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214 lines (210 loc) · 33.2 KB

File metadata and controls

214 lines (210 loc) · 33.2 KB


Expansion Shortcuts
align-items: aitems alitems alignitems align-items
animation: animation
background: bground background
background-color: bgcolor backcolor bcolor backgroundcolor background-color
background-image: bgimage backimage bimage backgroundimage background-image
background-position: bgposition backposition bposition backgroundposition background-position
background-repeat: bgrepeat backrepeat brepeat backgroundrepeat background-repeat
background-size: bgsize backsize backgroundsize background-size
border: border
border-bottom: bbottom borbottom borderbottom border-bottom
border-bottom-width: bbwidth borderbottomwidth border-bottom-width
border-collapse: bcollapse borcollapse collapse bordercollapse border-collapse
border-color: bcolor bocolor borcolor bordercolor border-color
border-image: borimage borderimage border-image
border-left: bleft borleft borderleft border-left
border-left-width: blwidth borderleftwidth border-left-width
border-radius: bradius boradius borderradius border-radius
border-right: bright borright borderright border-right
border-right-width: brwidth borderrightwidth border-right-width
border-top: btop bortop bordertop border-top
border-top-width: btwidth bordertopwidth border-top-width
border-width: bwidth borderwidth border-width
bottom: bottom
box-shadow: bshadow boshadow boxshadow box-shadow
box-sizing: bsizing bsize boxsize boxsizing box-sizing
clear: clear
color: color
content: content
cursor: cursor
direction: direction
display: display
flex: flex
flex-direction: fdirection fldirection fledirection flexdirection flex-direction
flex-grow: fgrow flgrow flegrow flexgrow flex-grow
flex-shrink: fshrink flshrink fleshrink flexshrink flex-shrink
flex-wrap: fwrap flwrap flewrap flexwrap flex-wrap
float: float
font: font
font-family: ffamily family fontfamily font-family
font-size: fsize fosize fontsize font-size
font-style: fstyle fostyle fontstyle font-style
font-variant: fvariant fovariant fontvariant font-variant
font-weight: fweight foweight fontweight font-weight
height: height
justify-content: jcontent jucontent juscontent justcontent justifycontent justify-content
left: left
letter-spacing: lspacing lespacing letterspacing letter-spacing
line-height: lheight liheight lineheight line-height
margin: margin
margin-bottom: mbottom marbottom marginbottom margin-bottom
margin-left: mleft marleft marginleft margin-left
margin-right: mright marright marginright margin-right
margin-top: mtop martop margintop margin-top
max-height: xheight mxheight maxheight max-height
max-width: xwidth mxheight maxwidth max-width
min-height: mheight minheight min-height
min-width: mwidth minwidth min-width
opacity: opacity
order: order
outline: outline
overflow: oflow overflow
overflow-x: ox overflowx overflow-x
overflow-y: oy overflowy overflow-y
padding: padding
padding-bottom: pbottom padbottom paddingbottom padding-bottom
padding-left: pleft padleft paddingleft padding-left
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padding-top: ptop padtop paddingtop padding-top
page-break-after: pbafter pagebreakafter page-break-after
page-break-before: pbbefore pagebreakbefore page-break-before
perspective: perspective
perspective-origin: porigin perspectiveorigin perspective-origin
position: position
quotes: quotes
right: right
table-layout: tlayout talayout tablelayout table-layout
text-align: talign textalign text-align
text-decoration: tdecoration textdecoration text-decoration
text-decoration-line: tdline textdecorationline text-decoration-line
text-indent: tindent textindent text-indent
text-shadow: tshadow teshadow textshadow text-shadow
text-transform: ttransform texttransform text-transform
top: top
transform: tform xform transform
transition: trans tn tsition transition
transition-duration: tduration transitionduration transition-duration
vertical-align: valign verticalalign vertical-align
visibility: visibility
white-space: wspace whispace whspace wispace whitespace white-space
width: width
word-break: wbreak wordbreak word-break
z-index: zindex z-index
zoom: zoom


Expansion Shortcuts
align-items: center aicenter
align-items: flex-end aiend
align-items: flex-start aistart
align-items: stretch aistretch
background-repeat: no-repeat brnorepeat norepeat
background-repeat: repeat-x brx rx bgrx repeatx
background-repeat: repeat-y bry ry bgry repeaty
background-size: contain contain
background-size: cover cover
border-collapse: collapse bccollapse
border-collapse: separate bcseparate
border: 0 b0
box-sizing: border-box bsbox
box-sizing: content-box bscontent
box-sizing: padding-box bspadding
clear: both cboth
clear: left cleft
clear: right cright
content: '' content
cursor: busy cubusy curbusy
cursor: pointer cupointer curpointer
cursor: text cutext curtext
cursor: wait cuwait curwait
direction: ltr ltr dirltr
direction: rtl rtl dirrtl
display: block dblock
display: flex dflex flex
display: inline dinline
display: inline-block diblock
display: inline-flex diflex
display: none dnone
display: table dtable table
display: table-cell dtcell cell tablecell table-cell
display: table-row dtrow row tablerow table-row
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flex-direction: column-reverse fdcreverse
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flex-direction: row-reverse fdrreverse
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flex-wrap: wrap fwrap flexwrap
flex: auto flauto
float: left fleft flleft floleft
float: none fnone flnone flonone
float: right fright flright floright
font-style: italic fsitalic italic
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font-weight: 200 f200 fw200
font-weight: 300 f300 fw300
font-weight: 400 f400 fw400
font-weight: 500 f500 fw500
font-weight: 600 f600 fw600
font-weight: 700 f700 fw700
font-weight: 800 f800 fw800
font-weight: 900 f900 fw900
font-weight: bold fwbold bold
font-weight: normal fwnormal
height: auto hauto
justify-content: center jccenter
justify-content: flex-end jcend
justify-content: flex-start jcstart
margin-left: auto mlauto
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margin: 0 m0 mo
margin: 0 auto m0a moa
margin: auto mauto
overflow-x: auto oxauto
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overflow-x: scroll oxscroll
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overflow-y: scroll oyscroll
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overflow: auto oauto
overflow: hidden ohidden
overflow: scroll oscroll
overflow: visible ovisible
padding: 0 p0 po
position: absolute poabsolute pabsolute absolute
position: fixed pofixed pfixed fixed
position: relative porelative prelative relative
position: static postatic pstatic static
table-layout: auto tlauto
table-layout: fixed tlfixed
text-align: center tacenter center
text-align: justify tajustify justify
text-align: left taleft
text-align: right taright
text-decoration: none tdnone
text-decoration: underline tdunderline underline
text-overflow: ellipsis elip ellipsis toellipsis
text-shadow: none tsnone teshnone
text-transform: capitalize ttcap
text-transform: full-width ttfull
text-transform: lowercase ttlower
text-transform: none ttnone
text-transform: uppercase ttupper uppercase
vertical-align: baseline vabline vabaseline baseline
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vertical-align: super vasuper
vertical-align: text-bottom vattbottom
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vertical-align: top vatop
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visibility: visible vvisible visible
white-space: nowrap nowrap
width: auto wauto