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157 lines (103 loc) · 5.92 KB

File metadata and controls

157 lines (103 loc) · 5.92 KB

gistr in development


  • fix gist_auth(): at some point httr::oauth2.0_token stopped returning the token in the headers slot; can't figure out when this change happened; fix is to get the token from a different place in the returned object; changes to gist_auth() to access that new path to the token (#83)

gistr 0.9.0


  • replace httr with crul for all but the oauth handling (#68)
  • fix to internal fxn stopstatus() to handle correctly detecting scope header issues (#82)
  • fixed old urls that have changed

gistr 0.5.0


  • vignette gains an example of round-tripping a data.frame to a gist then back from the gist to a data.frame (#78) (#79) thanks @jsta
  • update package docs throughout to tell users to make sure to create a GitHub PAT (personal access token) with gist scope (#80)


  • fix to gist_create(): fail if both files and code params are NULL (the user should pass something in) (#72) thanks @maelle

gistr 0.4.2


  • gist() gains a parameter revision to request a specific revision of a gists. note that the returned brief print out of the gist in your console may not vary from revision to revision, but the underlying data has the correct data for the revision (#71)


  • affecting all functions that create data gist_create(), gist_create_git(), gist_create_obj(), update(), delete(): GitHub for good reason gives a 404 when there are authentication issues. A common problem is that a user has incorrect or missing scopes. We now attempt to detect this scope problem specifically and throw a message when that happens (#70)
  • toggle whether we index to a git path with @ vs. $ depending on git2r package version; for an upcoming version of git2r (#74)

gistr 0.4.0


  • Change all dplyr::rbind_all instances to dplyr::bind_rows (#69)


  • Fix to gists() internals for when github.username not set and user selects what = "mineall" - now stops with informative message about setting github.username option (#66) (#67) thanks @sboysel

gistr 0.3.6


  • Added more tests for as.gist()


  • Fix to as.gist.list() method to not break sometimes when not all keys returned in JSON content from github API (#63)
  • Fix to update() to work correctly for deleting files. didn't previously set null's correctly (#64)

gistr 0.3.4


  • Gained new function gist_create_git() - creates gists using git instead of the GitHub Gists HTTP API. Uses the package git2r internally to do the git things. (#50) This function has been around a while, but not in the CRAN version, so a few other fixes of note in case you're interested: (#56) (#57) (#58) (#59) (#61)


  • Added new manual file ?create_gists with details of the three different ways to create gists, how they differ, and why there are three different functions to create a gist. (57f13a711fb7a1514caee6a858d4cda31d614e6f)


  • Fix to tabl() to give back cleaner data output, returning main metadata for each gist in a single data.frame, then forks and history in separate data.frame's if they exist. Makes for easier understanding and manipulation downstream. (#54)

gistr 0.3.0


  • Gained new function gistr_save() to save gist files to disk easily and optionally open them in your editor/R GUI (#47). In addition, files saved to a directory, with the dir named by the gist id (#49)
  • gist() now accepts either a gist ID or full or partial URL's for a gist (#48)


  • Can now optionally use rmarkdown::render() with gist_create() (#52)
  • Explicitly import non-base R pkg functions, so importing from utils, methods, and stats (#53)
  • Can now toggle use of rmarkdown package with a parameter in gist_create() (#52)
  • Better error messages from the GitHub API (#42)


  • Fixed problem with httr v1 where empty list not allowed to pass to the query parameter in GET (#51)

gistr 0.2.0


  • gistr_create() can now optionally include source file if knit=TRUE using the new parameter include_source (#19)
  • new function gist_create_obj() to create a gist directly from a R object, like numeric, list, character, data.frame, matrix (#36) (#44)
  • new function gist_map() to open a full page map in your default browser of a gist after gist creation (#23)
  • new function tabl() (weird function name to avoid the table function in base R). This function goal is to make it easier to play with gist data. Data given back from the GitHub API is great, but is in nested list format (after conversion from JSON) - so is rather hard to manipulate. tabl() makes a data.frame from output of gist(), gists(), as.gist(), and commits() (#25)


  • gistr_create() works with .Rnw files, and example .Rnw file included in the package. (#20)
  • Added ability in gist_create() to optionally include the source file passed into the function call when knit=TRUE (#19)
  • Added ability to inject imgur hooks into a knitted document so that images can be rendered in a gist automatically. The GitHub HTTP API doesn't allow binary uploads (e.g., images), so the parameter imgur_inject uploads your images to imgur and embeds links to the images in your document. (#33)
  • Improved information on truncation. If you request a gist that is larger than 1MB, the returned object says it's truncated. You can download the whole thing using the raw_url, or for larger than 10 MB to the git_pull_url. (#26)


  • Fixed unicode problem on Windows (#37)
  • Improved error catching (#28)
  • gist_create() now works for an R script, didn't before (#29)

gistr 0.1.0


  • released to CRAN