- Merge pull request #12 from ros-visualization/sloretz-update-maintainer Update maintainer in package.xml
- fix shebang line for python3 (#10)
- Contributors: Michael Carroll, Mikael Arguedas, Shane Loretz
- bump CMake minimum version to avoid CMP0048 warning
- add Python 3 conditional dependencies (#6)
- autopep8 (#1)
- use Python 3 compatible syntax (#421)
- add remove action to context menu in message type browser (#400)
- Support Qt 5 (in Kinetic and higher) as well as Qt 4 (in Jade and earlier) (#359)
- fix right click view (#317)
- update plugin scripts to use full name to avoid future naming collisions
- export architecture_independent flag in package.xml (#254)
- add groups for rqt plugins, renamed some plugins (#167)
- fix rendering of icons on OS X (ros-visualization/rqt#83)
- Fix; IndexError: list index out of range (#26)
- A common module (rqt_msg.MessageWidget) optimized so that other pkgs that provide similar functionality (eg. rqt_srv, rqt_action) can use it
- first release of this package into groovy