The code below is common code among all the examples in this document:
TSkDrawExampleProc = reference to procedure(const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF);
procedure DrawExample(const AWidth, AHeight: Integer; const ADrawProc: TSkDrawExampleProc);
LSurface: ISkSurface;
LSurface := TSkSurface.MakeRaster(AWidth, AHeight);
ADrawProc(LSurface.Canvas, RectF(0, 0, AWidth, AHeight));
With Skia4Delphi it is possible to make various types of drawings easily. Some examples are:
DrawExample(256, 256, procedure (const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF) var LOval: ISkRoundRect; LPaint: ISkPaint; LRect: TRectF; begin LPaint := TSkPaint.Create; LPaint.AntiAlias := True; LPaint.Color := $FF4285F4; LRect := TRectF.Create(PointF(10, 10), 100, 160); ACanvas.DrawRect(LRect, LPaint); LOval := TSkRoundRect.Create; LOval.SetOval(LRect); LOval.Offset(40, 80); LPaint.Color := $FFDB4437; ACanvas.DrawRoundRect(LOval, LPaint); LPaint.Color := $FF0F9D58; ACanvas.DrawCircle(180, 50, 25, LPaint); LRect.Offset(80, 50); LPaint.Color := $FFF4B400; LPaint.Style := TSkPaintStyle.Stroke; LPaint.StrokeWidth := 4; ACanvas.DrawRoundRect(LRect, 10, 10, LPaint); end);
This code results in the output below:
Bézier Curves
DrawExample(256, 256, procedure (const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF) var LPaint: ISkPaint; LPath: ISkPath; LPathBuilder: ISkPathBuilder; begin LPaint := TSkPaint.Create(TSkPaintStyle.Stroke); LPaint.StrokeWidth := 8; LPaint.Color := $FF4285F4; LPaint.AntiAlias := True; LPaint.StrokeCap := TSkStrokeCap.Round; LPathBuilder := TSkPathBuilder.Create; LPathBuilder.MoveTo(10, 10); LPathBuilder.QuadTo(256, 64, 128, 128); LPathBuilder.QuadTo(10, 192, 250, 250); LPath := LPathBuilder.Detach; ACanvas.DrawPath(LPath, LPaint); end);
This code results in the output below:
Translations and Rotations
DrawExample(256, 256, procedure (const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF) var LPaint: ISkPaint; LRect: TRectF; begin ACanvas.Translate(128, 0); ACanvas.Rotate(60); LRect := RectF(0, 0, 200, 100); LPaint := TSkPaint.Create; LPaint.AntiAlias := True; LPaint.Color := $FF4285F4; ACanvas.DrawRect(LRect, LPaint); ACanvas.Rotate(20); LPaint.Color := $FFDB4437; ACanvas.DrawRect(LRect, LPaint); end);
This code results in the output below:
Text Rendering
DrawExample(256, 256, procedure (const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF) var LBlob1: ISkTextBlob; LBlob2: ISkTextBlob; LFont1: ISkFont; LFont2: ISkFont; LPaint1: ISkPaint; LPaint2: ISkPaint; LPaint3: ISkPaint; LTypeface: ISkTypeface; begin LTypeface := TSkTypeface.MakeFromName('Monospace', TSkFontStyle.Normal); LFont1 := TSkFont.Create(LTypeface, 64, 1); LFont2 := TSkFont.Create(LTypeface, 64, 1.5); LFont1.Edging := TSkFontEdging.AntiAlias; LFont2.Edging := TSkFontEdging.AntiAlias; LBlob1 := TSkTextBlob.MakeFromText('Skia', LFont1); LBlob2 := TSkTextBlob.MakeFromText('Skia', LFont2); LPaint1 := TSkPaint.Create; LPaint1.AntiAlias := True; LPaint1.SetARGB($FF, $42, $85, $F4); LPaint2 := TSkPaint.Create(TSkPaintStyle.Stroke); LPaint2.AntiAlias := True; LPaint2.SetARGB($FF, $DB, $44, $37); LPaint2.StrokeWidth := 3; LPaint3 := TSkPaint.Create; LPaint3.AntiAlias := True; LPaint3.SetARGB($FF, $0F, $9D, $58); ACanvas.DrawTextBlob(LBlob1, 20, 64, LPaint1); ACanvas.DrawSimpleText('Skia', 20, 154, LFont1, LPaint2); ACanvas.DrawTextBlob(LBlob2, 20, 244, LPaint3); end);
This code results in the output below:
Discrete Path Effects
function StarPath: ISkPath; const C = 128.0; R = 115.2; var I: Integer; A: Single; LPathBuilder: ISkPathBuilder; begin LPathBuilder := TSkPathBuilder.Create; LPathBuilder.MoveTo(C + R, C); for I := 1 to 7 do begin A := 2.6927937 * I; LPathBuilder.LineTo(C + R * Cos(A), C + R * Sin(A)); end; Result := LPathBuilder.Detach; end;
DrawExample(256, 256, procedure (const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF) var LPaint: ISkPaint; begin LPaint := TSkPaint.Create(TSkPaintStyle.Stroke); LPaint.PathEffect := TSkPathEffect.MakeDiscrete(10, 4); LPaint.StrokeWidth := 2; LPaint.AntiAlias := True; LPaint.Color := $FF4285F4; ACanvas.DrawPath(StarPath, LPaint); end);
This code results in the output below:
Composed Path Effects
DrawExample(256, 256, procedure (const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF) var LPaint: ISkPaint; LDashPathEffect: ISkPathEffect; LDiscretePathEffect: ISkPathEffect; begin LDashPathEffect := TSkPathEffect.MakeDash([10, 5, 2, 5], 0); LDiscretePathEffect := TSkPathEffect.MakeDiscrete(10, 4); LPaint := TSkPaint.Create(TSkPaintStyle.Stroke); LPaint.PathEffect := TSkPathEffect.MakeCompose(LDashPathEffect, LDiscretePathEffect); LPaint.StrokeWidth := 2; LPaint.AntiAlias := True; LPaint.Color := $FF4285F4; ACanvas.DrawPath(StarPath, LPaint); end);
This code results in the output below:
Sum Path Effects
DrawExample(256, 256, procedure (const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF) var LPaint: ISkPaint; LDashPathEffect1: ISkPathEffect; LDashPathEffect2: ISkPathEffect; begin LDashPathEffect1 := TSkPathEffect.MakeDiscrete(10, 4); LDashPathEffect2 := TSkPathEffect.MakeDiscrete(10, 4, 1245); LPaint := TSkPaint.Create(TSkPaintStyle.Stroke); LPaint.PathEffect := TSkPathEffect.MakeSum(LDashPathEffect1, LDashPathEffect2); LPaint.StrokeWidth := 2; LPaint.AntiAlias := True; LPaint.Color := $FF4285F4; ACanvas.DrawPath(StarPath, LPaint); end);
This code results in the output below:
DrawExample(256, 256, procedure (const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF) var LPaint: ISkPaint; begin LPaint := TSkPaint.Create; LPaint.PathEffect := TSkPathEffect.MakeDiscrete(10, 4); LPaint.Shader := TSkShader.MakeGradientLinear(PointF(0, 0), PointF(256, 256), $FF4285F4, $FF0F9D58, TSkTileMode.Clamp); LPaint.AntiAlias := True; ACanvas.DrawPath(StarPath, LPaint); end);
This code results in the output below:
There are a couple of languages that the direction of the text is from right to left such as Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, and more. With Skia4Delphi it is possible to render Right-to-Left. The example below demonstrates how to render a Persian sentence using a text-shaping engine:
DrawExample(256, 256,
procedure (const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF)
LBlob: ISkTextBlob;
LFont: ISkFont;
LPaint: ISkPaint;
LShaper: ISkShaper;
LFont := TSkFont.Create(TSkTypeface.MakeDefault, 55, 1);
LShaper := TSkShaper.Create;
LBlob := LShaper.Shape('سلام دنیا!', LFont, False, MaxSingle);
LPaint := TSkPaint.Create;
LPaint.AntiAlias := True;
LPaint.Color := TAlphaColors.Tomato;
ACanvas.DrawTextBlob(LBlob, 0, 0, LPaint);
This code results in the output below:
With Skia4Delphi it is possible to use custom fonts easily, from the file, without the need to install it on the operating system, regardless of the platform. The example below will draw using two custom fonts:
DrawExample(256, 256,
procedure (const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF)
LFont: ISkFont;
LPaint: ISkPaint;
LFont := TSkFont.Create(TSkTypeface.MakeFromFile('Samples\Demo\Assets\nunito-extrabold.ttf'), 23);
LPaint := TSkPaint.Create;
LPaint.Shader := TSkShader.MakeGradientLinear(PointF(0, 0), PointF(256, 145), $FFFF5F5F, $FF5B8DFE, TSkTileMode.Clamp);
ACanvas.DrawSimpleText('"Each dream that you', 2, 25, LFont, LPaint);
ACanvas.DrawSimpleText('leave behind is a part', 2, 55, LFont, LPaint);
ACanvas.DrawSimpleText('of your future that will', 2, 85, LFont, LPaint);
ACanvas.DrawSimpleText('no longer exist."', 2, 115, LFont, LPaint);
LFont := TSkFont.Create(TSkTypeface.MakeFromFile('Samples\Demo\Assets\bonheur-royale-regular.ttf'), 28);
LPaint.Shader := nil;
LPaint.Color := $FF5B8DFE;
ACanvas.DrawSimpleText('(Steve Jobs)', 2, 150, LFont, LPaint);
This code results in the output below:
With Skia4Delphi it is possible to render texts with multiple styles, fonts, sizes, and with many settings like the maximum number of lines. The example below demonstrates how to render with SkParagraph:
DrawExample(440, 440,
procedure (const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF)
LParagraph: ISkParagraph;
LBuilder: ISkParagraphBuilder;
LTextStyle: ISkTextStyle;
LParagraphStyle: ISkParagraphStyle;
LParagraphStyle := TSkParagraphStyle.Create;
LParagraphStyle.MaxLines := 3;
LParagraphStyle.Ellipsis := '...';
LBuilder := TSkParagraphBuilder.Create(LParagraphStyle);
LTextStyle := TSkTextStyle.Create;
LTextStyle.Color := TAlphaColors.Black;
LTextStyle.SetFontStyle(TSkFontStyle.Create(TSkFontWeight.Light, TSkFontWidth.Normal, TSkFontSlant.Upright));
LBuilder.AddText('English English 字典 字典 😀😅😂😂');
LTextStyle := TSkTextStyle.Create;
LTextStyle.Color := TAlphaColors.Crimson;
LTextStyle.SetFontStyle(TSkFontStyle.Create(TSkFontWeight.SemiBold, TSkFontWidth.Normal, TSkFontSlant.Upright));
LBuilder.AddText(' !سلام دنیا');
LTextStyle := TSkTextStyle.Create;
LTextStyle.Color := TAlphaColors.Blueviolet;
LTextStyle.SetFontStyle(TSkFontStyle.Create(TSkFontWeight.ExtraBold, TSkFontWidth.Normal, TSkFontSlant.Italic));
LBuilder.AddText(' World domination is such an ugly phrase - I prefer to call it world optimisation.');
LParagraph := LBuilder.Build;
LParagraph.Paint(ACanvas, 0, 0);
This code results in the output below:
With Skia4Delphi it is possible to create PDF documents and draw anything on them, from text to images. The example below demonstrates how to create an PDF document and draw an SVG inside it:
LCanvas: ISkCanvas;
LDocument: ISkDocument;
LDocumentStream: TStream;
LSize: TSizeF;
LSVGDOM := TSkSVGDOM.MakeFromFile('Samples\Demo\Assets\lion.svg');
LSize := TSizeF.Create(600, 600);
LDocumentStream := TFileStream.Create('output.pdf', fmCreate);
LDocument := TSkDocument.MakePDF(LDocumentStream);
LCanvas := LDocument.BeginPage(LSize.Width, LSize.Height);
This code results in the output below:
The Skia4Delphi library supports many image formats. See below the list:
Supported formats for decoding
Image Format Extensions Bitmap .bmp GIF .gif Icon .ico JPEG .jpg, .jpeg PNG .png Raw Adobe DNG Digital Negative .dng Raw Canon .cr2 Raw Fujifilm RAF .raf Raw Nikon .nef, .nrw Raw Olympus ORF .orf Raw Panasonic .rw2 Raw Pentax PEF .pef Raw Samsung SRW .srw Raw Sony .arw WBMP .wbmp WebP .webp -
Supported formats for encoding
Image Format Extensions JPEG .jpg, .jpeg PNG .png WebP .webp
WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images. WebP lossless images are 26% smaller in size compared to PNGs. WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller than comparable JPEG images at equivalent quality.
The example below demonstrates how to encoder to WebP format:
LImage: ISkImage;
LImage := TSkImage.MakeFromEncodedFile('Samples\Demo\Assets\kung-fu-panda.png');
LImage.EncodeToFile('output.webp', TSkEncodedImageFormat.WEBP, 80);
LImage.EncodeToFile('output.jpg', TSkEncodedImageFormat.JPEG, 80);
This code results in the output below:
Format | Size |
Png (100% quality) | 512 KB |
Jpeg (80% quality) | 65 KB |
WebP (80% quality) | 51 KB |