Releases: rse/vingester
Releases · rse/vingester
Vingester 1.4.4
- BUGFIX: allow preview to be enabled after start
Vingester 1.4.3
- BUGFIX: prevent browsers from starting twice when pressing START too quickly twice
- IMPROVEMENT: remove also remaining window "traffic light" buttons on hover (under macOS)
Vingester 1.4.2
- BUGFIX: support frameless and headless mode in parallel again
- BUGFIX: fix names of Web Contents permissions which are allowed
- UPGRADE: upgraded some dependencies
Vingester 1.4.1
- IMPROVEMENT: use a custom menu under macOS to get rid of standard menu
- EXTENSION: allow a browser entry to be duplicated/cloned
Vingester 1.4.0
- IMPROVEMENT: add tally light for NDI streaming
- IMPROVEMENT: for "frameless" mode, also get rid of the standard window buttons under macOS
- BUGFIX: "START" button no longer can be pressed if no outputs are enabled
- BUGFIX: ignore interactions like CMD+Q on worker and content browser windows to correctly shutdown
- UPGRADE: upgraded some dependencies
Vingester 1.3.0
- IMPROVEMENT: move NDI video/audio encoding from main process to dedicated per-browser processes
- IMPROVEMENT: directly communicate between processes instead of relaying via main process
- IMPROVEMENT: improve FPS calculation in browsers
- IMPROVEMENT: parallelize start/reload/stop of all browsers
- IMPROVEMENT: better logging by using mainly IPC mechanism and catching also worker console
- IMPROVEMENT: fix preview better into the canvas
- IMPROVEMENT: detect if NDI does not support current CPU
- EXTENSION: add buttons to move browser entries
- CLEANUP: use more consistent debug logging
Vingester 1.2.0
- IMPROVEMENT: from internal PCM-only to OPUS/PCM processing to get rid of audio distortions
- EXTENSION: allow NDI video frames to be delayed similar to the audio sample set
- CLEANUP: visually provide a border at the end of all browsers
- IMPROVEMENT: allow 0 audio channels for NDI (for virtual audio cable usage)
- IMPROVEMENT: show audio processing CPU bursts, too
Vingester 1.1.1
- CLEANUP: cleanup source code
Vingester 1.1.0
- EXTENSION: capture audio and ingest into NDI output-stream
Vingester 1.0.1
- BUGFIX: fix linking of Grandiose NDI SDK binding under Linux
- BUGFIX: fix linking of Grandiose NDI SDK binding under macOS
- CLEANUP: cleanup code