|- bk-ci
|- docs
|- scripts
|- src
|- agent
|- backend
|- frontend
|- gateway
|- support-files
The project is built with multiple languages, including Vue, Lua, Kotlin, Java, Go and Shell. It is a multi-tier application with gateway, frontend, backend, agent, pipeline, etc.
|- bk-ci/src
|- gateway
|- html # Stores HTML standard templates corresponding to various HTTP status codes. These templates can be replaced if necessary.
|- lua # Stores Lua scripts.
|- *.lua # Contains some Lua scripts. Pay special attention to init.lua, which contains some important configurations.
|- resty # Contains Resty code for public use, including open source implementation of MD5, UUID, cookie, etc.
|- *.conf # Contains various conf configurations. Pay special attention to server. server.devops.conf and auth.conf configuration files.
The gateway is built with OpenResty. Its high-performance web server based on Nginx and Lua is extended by Lua script to integrate with Consul microservice discovery and identity authentication functions.
|- bk-ci/src
|- frontend
|- devops-atomstore # Development store (Store)
|- devops-codelib # Repository management (Code)
|- devops-environment # Environment management (Env)
|- devops-pipeline # Pipeline (Pipeline)
|- devops-ticket # Ticket management (Ticket)
|- devops-nav # Top navigation bar (Nav)
|- svg-sprites # Vector graphics
The frontend development is based on Vue and the directory is divided according to the service module.
|- bk-ci/src
|- agent # Agent is written in Go and is used to run DevopsDaemon DevopsAgent on agents.
|- backend
|- project # Root directory of microservices of the project
|- api-project # API abstraction layer
|- api-project-sample # Default API abstraction layer that integrates with unique parts of different platforms
|- api-project-blueking # API abstraction layer that integrates with parts unique to BlueKing
|- api-project-op # API abstraction layer of backend operations
|- biz-project # Implementation of APIs and business services. Some abstractions that need to be extended will be implemented in the sample directory.
|- biz-project-blueking # Implementation of integration with BlueKing business services
|- biz-project-sample # Sample implementation of business service extensions. It mainly shows how to implement extensions.
|- biz-project-op # Implementation of backend operation APIs
|- boot-process # Builds Spring Boot microservice packages, configures build dependencies and stores outputs in the release directory.
|- model-process # Uses jOOQ to create POs from database tables rebuild.
|- boot-assembly # Used to build monolithic microservices. It assembles the monolithic jar packages of all microservices.
|- common # Common module
|- common-auth # Authorization module
|- common-auth-api # API of the authorization module
|- common-auth-sample # Sample implementation of the authorization module
|- common-auth-blueking # Implementation of integration with BlueKing Authorization Center
|- dispatch # Root directory of the Dispatch microservice
|- environment # Root directory of the Environment microservice
|- log # Root directory of the Log microservice
|- artifactory # Root directory of the Artifactory microservice
|- process # Root directory of the Process microservice
|- release # Directory created by local packaging to store jar outputs
|- repository # Root directory of the Repository microservice
|- store # Root directory of the Store microservice
|- ticket # Root directory of the Ticket microservice
|- worker # Agent worker submodule
|- worker-agent # agent.jar in Agent is used to receive and send build tasks. New features can be added via Gradle dependencies.
|- worker-api-sdk # Implementation and abstraction of various APIs that communicate with backend microservices
|- worker-common # Common implementation of agent.jar dependencies and API abstraction
|- worker-plugin-archive # Implementation of built-in plugins for archiving artifacts. It is integrated into Agent.
|- worker-plugin-scm # Implementation of built-in git plugins for pulling code. It is integrated into Agent.
This is a Java SDK for pipeline plugin development. Completed plugins will be released in Store for users to install and use in their pipelines. See readme in the directory for details.
|- bk-ci/src
|- pipeline-plugin
|- bksdk # Plugin SDK
|- demo # A starter demo of a pipeline plugin. Manage code by yourself for subsequent development and do not put your code here.
|- bk-ci/support-files
|- agent-package # Distributed to the root directory of the project during deployment initialization. It is used to store Agent installation package for download.
|- file # Distributed to the directory specified in application-artifactory.yml during deployment initialization
|- sql # SQL initialization scripts. Initialize them first during compilation. Otherwise, jOOQ cannot create POs properly.
|- template # All the deployment configuration/script files that require substitution
- template Directory Description
- The # in the file name represents the delimiting character of the relative path of the current file. Take #etc#bkci#common.yml as an example. Assume the root directory of BlueKing is /data/bkee/, then the final path of the file after the name change is /data/bkee/etc/ci/common.yml.
- For placeholders, see support-files/README.md.
It stores some automated installation scripts for substitution. More content will be added.
|- bk-ci
|- scripts
|- bkenv.properties # Declaration of some configuration parameters that require manual modification
|- render_tpl # Shell script to help users substitute all the parameters quickly and put them in the specified directories.