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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 27, 2020. It is now read-only.

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124 lines (116 loc) · 6.2 KB

File metadata and controls

124 lines (116 loc) · 6.2 KB

Action items


Next (road to v1.0.0)

  • byline should pickup a by line from front matter OR the regexp
  • titleline should pickup a title from front matter OR the regexp
  • mkslides should be depreciated in favor of mkpage using front matter to indicate an output format of slides.
  • sitemapper should consider front matter in deciding the structure of sitemap.xml, also should allow for more than once sitemap.xml to be generated (E.g. a blog might have its own sitemap, see
  • Read in mkpage.toml, mkpage.json or mkpage.yaml for mkpage config
  • Add support for rendering remarkjs content
  • Add support for passing configuration to markup engine from front matter
  • Figure out how to co-mingle Markdown, Fountain, remarkjs safely
  • mkpage front matter based on library metadata practices, codemeta.json and relavant scheme
    • .doi the DOI associated with a page
    • .creator should be an array of creator info (e.g. ORCID, given_name, family_name)
    • .title
    • .date
    • .publishDate
    • .lastmod
    • .description
    • .draft (bool)
    • .keywords
    • .linkTitle
    • .markdup (e.g. markdown, fountain, maybe remarkjs)
    • .series
    • .slug
    • .type (e.g. post, article, homepage)
    • .permalink (e.g. resolver URL)
    • .language
    • .remarkjs holds the settings for our remarkjs engine
  • mkpage Sitemap support
    • Current sitemap cli is too naive for sites more than a couple dozen pages
    • Need to support possibly nested sitemap XML references
    • Review Hugo's sitemap support for ideas
    • Need some sort of front matter to identify where/if content would show up in sitemap
  • mkpage slide support needs to align with remarkjs

Someday, Maybe

  • Should mkpage continue to support Toml and Yaml frontmatter?
  • Should mkpage support Django 3/Jinja2 style templates?
  • Should mkpage support RMarkdown?
    • See RMarkdown, Definitive Guide
    • Requirements
      • Use of exec to pass content to RMarkdown via separate process
      • an R with RMarkdown installed
  • Should mkpage populate a .Page variable with page level metadata?
    • See for definitions in Hugo
    • .Alaises aliases to this page (need to clarify this with mkpage's approach)
    • .Content the content itself defined after the front matter
    • .Data data specific to this type of page
    • .Date
    • .Description
    • .Dir
    • .Draft
    • .ExpiryDate
    • .File see .File for sub-fields
    • .FuzzyWordCount (how fuzzy?)
    • .MkPage see .MkPage for sub-fields
    • .IsHome
    • .IsNode
    • .IsPage always true (why include it?)
    • .IsTranslated
    • .Keywords
    • .Kind
    • .Language
    • .Lastmod
    • .LinkTitle
    • .Next
    • .NextInSection
    • .OutputFormats
    • .Pages
    • .Permalink
    • .Plain strip HTML tags (e.g. what you might want to index with Lunr)
    • .PlainWords content stripped for HTML tags and returned as a slice of string ([]string)
    • .PreviousInSection
    • .PublishDate
    • .RawContent (page content without front matter)
    • .ReadingTime
    • .Resources
    • .Ref
    • .RelPermalink
    • .Summary
    • .TableOfContents
    • .Title
    • .Translations
    • .TranslationKey
    • .Truncated
    • .Type
    • .UniqueID an MD5 Checksum of the file path (relative to content root)
    • .Weight
    • .WordCount
  • Should mkpage populate a .File variable with file related metadata
    • .File.Path (the path relative to the current working directory, content root)
    • .File.LogicalName (e.g.
    • .File.TranslationBaseName (e.g. path.Base() in Go minus any language extension (e.g. foo from
    • .File.ContentBaseName (e.g. same as TranslationalBaseName for compatibility with Hugo, not sure about Leaf bundle support)
    • .File.BaseFileName (e.g. path.Base(), without extention, e.g. -> foo.en)
    • .File.Ext (e.g. path.Ext())
    • .File.Lang (look at how Hugo handles this, probably uses the two letter language code)
    • .File.Dir (e.g. path.Dir() from current working directory, content root)
  • Should mkpage populate a set of .MkPage variables accessible to template or another varname populated and with option to override?
    • .MkPage.Version (semver)
    • .MkPage.Generator (generator string like used in RSS 2)
  • Add a tool to generate and search lunr indexes
  • Add support for metadata taken from Namaste (Name as text) in the directory
  • Remove the default template and ship distribution with a set of standard templates
  • Add support for integration with pygments for syntax highlighting
  • Investigate moving beyond Go templates
  • Configurable Mime-Type assignments
  • Add a general purpose indexer that can process both Markdown files and metadata in JSON documents with same name (e.g., page.json)
  • Adds a csvblock that reads in a CSV file and converts to a GFM table like csv2mdtable
  • titleline and byline should use filenames on the command line if provided (not require -i)