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3D web viewer for Beat Saber multiplayer avatars (Three.js / WebGL).


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3D web viewer for Beat Saber multiplayer avatars (Three.js / WebGL).

👀 Check out the Demo page




✅ You can download prebuilt releases from the GitHub releases page ready for web use.

You'll need to host the assets folder in a publicly accessible location.

Building from source

💀 You can build BeatSaberAvatar.js from source if you prefer.

Prerequisites: Node.js (v16 or newer).

  1. Check out the source code
  2. Install dependencies with npm install
  3. Build using npm run build

For development, you can use npm run watch to get automatic builds on file changes.


Basic setup

Set up a target element on your page, and include the script. You can now use the BeatSaberAvatar global to access the script's API and get started.

Here's a quick example that will present a random avatar:

<div id="render-target">Placeholder content while loading</div>

<script src="BeatSaberAvatar.js" async defer></script>

    window.addEventListener('load', function () {
        const renderTarget = document.getElementById('render-target');
        BeatSaberAvatar.setup(renderTarget); // returns renderer instance

Because the script with Three.js is quite large, it's recommended to load it with async and defer. By then listening to the window.load event you can be sure the script is ready to go.

Setting avatar data

You can define avatar data by creating an instance of BeatSaberAvatarData.

You can pass this as the second argument of the setup() call, or later by calling setAvatarData() on the renderer instance.

// Example of complete avatar data
let avatarData = {
    "headTopId": "OnFire",
    "headTopPrimaryColor": "#a7966dff",
    "headTopSecondaryColor": "#900277ff",
    "glassesId": "Glasses01",
    "glassesColor": "#a7796dff",
    "facialHairId": "Moustache02",
    "facialHairColor": "#a7796dff",
    "handsId": "BareHands",
    "handsColor": "#a7796dff",
    "clothesId": "Hoodie",
    "clothesPrimaryColor": "#cf3384ff",
    "clothesSecondaryColor": "#4b2da5ff",
    "clothesDetailColor": "#000000ff",
    "skinColorId": "Default",
    "eyesId": "Eyes6",
    "mouthId": "Mouth12"

let instance = BeatSaberAvatar.setup(renderTarget, avatarData);

// Or, later:

If you don't provide avatar data or pass null, a random avatar will be presented instead.

Advanced options

You can provide advanced options as the third parameter in the setup call:

const options = {
    assetsBaseDir: "/static/avatar_assets/",
    enableControls: false,
    rotateAnimation: true
BeatSaberAvatar.setup(renderTarget, avatarData, options);

Here's an overview of the supported options:

Key Default Description
assetsBaseDir assets/ Base directory from which model and texture assets are loaded.
enableControls true Enable orbit camera controls.
rotateAnimation true If true, the avatar will slowly rotate from side to side.
allowRandomize true If true, missing or invalid parts will be randomized. If false, missing or invalid parts will not be rendered.
enableGlasses false If true, render glasses from avatar data (unused assets).
enableFacialHair false If true, render facial hair from avatar data (unused assets).
initialZoomLevel 1.5 Sets the initial zoom level of the camera (z-depth).


This is a fan project for non-commercial purposes. Assets used in this project are unlicensed and are the property of Beat Games.

The code in this repository is available under the MIT license.

For details, see LICENSE.