A LuaJIT FFI binding for the PDFLib 9 library. Please note that PDFLib is a proprietary library and you need a valid license to use it.
To use this library, you need:
- LuaJIT
- PDFLib, available at: http://www.pdflib.com/download/pdflib-family/pdflib-9/
First install LuaJIT, then download then PDFLib. Copy the libpdf.a file to the root of this project and execute:
$ sh relink_libpdf.sh
This will extract all object files from the libpdf.a and then repack them in libpdlibffi.so, exporting all functions to ffi.
Then, to install the pdflib binding, as root:
$ cp libpdflibffi.so /usr/lib
$ ln -s `pwd`/pdflib.lua /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/pdflib.lua
There are no tests at the moment, but you can try:
$ luajit examples/starter_textflow.lua
Which will create a starter_textflow.pdf with ~10kb and 4 pages.