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Troubleshooting Coppersmith

Compiler errors

value x is not a member of y

Symptom: Code fails to comile with one of the following messages:

value featureSetBuilder is not a member of commbank.coppersmith.From
value featureSetBuilder is not a member of commbank.coppersmith.Joined
value featureSetBuilder is not a member of commbank.coppersmith.CompleteJoinHlFeatureSource

Cause: Missing Coppersmith._ import. Either:

import commbank.coppersmith.api.Coppersmith._


import commbank.coppersmith.api._, Coppersmith._

ambiguous implicit values

Symptom: Type of joinMulti cannot be inferred:

ambiguous implicit values:
  both method typeInnerInnerInnerInnerInnerInner in trait GeneratedJoinTypeInstances of type [S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, P[_]](implicit evidence$348: commbank.coppersmith.Lift[P])commbank.coppersmith.generated.Join7Type[S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,P]
  and method typeLeftInnerInnerInnerInnerInner in trait GeneratedJoinTypeInstances of type [S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, P[_]](implicit evidence$355: commbank.coppersmith.Lift[P])commbank.coppersmith.generated.Join7Type[S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S1,Option[S2],S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,P]
  match expected type commbank.coppersmith.generated.Join7Type[Rec1,Rec2,Rec3,Rec4,Rec5,String,Rec6,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,com.twitter.scalding.typed.TypedPipe]
   private val joined = joinMulti(

Cause: joinMulti is used in a context where the feature set source is not available to constrain the return type. The ambiguity comes about because, without knowing the source to bind, the compiler cannot tell whether the joins are inner joins or left joins. E.g.:

val joined = joinMulti(src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7)

override def featureSource = MyFeatures.source.bind(joined)

Solution: Only use joinMulti inside the call to .bind:

override def featureSource = MyFeatures.source.bind(joinMulti(src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7))

Serialisation issues

The functions that make up feature definitions must only refer to fully serialisable types. Unfortunately it can be easy to accidentally close over some non-serialisable instance indirectly, especially if using classes that are nested within another class. Doing so will usually manifest itself at runtime in the form of an exception with a stacktrace along the lines of:

Caused by: cascading.flow.planner.PlannerException: could not build flow from assembly: [Neither Java nor Kyro works for class: class com.twitter.scalding.typed.MapFn instance: <function1>
export CHILL_EXTERNALIZER_DEBUG=true to see both stack traces]
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Neither Java nor Kyro works for class: class com.twitter.scalding.typed.MapFn instance: <function1>
export CHILL_EXTERNALIZER_DEBUG=true to see both stack traces

As indicated by the message, if you set the CHILL_EXTERNALIZER_DEBUG environment variable to true and run the job again, you will receive more information about the unserialisable instance, eg:

com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
Serialization trace:
classes (sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader)
classloader (
context (
acc (
classloader (
context (
acc (
classLoader (scala.reflect.runtime.JavaMirrors$JavaMirror)
$outer (scala.reflect.runtime.JavaMirrors$JavaMirror$$anon$1)
currentOwner (scala.reflect.internal.Trees$TreeTypeSubstituter)
EmptyTreeTypeSubstituter (scala.reflect.runtime.JavaUniverse)
$outer (scala.reflect.api.TypeTags$TypeTagImpl)
commbank$coppersmith$AggregationFeature$$evidence$8 (commbank.coppersmith.AggregationFeature)
collectF (commbank.coppersmith.scalding.ScaldingJobSpec$ScaldingJobSpec$AggregationFeatures$)
features$2 (commbank.coppersmith.scalding.SimpleFeatureJobOps$$anonfun$2)
g$1 (com.twitter.scalding.typed.TypedPipe$$anonfun$groupBy$1)
fn (com.twitter.scalding.typed.MapFn)
fmap (com.twitter.scalding.typed.MapFn)

Working from the bottom of the serialisation trace up should reveal the type at the edge of the feature definition code that is causing the problem (ScaldingJobSpec.AggregationFeatures in the above example).

In the case of a nested class that is implicitly carrying a reference to its outer instance, it is usually sufficient to make the nested class a top level class instead. In the case of classes that have non-serialisable fields, making them lazy if possible or marking them as transient can also fix the problem. More information can be found in this scalding FAQ.

Empty output

If the job runs successfully, but the expected features are not generated, some common causes to consider include:

  • Incorrect path to source data (misconfigured FeatureSource bindings)
  • Incorrect join or filter conditions

Coppersmith produces diagnostic logging that can help identify these problems.

Firstly, both the HiveTextSource and HiveParquetSource implementations will log the absolute path from which data is loaded, e.g.:

INFO  commbank.coppersmith.scalding.HiveParquetSource  - Loading '|' delimited text from /path/to/data

Secondly, the "Coppersmith counters" logged at the end of the job show the number of records read from each data source, and also the number of rows remaining after joining each table. For example, the DirectorsFeaturesJob from the user guide logs:

INFO commbank.coppersmith.scalding.CoppersmithStats: Coppersmith counters:
INFO commbank.coppersmith.scalding.CoppersmithStats:     load.typedpipe                    2465882
INFO commbank.coppersmith.scalding.CoppersmithStats:     load.text                            1682
INFO commbank.coppersmith.scalding.CoppersmithStats:     join.level1                          1023
INFO commbank.coppersmith.scalding.CoppersmithStats:     load.text                          100000
INFO commbank.coppersmith.scalding.CoppersmithStats:     join.level2                         67145
INFO commbank.coppersmith.scalding.CoppersmithStats:     write.text                            732

NOTE: The reliability of Coppersmith counters is not well understood, and they should not be used when accurate record counts are required. They are only intended for diagnosing large problems and trends, and in the case of minor discrepancies ("14 records are missing!") the data on disk should be treated as the only authorative source of statistics.

If you do not see any of the above log messages, you may need to modify your logging configuration to display them. In particular, thermometer tests will not output these logs by default. To enable them, create a file called src/test/resources/ containing:


log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p %c %x - %m%n

Filter is ignored

If you have applied a filter on the feature set source, such as this example from the user guide:

val source = From[Movie]().filter(c => c.releaseYear.exists(Range(1920, 1965).contains(_)))

then when you define featureSource in the config, you must directly reference the source member in the feature set:

val featureSource = HollywoodGoldenEraMovieFeatures.source.bind(from(movies))

In particular, do not write this:

// BAD - any source filters applied in the feature set will be ignored
val featureSource = From[Movie]().bind(from(movies))

A known (and difficult to eliminate) issue with the coppersmith API is that the code above will compile successfully, but the behaviour is undefined.