git clone
cd roundware-web-framework
npm install
npm test
npm test # run test suite
ROUNDWARE_DEBUG=true npm test # send logging statements to STDOUT
npm run devstart && open http://localhost:8080 # Uses webpack to live-reload source code in your browser
npm run cover && open coverage/lcov-report/index.html # checks code coverage and opens a report in the browser
npm run check-coverage # make sure we have 100% unit test coverage; no excuses!
Our standard is 100% unit test coverage. Run npm run check-coverage && open coverage/lcov-report/index.html
to check.
- We aim for 100% documentation coverage. This is a good place to jump into the project - look for some undocumented methods and see if you can figure out what they do!
- All classes and methods should be documented with JSDoc comments. These are used to build the project documentation site.
npm test # make sure everything passes
npm run build # make sure the build works
npm run docbuild # if needed, creates jsdoc HTML files in doc/, which powers the project site
# commit changes, if any
npm version prerelease # or major, premajor, minor, preminor, patch, prepatch, or prerelease; also creates a git tag
git push && git push --tags
npm publish --tag alpha