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Vue composable powered by axios for easier request state management

Axios + Vue = Axues ✌️

English | 简体中文


  • 🦾 Full axios feature support
  • ✨ Supports Vue 3 and Vue 2.7
  • 🎭 Global configuration for requests, handling of responses and errors
  • 🎃 Responses cacheable, request retryable and cancellable
  • 🕰️ Simple integration with global interactive components, such as loading indicators, confirm dialogs, and toasts
  • 🏍️ Built-in request debouncing


npm i axues
# or
pnpm add axues
# or
yarn add axues

Note: Requires vue >= v3 or >=2.7, and axios >=1.0


First, create axues as a plugin and pass it to app, just like vue-router and pinia.

Vue 3

// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import axios from 'axios'
import { createAxues } from 'axues'
import App from './App.vue'

const app = createApp(App)
const axues = createAxues(axios)


Vue 2.7

// main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import axios from 'axios'
import { createAxues } from 'axues'
import App from './App.vue'

const axues = createAxues(axios)

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)

Then we can use it in any component:

<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const { loading, success, error, data } = useAxues('/api/foo', { immediate: true })
    <p v-if="loading">loading...</p>
    <div v-if="success">{{ data }}</div>
    <p v-if="error">Something went error: {{ error.message }}</p>

Just looking at useAxues, It looks like vueuse or nuxt's useFetch, but why axues need to be created and registered as a plugin?

In this case, we got the simplest usage, pass url to to first argument, and options to second argument, useAxues will return some very useful states and methods, so that we can easily bind to the template.

The options also can be pass to first argument.

const { loading, success, error, data } = useAxues({
  url: '/api/foo',
  method: 'post',
  data: { foo: 'bar' },
  immediate: true
// equivalent to
const { loading, success, error, data } = useAxues('/api/foo', {
  method: 'post',
  data: { foo: 'bar' },
  immediate: true

Of course, we can also use the renderless component.

  <axues url="/api/foo" :immediate="true" v-slot="{ loading, success, data, error }">
      <p v-if="loading">loading...</p>
      <div v-if="success">{{ data }}</div>
      <p v-if="error">Something went error: {{ error.message }}</p>

Take over the state of promise

Sometimes it might be a good idea to wrap the request, useAxues can also pass in an any promise function.

import { useAxues, axues } from 'axues'

const fetchUsers = () => fetch('/api/users')
const { loading, error, data } = useAxues(fetchUsers, { immediate: true })

const anyPromiseFn = () => Promise.resolve('foo')
const { loading: loading2 } = useAxues(anyPromiseFn, { immediate: true })

const fetchBooks = () => axues.get('/api/books') // same as axios api, just change a name
const { loading: loading3, data: bookData } = useAxues({
  promise: fetchBooks,
  immediate: true

Manually execute

The above examples all pass an immediate configuration, which means it will be executed immediately. If want to execute it manually, we need to call the action method returned by useAxues.

<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const { loading, success, error, data, action } = useAxues('/api/foo')
    <p v-if="loading">loading...</p>
    <div v-if="success">{{ data }}</div>
    <p v-if="error">Something went error: {{ error.message }}</p>
    <button @click="action">execute</button>

If the action is to be called multiple times, it is necessary to support parameter passing.

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const list = ref([1, 2, 3])
const { loading, action } = useAxues({
  url: '/api/foo',
  method: 'post',
  data: actionPayload => ({ idx: actionPayload })
  <div v-for="li in list">
    <input v-model="li" />
    <button @click="action(li)" :disabled="loading">save</button>

Why named as action instead of execute or others?

The process from the beginning of a request to the completion of rendering is like a play, where the browser serves as the theater, the JS code as the script, HTML as the actors, and CSS as the props and costumes. As long as the director issues action instructions, the actors will perform according to the script. So who is the director? Of course, it's our user.

Built-in debounce

By default, when the action is called frequently, it will only be executed if the previous request is completed, otherwise it will be ignored.

<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
// will only send request once
const { action } = useAxues('/api/foo')
    <button @click="action">double click me</button>

If we are doing search suggestions, we need to reverse, only the last call triggers the request.

<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const keyword = ref('')
const { data, action } = useAxues({
  url: '/api/foo',
  params: () => ({ keyword: keyword.value }),
  debounce: true,
  debounceTime: 600 // default: 500 (ms)
    <input v-model="keyword" @input="action" />
      <p v-for="k in data" @click="() => (keyword = k)">{{ k }}</p>

Retry and refresh

Retries are very important for users in weak network environments.

<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const { error, action, retryTimes, retryCountdown, retry, retrying } = useAxues({
  url: '/api/foo',
  autoRetryTimes: 2,
  autoRetryInterval: 3 // default: 2 (s)
    <div v-if="error">
      <p>Something went error: {{ error.message }}</p>
        retryTimes: {{ retryTimes }}
        <button @click="retry">retry now</button>
    <p v-if="retryCountdown > 0">
      {{ `will auto retry after ${retryCountdown}s` }}
    <p v-if="retrying">retrying...</p>

Refresh is also essential.

<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const { loading, success, error, data, action, refresh, refreshing } = useAxues('/api/foo')
    <p v-if="loading">loading...</p>
    <p v-if="refreshing">refreshing...</p>
    <div v-if="success">{{ data }}</div>
    <p v-if="error">Something went error: {{ error.message }}</p>
    <button @click="action">execute</button>
    <button @click="refresh">refresh</button>

Abort request

Providing the option for undo is also a fundamental aspect of a great user experience.

<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const { loading, action, canAbort, abort, aborted } = useAxues('/api/foo')
    <p v-if="loading">loading...</p>
    <p v-if="aborted">aborted</p>
    <button @click="action">execute</button>
    <button @click="abort" v-if="canAbort">abort</button>

We can also provide a cancel operation for the promise method that is passed in.

import { useAxues, axues } from 'axues'

const fetchUsers = (actionPayload, signal) => fetch('/api/users', { signal })
const { loading, canAbort, abort } = useAxues(fetchUsers, { immediate: true })

const fetchBooks = (actionPayload, signal) => axues.get('/api/books', { signal })
const { loading: loading2, abort: abort2 } = useAxues({ promise: fetchBooks, immediate: true })

Pagination query

Pagination queries are a very common scenario in web development and using axues to do pagination is also very simple.

<script setup>
import { reactive } from 'vue'
import { useAxues } from 'axues'

const pagination = reactive({
  current: 1,
  pageSize: 20,
  total: 0
const { loading, action, data } = useAxues({
  url: '/api/pagination',
  params: p => ({ p: pagination.current + ~~p, s: pagination.pageSize }),
  immediate: true,
  onSuccess(data) {
    pagination.current = data.current =
    <p v-if="loading">loading...</p>
    <p>current page: {{ pagination.current }}</p>
    <p>{{ data }}</p>
    <button v-if="pagination.current > 1" @click="action(-1)">prev page</button>
    <button @click="action(1)">next page</button>

If you want to append rather than replace the data.

<script setup>
// ...
const { loading, action, data } = useAxues({
  // ...
  initialData: [],
  onData: (data, newData) => data.value.push(...newData)
  // ...

With interactive components

For consistency with UI and interaction, we often write common interactive components. These components are called during requests, upon successful or failed request, to inform the user of the request status. For example, in a scenario of deleting data, if done in a traditional manner, we would write it like this:

<script setup>
import { Loading, Confirm, Toast } from 'some-UI-lib'
import axios from 'axios'
function deleteItem(id) {
  Confirm('are you sure to delete it?').then(
    () => {
          res => {
          err => {
            Toast.error(`delete id: [${id}] got an error: ${err}`)
    () => {}
    <button @click="deleteItem(1)"></button>

The procedural invocation code looks like spaghetti, but now with axues, you can greatly simplify your code using a declarative approach.

<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const { action } = useAxues({
  url: id => `/api/delete/${id}`,
  method: 'delete',
  confirmOverlay: 'are you sure to delete it?',
  loadingOverlay: true,
  successOverlay: 'deleted',
  errorOverlay: (id, err) => `delete id: [${id}] got an error: ${err}`
    <button @click="action(1)"></button>

Of course, all of this is predicated on the fact that you must register these interactive components in the root component. Registering in the root component is always better than registering each time you call, right?

<!-- App.vue -->
<script setup>
import { Loading, Confirm, Toast, Modal } from 'some-UI-lib'
import { useOverlayImplement } from 'axues'
  loadingOpen(options) {{
      text: options.text
  loadingClose: Loading.close,
  confirm(options) {
    return Confirm({
      title: options.title,
      content: options.content
  success(options) {
    if ( === 1) {
    } else {
        title: options.title,
        content: options.content
  error(options) {
    if ( === 1) {
    } else {
        title: options.title,
        content: options.content

why axues need to be created and registered as a plugin?

In practical application, we usually need to process request and response in a unified place, For example, carry Authorization in each request header, convert the response data, or handle error and report error.

// main.js
// ...
const axues = createAxues(axios, {
  requestConfig: () => ({
    baseURL: '',
    timeout: 30000,
    headers: { Authorization: localStorage.getItem('Authorization') }
  responseHandle(response) {
    if ( === 401) {
      return new Error('Unauthorized')
  errorHandle(err) {
    return new Error(`[${err.response.status}]${err.config.url}: ${err.message}`)

You may think that executing the requestConfig method for each request will consume a bit of performance, it might be a better idea to use axios.create directly to create the axios instance

// main.js
// ...
const axiosInstance = axios.create({
  baseURL: '',
  timeout: 30000
const axues = createAxues(axiosInstance, {
  requestConfig: () => ({
    headers: { Authorization: localStorage.getItem('Authorization') }
  // ...

As you can see, createAxues will return an instance of axues so that we can share the global configuration when creating the application, for example, requesting it in the router:

// main.js
const axues = createAxues(axios, {
  requestConfig: () => ({
    headers: { Authorization: localStorage.getItem('Authorization') }
const router = createRouter({
  // ...
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  if (to.meta.sendToAnalytics) {'/api/sendToAnalytics', { path: to.fullPath })

That is why axues need to be created first.


Click to show


type MaybeComputedRef<T> = MaybeRef<T> | (() => T) | ComputedRef<T>

interface CreateAxuesOptions {
  requestConfig?: MaybeComputedRef<AxiosRequestConfig>
  transformUseOptions?: (options: UseAxuesOptions) => UseAxuesOptions
  responseHandle?: (response: AxiosResponse, requestConfig: AxuesRequestConfig) => unknown
  errorHandle?: (err: AxiosError, requestConfig: AxuesRequestConfig) => Error
  cacheInstance?: {
    get: (key: string) => unknown
    set: (key: string, value: string) => void
    delete: (key: string) => void
  errorReport?: (err: Error) => void
  rewriteDefault?: {
    immediate?: boolean
    shallow?: boolean
    loadingDelay?: number
    debounce?: boolean
    debounceTime?: number
    autoRetryTimes?: number
    autoRetryInterval?: number
    throwOnActionFailed?: boolean
  overlayImplement?: {
    loadingOpen?: (options: LoadingOverlayType) => void
    loadingClose?: () => void
    success?: (options: SuccessOrErrorOverlayType) => void
    error?: (options: SuccessOrErrorOverlayType) => void
    confirm?: (options: ConfirmOverlayType) => Promise<unknown>
interface CreateReturn extends Axues {
  install: (app: App) => void
  vue2Plugin: Plugin
declare function createAxues(axiosInstance: AxiosInstance, createOptions?: CreateAxuesOptions): CreateReturn


type MaybeRef<T> = T | Ref<T>
type MaybeComputedRefWithoutFn<T> = ComputedRef<T> | MaybeRef<T>
type MaybeComputedOrActionRef<T, TAction = any> = MaybeComputedRefWithoutFn<T> | ((actionPayload?: TAction) => T)

interface AxuesRequestConfig<TI = any, TAction = any> extends Omit<AxiosRequestConfig, 'url' | 'headers'> {
  url?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<string, TAction>
  params?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<TI, TAction>
  data?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<TI, TAction>
  contentType?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<ContentType, TAction>
  headers?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<RawAxiosRequestHeaders, TAction>
  responseHandlingStrategy?: any
  errorHandlingStrategy?: any

interface Axues {
  <TI = any, TO = any>(config: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>): Promise<TO>
  request: <TI = any, TO = any>(config: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  get: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  delete: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  head: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  options: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  post: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, data?: TI, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  put: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, data?: TI, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  patch: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, data?: TI, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  postForm: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, data?: TI, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  putForm: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, data?: TI, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  patchForm: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, data?: TI, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
declare let axues: Axues


type CanWatch = 'url' | 'params' | 'data' | 'headers'
interface UseAxuesOptions<TI = any, TO = any, TAction = any> extends AxuesRequestConfig<TI, TAction> {
  promise?: (actionPayload?: TAction, signal?: AbortSignal) => Promise<TO>
  immediate?: boolean
  watch?: CanWatch | CanWatch[]
  initialData?: TO
  shallow?: boolean
  debounce?: boolean
  debounceTime?: number
  autoRetryTimes?: number
  autoRetryInterval?: number
  cacheKey?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<string, TAction>
  throwOnActionFailed?: boolean
  confirmOverlay?: ConfirmOverlayOptions<TAction>
  loadingOverlay?: LoadingOverlayOptions<TAction>
  successOverlay?: SuccessOverlayOptions<TAction, TO>
  errorOverlay?: ErrorOverlayOptions<TAction>
  onAction?: (act: 'action' | 'resetAction' | 'retry' | 'refresh' | 'abort' | 'deleteCache') => void
  onData?: (data: Ref<TO>, newData: unknown | unknown[], actionPayload?: TAction) => void
  onSuccess?: (data: TO, actionPayload?: TAction) => void
  onError?: (err: Error, actionPayload?: TAction) => void
  onFinally?: (actionPayload?: TAction) => void
type UseAxuesFirstArg<TI, TO, TAction> = MaybeComputedRefWithoutFn<string> | ((actionPayload?: TAction, signal?: AbortSignal) => Promise<TO>) | UseAxuesOptions<TI, TO, TAction>
interface UseAxuesOutput<TI, TO, TAction = any> {
  pending: Ref<boolean>
  loading: Ref<boolean>
  success: Ref<boolean>
  error: Ref<Error | null>
  refreshing: Ref<boolean>
  refreshed: Ref<boolean>
  retrying: Ref<boolean>
  retryTimes: Ref<number>
  retryCountdown: Ref<number>
  requestTimes: Ref<number>
  canAbort: ComputedRef<boolean>
  aborted: Ref<boolean>
  data: Ref<TO>
  action: (actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  resetAction: (actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  retry: () => PromiseLike<TO>
  refresh: () => PromiseLike<TO>
  abort: () => void
  deleteCache: (actionPayload?: TAction) => void
  get: (params?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<any, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  head: (params?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<any, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  options: (params?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<any, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  delete: (params?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<any, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  post: (data?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<TI, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  put: (data?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<TI, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  patch: (data?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<TI, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
declare function useAxues<TI = any, TO = any, TAction = any>(urlOrPromiseOrOptions: UseAxuesFirstArg<TI, TO, TAction>, options?: UseAxuesOptions<TI, TO, TAction>): UseAxuesOutput<TI, TO, TAction>
