                                  field1    = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
                                                  field2    = if_abap_behv=>mk-off
                                                  field3    = if_abap_behv=>mk-off
                                                  field4    = if_abap_behv=>mk-on ) ).

    filled_comps = cl_abap_struct_utilities=>filled_components_x( struc_der_type-%control ).
    out->write( filled_comps ).

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Dynamic Programming

Class Details/Code Snippet
CL_ABAP_DYN_PRG For validating input for dynamic specifications.

"The following method checks database table names. The name is provided
"with the val parameter. The packages formal parameter expects a table
"containing the names of packages in which the specified table should be
"included. Assuming you provide incorrect input for the table name, or
"the table is not contained in the specified packages, you can expect an
"exception to be raised.
    DATA(dbtab) = cl_abap_dyn_prg=>check_table_name_tab(
      val      = `ZDEMO_ABAP_FLI`
      packages = VALUE #( ( `TEST_ABAP_CHEAT_SHEETS` )
                          ( `TEST_SOME_PACK` ) ) ).

    SELECT SINGLE * FROM (dbtab) INTO NEW @DATA(ref_wa).
  CATCH cx_abap_not_a_table cx_abap_not_in_package.

"In the following examples, a method is used to check whether
"the input is allowed or not. For this, you specify an allowlist.
"Here, the relvant parameter expects a comma-separated list of
"allowed values.
    DATA(value1) = cl_abap_dyn_prg=>check_allowlist(
        val           = `A`
        allowlist_str = `A,B,C,D` ).

    ... "Here might go an ABAP SQL statement with a dynamic specification.
  CATCH cx_abap_not_in_allowlist.

"Another parameter of the method expects an internal table that
"contains the allowed values.
    DATA(value2) = cl_abap_dyn_prg=>check_allowlist(
        val            = `XYZ`
        allowlist_htab = VALUE #( ( `A` )
                                  ( `B` )
                                  ( `C` )
                                  ( `D` ) ) ).

    ... "Here might go an ABAP SQL statement with a dynamic specification.
  CATCH cx_abap_not_in_allowlist.

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Context Information

Class Details/Code Snippet
CL_ABAP_CONTEXT_INFO Provides context information relevant to the current ABAP session.

"Getting current date in UTC, e.g. 20240101
DATA(sys_date) = cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_date( ).

"Getting current time in UTC, e.g. 152450
DATA(sys_time) = cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_time( ).

"User alias, e.g. XY0000001234
DATA(alias) = cl_abap_context_info=>get_user_alias( ).
"You can also get user information using XCO classes
DATA(user_w_xco) = xco_cp=>sy->user( )->name.

"Formatted name, e.g. John Doe
    DATA(formatted_name) = cl_abap_context_info=>get_user_formatted_name( ).
  CATCH cx_abap_context_info_error.

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Class Details
  • The processing of XML can be done using class libraries such as the Integrated XML Library (iXML) and the Serial XML Library (sXML).
  • In iXML, you need input and output streams that are created using iXML methods to access XML data.
  • sXML provides XML readers and writers for different sources and targets to process XML data sequentially. JSON can also be handled.
  • For more information and code snippets, you can refer to the ABAP Keyword Documentation and the XML/JSON cheat sheet.

"As mentioned, refer to the ABAP Keyword Documentation and the 
"XML/JSON cheat sheet (and executable example) for examples

"Creating an XML writer using sXML
DATA(writer) = CAST if_sxml_writer( cl_sxml_string_writer=>create( type     = if_sxml=>co_xt_xml10
                                                                   encoding = 'UTF-8' ) ).

"The above writer uses a cast to if_sxml_writer. In doing so,
"more special methods can be accessed. You can check it by adding
"the object component selector (->) behind the closing parenthesis.
"Plus: The example above specifies the default parameters
"explicitly. Here, they are omitted. You can also create a JSON
DATA(writer2) = cl_sxml_string_writer=>create(  ).

... "Creating some XML data

"Creating an XML reader using sXML
"Note: Similar to the writer, the interface IF_SXML_READER exists
"for readers. 
DATA(reader) = cl_sxml_string_reader=>create( some_xml ).

... "Reading XML data sequentially
XCO_CP_JSON Handling JSON data using the XCO library

"Creating and populating a demo structure and internal table
DATA: BEGIN OF carrier_struc,
        carrier_id    TYPE c length 3,
        connection_id TYPE n length 4,
        city_from TYPE c length 20,
        city_to TYPE c length 20,
      END OF carrier_struc.

DATA carriers_tab LIKE TABLE OF carrier_struc WITH EMPTY KEY.

carrier_struc = VALUE #( carrier_id = 'AA' connection_id = '17' city_from = 'New York' city_to = 'San Francisco' ).
carriers_tab = VALUE #( ( carrier_id = 'AZ' connection_id = '788' city_from = 'Rome' city_to = 'Tokyo' )
                        ( carrier_id = 'JL' connection_id = '408' city_from = 'Frankfurt' city_to = 'Tokyo' ) ).

"ABAP (structure) -> JSON using XCO
DATA(struc2json_xco) = xco_cp_json=>data->from_abap( carrier_struc )->to_string( ).
"Result: {"CARRIER_ID":"AA","CONNECTION_ID":"0017","CITY_FROM":"New York","CITY_TO":"San Francisco"}

"ABAP (internal table) -> JSON using XCO
DATA(itab2json_xco) = xco_cp_json=>data->from_abap( carriers_tab )->to_string( ).
"Result: [{"CARRIER_ID":"AZ","CONNECTION_ID":"0788","CITY_FROM":"Rome","CITY_TO":"Tokyo"},
"         {"CARRIER_ID":"JL","CONNECTION_ID":"0408","CITY_FROM":"Frankfurt","CITY_TO":"Tokyo"}]

"JSON -> ABAP (structure) using XCO
DATA json2struc_xco LIKE carrier_struc.
xco_cp_json=>data->from_string( struc2json_xco )->write_to( REF #( json2struc_xco ) ).
"AA            0017             New York     San Francisco

"JSON -> ABAP (internal table) using XCO
DATA json2itab_xco LIKE carriers_tab.
xco_cp_json=>data->from_string( itab2json_xco )->write_to( REF #( json2itab_xco ) ).
"AZ            0788             Rome         Tokyo
"JL            0408             Frankfurt    Tokyo

"Creating JSON using XCO
"You can check out more methods that offer various options to build
"the JSON by clicking CTRL + Space after '->' in ADT.
"In the following example, JSON data similar to above is created.
"First, a JSON data builder is created. Then, using different methods,
"JSON data is created.
DATA(json_builder_xco) = xco_cp_json=>data->builder( ).
  )->add_member( 'CarrierId' )->add_string( 'DL'
  )->add_member( 'ConnectionId' )->add_string( '1984'
  )->add_member( 'CityFrom' )->add_string( 'San Francisco'
  )->add_member( 'CityTo' )->add_string( 'New York'
  )->end_object( ).

"Getting JSON data
DATA(json_created_xco) = json_builder_xco->get_data( )->to_string( ).
"Result: {"CarrierId":"DL","ConnectionId":"1984","CityFrom":"San Francisco","CityTo":"New York"}

"Transforming the created JSON to ABAP (structure)
"Note: The JSON was intentionally created without the underscores in the
"name to demonstrate the 'apply' method. The following example demonstrates
"a transformation of camel case and underscore notation. As above, check out
"more options by clicking CTRL + Space after '...transformation->'.
CLEAR json2struc_xco.
xco_cp_json=>data->from_string( json_created_xco )->apply( VALUE #(
  ( xco_cp_json=>transformation->pascal_case_to_underscore ) ) )->write_to( REF #( json2struc_xco ) ).
"DL            1984             San Francisco    New York

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ABAP Repository Information

Class Details/Code Snippet
  • Provides access to abstractions for ABAP Dictionary objects such as database tables, data elements, types and more.
  • For more detailed examples, refer to the SAP Help Portal. See also the executable example of the ABAP for Cloud Development cheat sheet.
  • The code snippet contains a small selection and only hints at the many ways to retrieve different pieces of information that the classes provide.
  • The snippet does not only include the XCO_CP_ABAP_REPOSITORY class but also others such as XCO_CP_ABAP, XCO_CP_ABAP_SQL, and XCO_CP_CDS. More XCO classes are available in that context.

"Getting all accessible repository objects in the system
"To further process the returned values, you can loop over them.
DATA(all_obj) = xco_cp_abap_repository=>objects->all->in( xco_cp_abap=>repository )->get( ).

"Gettig all database tables
DATA(all_tables) = xco_cp_abap_repository=>objects->tabl->all->in( xco_cp_abap=>repository )->get( ).

"Refining the search by applying a filter
"Creating a filter and adding a search pattern
  DATA(filter1) = xco_cp_abap_repository=>object_name->get_filter(
    xco_cp_abap_sql=>constraint->contains_pattern( 'ZDEMO_ABAP_RAP_R%' ) ).

"Getting all BDEFs in the system having a specific pattern
DATA(bdefs_in_package) = xco_cp_abap_repository=>objects->bdef->where( VALUE #( ( filter1 )
    ) )->in( xco_cp_abap=>repository )->get( ).

"Getting all accessible interfaces with a particular name pattern in the entire system
DATA(filter2) = xco_cp_abap_repository=>object_name->get_filter(
  xco_cp_abap_sql=>constraint->contains_pattern( 'IF_ABAP_BEHV%' ) ).
DATA(all_intfs) = xco_cp_abap_repository=>objects->intf->where( VALUE #( ( filter2 )
  ) )->in( xco_cp_abap=>repository )->get( ).

"Getting all classes in the system that correspond to a specific name pattern and
"that are contained in a specific software component
"Creating filters
DATA(filter3) = xco_cp_system=>software_component->get_filter( xco_cp_abap_sql=>constraint->equal( 'SAP_BASIS' ) ).
DATA(filter4) = xco_cp_abap_repository=>object_name->get_filter( xco_cp_abap_sql=>constraint->contains_pattern( '%CL_ABAP_RAND%' ) ).
DATA(filtered_classes) = xco_cp_abap_repository=>objects->clas->where( VALUE #( ( filter3 ) ( filter4 )
  ) )->in( xco_cp_abap=>repository )->get( ).

"Getting information about some of the technical properties of different
"repository objects. The examples show the creation of handlers. You can
"explore more options, e.g., by adding the object component selector (->)
"to the final parenthesis and checking the suggestions by ADT.
"Database table
DATA(handler_tabl) = xco_cp_abap_dictionary=>database_table( 'ZDEMO_ABAP_CARR' ).
"Data element
DATA(handler_dtel) = xco_cp_abap_dictionary=>data_element( 'MANDT' ).
"Table type
DATA(handler_table_type) = xco_cp_abap_dictionary=>table_type( 'STRING_TABLE' ).
"CDS view entity
DATA(handler_cds_ve) = xco_cp_cds=>view_entity( 'ZDEMO_ABAP_RAP_RO_M' ).
DATA(handler_intf) = xco_cp_abap=>interface( 'ZDEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS_INTERFACE' ).
"Getting information about where the interface is implemented
DATA(where_is_intf_impl) = handler_intf->implementations->all->get_names( ).
DATA(handler_cl) = xco_cp_abap=>class( 'ZCL_DEMO_ABAP_UNIT_TEST' ).
"Getting subclasses
DATA(subcl) = xco_cp_abap=>class( 'CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR' )->subclasses->all->get( ).
"Getting the names of the subclasses
DATA(subcl_names) = xco_cp_abap=>class( 'CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR' )->subclasses->all->get_names( ).

"Taking an XCO handler for a database table as an example, see some of the
"details you can retrieve. The method names should be self-explanatory.
DATA(dbtab_name) = handler_tabl->name.
DATA(dbtab_descr) = handler_tabl->content( )->get_short_description( ).
DATA(dbtab_del_cl) = handler_tabl->content( )->get_delivery_class( )->value.
DATA(dbtab_field_names) = handler_tabl->fields->all->get_names( ).
DATA(dbtab_keys) = handler_tabl->fields->key->get_names( ).
DATA(dbtab_vis) = handler_tabl->get_api_state( )->get_visibilities( ). "Initial for the cheat sheet table
DATA(dbtab_rel_state) = handler_tabl->get_api_state( )->get_release_state( )->value.

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Call Stack

Class Details/Code Snippet
Getting the current ABAP call stack programmatically. See more information here.

"Getting the full current call stack
DATA(call_stack) = xco_cp=>current->call_stack->full( ).

"Creating a format for the call stack
"In the example, an ADT debugger-like style is used
Data(format) = xco_cp_call_stack=>format->adt(
  )->with_line_number_flavor( xco_cp_call_stack=>line_number_flavor->source ).

"Retrieving the full call stack as text, e.g. so that it can be output
"or written somewhere
DATA(call_stack_as_text) = call_stack->as_text( format ).

"Extracting the call stack based on specifications
"You can specify the extractions using from/to and
"further detailing out the kinds of extractions
"such as the position or the first/last occurrence
"of a specific line pattern.
"In the example, a line pattern is created (method that
"starts with a specific pattern). The extracting should
"go up to the last occurrence of this pattern. It is
"started at position 1.
DATA(line_pattern) = xco_cp_call_stack=>line_pattern->method(
  )->where_class_name_starts_with( 'CL_REST' ).
DATA(extracted_call_stack_as_text) = call_stack->from->position( 1
  )->to->last_occurrence_of( line_pattern )->as_text( format ).

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Sending Emails

Class Details/Code Snippet
  • For sending emails, a configuration is required. Find more information here.
  • Note that you can also send emails asynchronously using the method send_async.

    DATA(mail) = cl_bcs_mail_message=>create_instance( ).
    mail->set_sender( '...@...' ).
    mail->add_recipient( '...@...' ).
    mail->set_subject( 'Test Mail' ).
    mail->set_main( cl_bcs_mail_textpart=>create_instance(
      iv_content      = '<h1>Hello</h1><p>This is a test mail.</p>'
      iv_content_type = 'text/html' ) ).
    mail->send( IMPORTING et_status = DATA(status_table) ).
    "You can check the status of the email sending in the returned table. 
    "'status' components: E (error), S (sent), W (waiting)
  CATCH cx_bcs_mail INTO DATA(error_mail).

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Tenant Information

Class Details/Code Snippet
For obtaining various information about the currently active tenant.

"Getting a handler for the currently active tenant
DATA(ten) = xco_cp=>current->tenant( ).

"Getting the UI URL of the currently active tenant
DATA(ui_url) = ten->get_url( xco_cp_tenant=>url_type->ui ).

"e.g. https
DATA(prot) = ui_url->get_protocol( ).
"Host and domain
"e.g. abcde-...-com
DATA(host) = ui_url->get_host( ).
"e.g. 443
DATA(port) = ui_url->get_port( ).

"Global account ID
DATA(global_acc_id) = ten->get_global_account_id( )->as_string( ).
DATA(guid) = ten->get_guid( )->value.
DATA(id) = ten->get_id( ).
"Subaccount ID
DATA(sub_acc_id) = ten->get_subaccount_id( )->as_string( ).

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Exception Classes

Class Details/Code Snippet
CX_* Exception classes are special classes, usually starting with the name CX_*, that serve as the basis for catchable exceptions. When an exception is raised, an object of such an exception class is created. There are several predefined exception classes. Find more information in the cheat sheet about program flow logic.

    DATA(res) = 1 / 0.
  CATCH cx_sy_zerodivide.

DATA(str_table) = VALUE string_table( ( `a` ) ( `b` ) ( `c` ) ).
    DATA(table_entry) = str_table[ 4 ].
  CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found.

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Parallel Processing

Class Details/Code Snippet
CL_ABAP_PARALLEL For performing the parallel processing for instances of ABAP Objects. The following example class is intended to be a self-contained example that tries to visualize the functionality of the CL_ABAP_PARALLEL class. For more information, refer to the class documentation.

CLASS zcl_some_class DEFINITION

    INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun.
    INTERFACES if_abap_parallel.
    METHODS: constructor.
    "This table holds entries that are added when
    "calling the 'do' method.
    DATA info_parallel_proc TYPE string_table.

    "Data types and objects for the data cluster
    "that contains information to be output
    CLASS-DATA buffer TYPE xstring.
    DATA obj TYPE string.
    DATA parallel_log TYPE string_table.
    DATA inst_name TYPE string.
    "Structure to hold information for the output
    DATA: BEGIN OF info,
            name   TYPE string,
            tmstmp TYPE utclong,
          END OF info.
    "Preparing the data cluster
    METHODS handle_cluster IMPORTING name TYPE string.

  METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main.
    "This is a self-contained example class trying to visualize the
    "functionality of the cl_abap_parallel class.
    "As a prerequisite, you have a class that implements the interface
    "IF_ABAP_PARALLEL. In the self-contained example, it is this class
    "itself that implements it.
    "When running the class with F9, the following code is executed.

    "Creating an instance of class cl_abap_parallel
    DATA(parallel) = NEW cl_abap_parallel( ).

    "Creating instances of this example class for demonstration
    "purposes. The handle_cluster method is used to manually
    "provide the name of the object reference variable for
    "output purposes.
    handle_cluster( `inst1` ).
    DATA(inst1) = NEW zcl_some_class( ).

    handle_cluster( `inst2` ).
    DATA(inst2) = NEW zcl_some_class( ).

    handle_cluster( `inst3` ).
    DATA(inst3) = NEW zcl_some_class( ).

    handle_cluster( `inst4` ).
    DATA(inst4) = NEW zcl_some_class( ).


    "Starting the parallel processing for objects with the 'run_inst' method.
    "As input parameters, instances of the classes to be processed are expected.
    "The importing parameter is an internal table. It contains result information
    "for the tasks that were processed in parallel.
    parallel->run_inst( EXPORTING p_in_tab  = VALUE #( ( inst1 )
                                                       ( inst2 )
                                                       ( inst3 )
                                                       ( inst4 ) )
                        IMPORTING p_out_tab = DATA(result_info) ).


    LOOP AT result_info INTO DATA(wa).
      "For accessing the details, a cast to the respective class is required (in this
      "case, it is this very class).
      DATA(res) = CAST zcl_some_class( wa-inst ).

      "Adding information to a string table that is output
      APPEND |**** Instance "{ res->info-name }" created at { res->info-tmstmp } ****| TO parallel_log.
      LOOP AT res->info_parallel_proc INTO DATA(wap).
        APPEND |{ wap }| TO parallel_log.
      APPEND `-----------------------------------------------------------------` TO parallel_log.

    out->write( parallel_log ).

  METHOD if_abap_parallel~do.
    "The following code is executed in parallel.
    "In the simplified example, some text is added to a string table that
    "is output later on. It includes a time stamp to compare the different
    DO 3 TIMES.
      APPEND |This text was added at { utclong_current( ) }| TO info_parallel_proc.

  METHOD constructor.
    "The purpose of the implementation in the instance constructor
    "is to pass the manually added name of the object reference
    "variable for output purposes.
    "A data cluster is used to have a self-contained example class
    "that can be run with F9.
        IMPORT str = inst_name FROM DATA BUFFER buffer.
      CATCH cx_sy_import_format_error INTO DATA(error).

    IF error IS INITIAL.
      "The information provided here is used for output purposes.
      "The name of the object reference variable is
      "expected to be the only input in the table, as well as
      "a time stamp to compare with other time stamps that are
      info = VALUE #( name   = inst_name
                      tmstmp = utclong_current( ) ).

  METHOD handle_cluster.
    "This method is used to prepare the data cluster and
    "pass the name of the object reference variable that
    "was added manually via the input parameter 'name'.
    CLEAR buffer.
    obj = name.
    EXPORT str = obj TO DATA BUFFER buffer.

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Application Log

Class Details/Code Snippet
CL_BALI_LOG For creating and reading application logs. Refer to this documentation for more information and code snippets.

"Demo application job (sub)objects and external ID
"- Refer to the documentation about how to create an application log object in ADT,
"  and for more options the classes offer in the context of application logs.
"- Required authorization for authorization object: S_APPL_LOG.
CONSTANTS: obj         TYPE cl_bali_header_setter=>ty_object VALUE 'DEMO_LOG',
           subobj      TYPE cl_bali_header_setter=>ty_subobject  VALUE 'DEMO_SUB',
           external_id TYPE cl_bali_header_setter=>ty_external_id VALUE 'DEMO_EXT_ID'.

"---- Creating (and deleting) application log entries ----
    "Creating an instance of the application Log class
    DATA(appl_log) = cl_bali_log=>create( ).

    "Setting the header log, using application log object descriptions
    appl_log->set_header( header = cl_bali_header_setter=>create( object      = obj
                                                                  subobject   = subobj
                                                                  external_id = external_id ) ).

    "Before creating new application log entries, deleting existing ones based on the application
    "log object information and the user
    DATA(filter4del) = cl_bali_log_filter=>create( ).
    filter4del->set_create_info( user = xco_cp=>sy->user( )->name
                                )->set_descriptor( object      = obj
                                                   subobject   = subobj
                                                   external_id = external_id ).

    "Reading the logs from the database by applying the filter
    DATA(del_appl_log) = cl_bali_log_db=>get_instance( )->load_logs_w_items_via_filter( filter = filter4del ).
    "Deleting existing application log entries that are retrieved based on the applied filter
    LOOP AT del_appl_log INTO DATA(log_del).
      cl_bali_log_db=>get_instance( )->delete_log( log = log_del ).

    "Creating new application log entries
    "Creating a free text and adding it to the application log
    DATA(free_txt) = cl_bali_free_text_setter=>create( severity = if_bali_constants=>c_category_free_text
                                                        text = |This text is added to the application log at { utclong_current( ) }| ).
    appl_log->add_item( item = free_txt ).

    "Creating an exception and adding it to the application log
    DATA(strtab) = VALUE string_table( ( `a` ) ( `b` ) ( `c` ) ).
        DATA(line) = strtab[ 4 ].
      CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found INTO DATA(error).
    DATA(exc) = cl_bali_exception_setter=>create( severity  = if_bali_constants=>c_category_exception
                                                  exception = error ).
    appl_log->add_item( item = exc ).

    "Saving the application log to the database
    cl_bali_log_db=>get_instance( )->save_log( log = appl_log ).
  CATCH cx_bali_runtime.


"---- Reading the application log ----
    "Creating a filter
    "Only the messages from the current user based on the application log
    "object information and in the time frame now - 1 hour are retrieved.
    DATA(filter) = cl_bali_log_filter=>create( ).
    DATA(now) = utclong_current( ).
    DATA(anhourearlier) =  utclong_add( val = now
                                        hours = '1-' ).
    filter->set_create_info( user = xco_cp=>sy->user( )->name
                            )->set_descriptor( object      = obj
                                                subobject   = subobj
                                                external_id = external_id
                            )->set_time_interval( start_time = anhourearlier
                                                  end_time   = now ).

    "Reading the logs from the database by applying the filter
    DATA(log_table) = cl_bali_log_db=>get_instance( )->load_logs_w_items_via_filter( filter = filter ).

    "Processing the read result
    LOOP AT log_table INTO DATA(log).
      "Retrieving all items
      DATA(items) = log->get_all_items( ).
      "Retrieving the application log messages (and displaying)
      LOOP AT items INTO DATA(item).
        DATA(log_item_number) = item-log_item_number.
        DATA(msg) = item-item->get_message_text( ).
        "Displaying the entries when running a class
        "that implements the if_oo_adt_classrun interface
        "out->write( |{ log_item_number } { msg }| ).
  CATCH cx_bali_runtime.

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Running Code in the Background

Class Details/Code Snippet
  • Used in the context of the Background Processing Framework (bgPF) to run code asynchronously in the background.
  • Different flavors are available:
    • Using bgPF without transactional control, for example, if you do not work with a RAP application or transactional control is not relevant in an ABAP program. In this case, you can implement the IF_BGMC_OP_SINGLE_TX_UNCONTR interface.
    • Using bgPF with transactional control, for example, if you work with a RAP application. In that case, you can implement the IF_BGMC_OP_SINGLE interface. Note: If you are in a RAP context, you do not need to implement COMMIT/ROLLBACK WORK because the RAP framework takes care of it.
  • More information:
  • The following, self-contained, and oversimplified example is intended to give a rough idea about the functionality. It does not include transactional control. The example class can be run using F9 in ADT. It does the following: A demo database table of the cheat sheet repository is filled synchronously and asynchronously (using bgPF) with entries, just to show an effect and get an idea. Two entries are created in the background. WAIT statements are included to have a self-contained example, and that all created database entries can be shown in the output. In the example, the background processing may be visualized, for example, by the MODIFY statement that is followed by a WAIT statement in the loop. The output can show that the entry for the first asynchronously created entry was added before a synchronously created entry. For more visualization options regarding the execution in the background, you can, for example, check the ABAP Cross Trace. For more information, refer to the documentation.

CLASS zcl_some_class DEFINITION

    INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun.
    INTERFACES if_bgmc_op_single_tx_uncontr.
    CLASS-METHODS get_uuid RETURNING VALUE(uuid) TYPE sysuuid_x16.
    CLASS-DATA number TYPE i.

  METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main.
    "Deleting a demo database table
    DELETE FROM zdemo_abap_tabca.

    number += 1.
    MODIFY zdemo_abap_tabca FROM @( VALUE #(
      id = get_uuid( )
      calc_result = |Synchronous entry creation in the MAIN method { number }|
      crea_date_time = cl_abap_tstmp=>utclong2tstmp( utclong_current( ) ) ) ).

    "Processing code in the background
    DO 2 TIMES.
      "Creating an instance of the example class (that implements the bgPF-relevant
      "interface if_bgmc_op_single_tx_uncontr)
      DATA(inst) = NEW zcl_some_class(  ).

          "Getting the default factory for transactional background processes and
          "creating a process for a single operation
          DATA(backgr) = cl_bgmc_process_factory=>get_default( )->create( ).
          "Setting a name of the process
          backgr->set_name( `bgPF Test` ).
          "Setting the transactionally uncontrolled operation of the process
          backgr->set_operation_tx_uncontrolled( inst ).
          "Saving the background process for the asynchronous execution
          backgr->save_for_execution(  ).
          "An explicit COMMIT WORK is required to start the background process.
          "This explicit call is not needed in the context of RAP because the RAP
          "framework will take care of the commit call.
          COMMIT WORK.
        CATCH cx_bgmc INTO DATA(error).
          out->write( error->get_text( ) ).
          ROLLBACK WORK.

      number += 1.
      MODIFY zdemo_abap_tabca FROM @( VALUE #(
        id = get_uuid( )
        calc_result = |Synchronous entry creation in the MAIN method { number }|
        crea_date_time = cl_abap_tstmp=>utclong2tstmp( utclong_current( ) ) ) ).


    "Displaying the content of a demo database table that was filled
    "in the course of the class execution
    SELECT id, calc_result, crea_date_time
      FROM zdemo_abap_tabca
      ORDER BY crea_date_time
      INTO TABLE @DATA(itab).

    out->write( itab ).

  METHOD if_bgmc_op_single_tx_uncontr~execute.
    MODIFY zdemo_abap_tabca FROM @( VALUE #(
      id = get_uuid( )
      calc_result = `Asynchronous entry creation in background in the EXECUTE method`
      crea_date_time = cl_abap_tstmp=>utclong2tstmp( utclong_current( ) ) ) ).

  METHOD get_uuid.
        uuid = cl_system_uuid=>create_uuid_x16_static( ) .
      CATCH cx_uuid_error.

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Class Details/Code Snippet
CL_ABAP_LOCK_OBJECT_FACTORY For activating lock objects. Note that you can also use the DEQUEUE_ALL method to remove all locks in the current SAP LUW. The following example code snippet uses artifacts from the ABAP cheat sheet repository.

"Deleting demo database table
DELETE FROM zdemo_abap_rapt1.
"Creating a database table entry and reading it into a data reference variable
MODIFY zdemo_abap_rapt1 FROM @( VALUE #( key_field = 1 field1 = 'aaa' field2 = 'bbb' field3 = 2 field4 = 3 ) ).
SELECT SINGLE * FROM zdemo_abap_rapt1 WHERE key_field = 1 INTO NEW @DATA(key).

    "Instantiating a lock object    
    DATA(lock) = cl_abap_lock_object_factory=>get_instance( iv_name = 'EZDEMO_ABAP_LOCK' ).

    "Enqueuing a lock object
    "Note that there are various parameters. The parameter used in the example contains
    "a list of lock fields including a reference to the parameter value.
    lock->enqueue( it_parameter = VALUE #( ( name = 'KEY_FIELD' value = REF #( key->key_field ) ) ) ).
  CATCH cx_abap_lock_failure cx_abap_foreign_lock INTO DATA(enq_error).

    "Dequeuing a lock object
    lock->dequeue( it_parameter = VALUE #( ( name = 'KEY_FIELD' value = REF #( key->key_field ) ) ) ).
  CATCH cx_abap_lock_failure INTO DATA(deq_error).  

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Calling Services

Class Details/Code Snippet
  • For creating a client object using an HTTP destination. The HTTP destination is provided based on an HTTP destination object. The latter can be created, among others, based on a communication arrangement or a plain URL.
  • For more information, refer to the class documentation and the topic Integration and Connectivity.
  • ⚠️ Notes on the example
    • The following self-contained and oversimplified example is not a representative best practice example, nor does it cover a meaningful use case. It only explores method calls and is intended to give a rough idea of the functionality.
    • The example uses the create_by_url method, which is only suitable for public services or testing purposes. No authentication is required for the APIs used.
    • Note the Disclaimer.
    • For more information, more meaningful examples, and tutorials that deal with the classes and methods, see the following links:
    • The example is generally about calling external APIs and parsing the HTTP responses. It retrieves most of the code snippets contained in the ABAP cheat sheet markdown files of the ABAP cheat sheet GitHub repository. However, the focus is on the service calls, not on the actual output. More details:
      • At various points in the code, the methods of the classes are used to create client objects. In all cases, an HTTP destination is created using a plain URL.
      • In all cases, public GitHub URLs/APIs are used that do not require an authentication (note the GitHub documentation links further down).
      • First, after creating a client object using a destination object that is based on a URL, an HTTP GET request is sent. The response is a string containing all file names that are contained in the ABAP cheat sheet GitHub repository. The file names are needed to construct URLs so as to retrieve the markdown content of the files. The file names are extracted and stored in an internal table.
      • Second, the internal table containing the file names is looped over. A URL is constructed for each markdown file. New client objects are created using destination objects that are based on the constructed URLs. Markdown content is retrieved by sending an HTTP GET request. To better process the retrieved content, it is stored in a string table. In the loop, all content from the markdown that is not part of a code snippet (indicated by the triple backticks) is deleted.
      • Third, a public API provided by GitHub is used to render markdown text to HTML. This is done by creating another client object. HTTP POST requests are sent, and the responses are retrieved. The responses should contain the code snippets converted to HTML in a string. The code snippets are added to HTML expandable sections.
      • Finally, the expandable sections containing the code snippets per cheat sheet are added to a simple HTML page. The code of the assembled HTML page is displayed in the ADT console.
      • For example and for demonstration purposes, if the HTML code is displayed in the ADT console, you can create a file named ABAP_cheat_sheet_code.html on your local machine. Open the file in an editor, copy and paste the entire ADT console content (it is recommended that you clear the ADT console before running the class to avoid copying and pasting unwanted output), and save the local file. Open the saved file in a web browser. You will now have several code snippets from the cheat sheets available offline. In fact, the output (plain html with a lot of code) of this example may not be a meaningful reference artifact. Nevertheless, the example may give you an idea of how to use the ABAP classes, GET and POST requests, and so on (and you may also be interested in the various options for string processing as used in the example and described in the respective cheat sheet). Follow the links for more information.
      • Before using the GitHub APIs, make sure that you have consulted the following documentation: GitHub Docs, Render a Markdown document, Rate limits for the REST API

    INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun.
    CONSTANTS url_cs TYPE string VALUE ``.
    CONSTANTS url_gh TYPE string VALUE ``.
    CONSTANTS url_api TYPE string VALUE ``.
    DATA url TYPE string.
             file_name     TYPE string,
             title         TYPE string,
             code_snippets TYPE string_table,
             error         TYPE abap_bool,
           END OF s.
    DATA snippets TYPE string_table.
    DATA html TYPE string.
  METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main.
        "Creating a client object using a destination
        "In the example, the HTTP destination is created using a plain URL.
        "Here, a GitHub API is used to retrieve file names of the ABAP cheat sheet repository.
        DATA(http_client) = cl_web_http_client_manager=>create_by_http_destination( i_destination = cl_http_destination_provider=>create_by_url( i_url = url_cs ) ).
        "Sending an HTTP GET request and returning the response
        "In the example, the HTTP body is retrieved as string data.
        DATA(response) = http_client->execute( if_web_http_client=>get )->get_text(  ).
      CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(err).
        out->write( err->get_text( ) ).
    IF err IS INITIAL.
      "Markdown file names are contained in the returned string in a specific
      "pattern. In the following code, the markdown file names are extracted
      "using a regular expression (pattern: "path":"")
      "After '"path":"' (not including this part, indivated by \K), two
      "digits must follow. Then, the further file name is captured with a
      "non-greedy capturing up to '.md'.
      FIND ALL OCCURRENCES OF PCRE `("path":")\K\d\d.*?\.md` IN response
        RESULTS DATA(results)

      "The 'results' internal table contains all findings and includes their
      "offset and length information.
      "Using a loop, the actual file names are extracted from the 'response'
      "string and added to an internal table that is to receive more information
      "in the code below.
      LOOP AT results REFERENCE INTO DATA(md).
        tab = VALUE #( BASE tab ( file_name = substring( val = response off = md->offset len = md->length ) ) ).
      SORT tab BY file_name ASCENDING.

      "In the following loop, the raw markdown content is retrieved using an HTTP GET request, also
      "by creating a client object and using a destination (another plain URL). The URL is constructed
      "using the constant value plus the markdown file that was retrieved before.
        url = url_gh && cs->file_name.
            http_client = cl_web_http_client_manager=>create_by_http_destination( i_destination = cl_http_destination_provider=>create_by_url( i_url = url ) ).
            DATA(raw_md) = http_client->execute( if_web_http_client=>get )->get_text(  ).
            "Putting the long string that was retrieved in an internal table of type string
            "for further processing (extracting the code snippets).
            SPLIT raw_md AT |\n| INTO TABLE snippets.
            DATA(flag) = ''.
            "In the loop, all content from the markdown that is not part of a code
            "snippet (indicated by the triple ```) is deleted.
            "The replacements with dummy content in the loop are only done so that
            "the POST request further down can work with the provided content
            "(i.e. avoiding issues with characters such as "; they are inserted later again).
            LOOP AT snippets REFERENCE INTO DATA(line).
              DATA(tabix) = sy-tabix.
              FIND PCRE '^\s*```' IN line->*.
              IF sy-subrc = 0 AND flag = ''.
                line->* = `%%%--START--%%%%`.
                flag = 'X'.
              ELSEIF sy-subrc = 0 AND flag = 'X'.
                line->* = `%%%--END--%%%%`.
                flag = ''.
              ELSEIF flag <> 'X'.
                DELETE snippets INDEX tabix.
                FIND PCRE `^\s*"` IN line->*.
                IF sy-subrc = 0.
                  DATA(comment1) = 'X'.
                FIND PCRE `^\*` IN line->*.
                IF sy-subrc = 0.
                  DATA(comment2) = 'X'.
                FIND `***********************************************************************`
                IN line->*.
                IF sy-subrc = 0.
                  DATA(divider) = 'X'.
                IF comment1 = 'X' OR comment2 = 'X' OR divider = 'X'.
                  DELETE snippets INDEX tabix.
                  CLEAR: comment1, comment2, divider.
                  REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF `"` IN line->* WITH `§§§§§`.
                  REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF `\` IN line->* WITH `%%%%%`.
            "Adding the code snippets to the information table
            cs->code_snippets = snippets.
            CLEAR snippets.
          CATCH cx_root INTO err.
            cs->error = abap_true.
        DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM cs->code_snippets COMPARING table_line.
      "Creating the final html to be displayed
      LOOP AT tab REFERENCE INTO cs WHERE code_snippets IS NOT INITIAL AND error = abap_false.
        LOOP AT cs->code_snippets REFERENCE INTO DATA(code).
          tabix = sy-tabix.
          IF code->* = `%%%--START--%%%%`.
            code->* = |```|.
          IF code->* = `%%%--END--%%%%`.
            code->* = |```|.
            INSERT `*****************` && |\\n|
            INTO cs->code_snippets INDEX tabix + 1.
          code->* = code->* && |\\n|.
        "For the POST request, concatenating the string table to a single string.
        DATA(code_string) = concat_lines_of( table = cs->code_snippets ).
            "Another creation of a client object using a destination
            "This example deals with a POST request.
            http_client = cl_web_http_client_manager=>create_by_http_destination( i_destination =  cl_http_destination_provider=>create_by_url( i_url = url_api ) ).
            DATA(request) = http_client->get_http_request( ).
            request->set_text( `{"text":"` && code_string && `"}` ).
            request->set_header_fields( VALUE #( ( name = 'Accept' value = 'application/vnd.github+json' ) ) ).
            DATA(post) = http_client->execute( if_web_http_client=>post ).
            DATA(status) = post->get_status( ).
            IF status-code <> 200.
              cs->error = abap_true.
              DATA(status_error) = |Post request error: { status-code } / { status-reason }|.
              "Retrieving the created html code
              DATA(html_code) = post->get_text( ).
              REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF `§§§§§` IN html_code WITH `"`.
              REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF `%%%%%` IN html_code WITH `\`.
              REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF PCRE `(<code>)(\w.*)` IN html_code WITH `$1  $2`.
          CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(error).
            cs->error = abap_true.
        "Preparing the title for expandable sections
        DATA(title) = cs->file_name.
        REPLACE PCRE `^..` IN title WITH ``.
        REPLACE `.md` IN title WITH ``.
        "Assembling expandable sections
        html = html &&
          `<br><details>` &&
          ` <summary>` && title && `</summary>` &&
          COND #( WHEN cs->error = abap_false THEN html_code ELSE COND #( WHEN error IS INITIAL THEN status_error ELSE error->get_text( ) ) ) &&
      "Providing the html skeleton and inserting the assembled expandable sections from above
      DATA(final_html) =
      `<!DOCTYPE html>` &&
      `<html>` &&
      `<head>` &&
      `<title>ABAP Cheat Sheet Code Snippets</title>` &&
      `<style>` &&
      `  body {background-color: #F8F8F8;}` &&
      `  h1 {color: blue; font-family: verdana;}` &&
      `  pre {background: #f4f4f4;border: 1px solid #ddd;border-left: 3px solid #0070f2;color: #36454F;` &&
      `       page-break-inside: avoid;font-size: 14px;line-height: 1.3;max-width: 100%;overflow: auto;padding: 1em 1.5em;` &&
      `       display: block;word-wrap: break-word;} ` &&
      `</style>` &&
      `</head>` &&
      `<body>` &&
      `<h1>ABAP Cheat Sheet Code Snippets</h1>` &&
      `<a href=""></a><br><br>` &&
      html &&
      `<script>` &&
      `  const snippets = document.querySelectorAll("code");` &&
      `  snippets.forEach(elem => {` &&
      `    var abap = elem.innerHTML;` &&
      `    abap = abap.replace(/(\b[A-Z]{2,}\b)/g, "<strong>$1</strong>");` &&
      `    elem.innerHTML = abap;` &&
      `  });` &&
      `</script>` &&
      `</body>` &&
      "Displaying the html result in the ADT console
      "Note: Before running the class, clear the ADT console.
      "When the html code is displayed in the ADT console, you can, for example,
      "create a file named ABAP_cheat_sheet_code.html on your local machine.
      "Open the file in an editor, copy & paste the entire ADT console content and
      "save the local file. In doing so, you have various code snippets at your
      "disposal offline.
      out->write( final_html ).

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