The common run helper provides a laucher for component executables. It ensures that components are launched with the correct environment for a service.
The run
utility is invoked from any repo using the DATABUSHOME environment variable to specify its full path. This ensures that all downstream component executables are run consistently using same environment as defined by the databus repo.
run <env_name> <path/to/dds/component/executable> [<args>]
is the name the environment for the executable -
is the path to the executable -
are the optional arguments that are passed through to the executable (and may be interpreted by the executable)
The run
utility loads the environment from the file: res/env/<env_name>.sh, changes the working directory to DATABUSHOME (so that relative paths in XML files are resolved correctly), and then launches the component executable, passing it any specified arguments.
For RTI Connext DDS Professional the run utility sets up the environment to load the XML files (if any) needed by the component executable.
To use the environment <env_name>
for launching the component <app>
$DATABUSHOME/bin/run <env_name> ./build/<connext_sdk>/<target_arch>/<build_type>/<app> [<args>]
To use the environment Drive
for launching app
built using the RTI Professional SDK on the macOS with Debug enabled, i.e. for the combination: (pro, x64Darwin17clang9.0, Debug):
Ensure DATABUSHOME is defined
export DATABUSHOME=/path/to/the/databus/repo
Launch the component executable
$DATABUSHOME/bin/run Drive ./build/pro/x64Darwin17clang9.0/app [<args>]
To use the environment Drive
for launching app
built using the RTI Professional SDK on the macOS with Debug enabled, i.e. for the combination: (micro, x64Darwin17clang9.0, Debug):
Ensure DATABUSHOME is defined
export DATABUSHOME=/path/to/the/databus/repo
Launch the component executable
$DATABUSHOME/bin/run Drive ./build/micro/x64Darwin17clang9.0/app [<args>]
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