Original Demo
# # Demonstrates how to derive variable font size from a data file column.
# #
# # If you are viewing this via the HTML canvas terminal, be sure to toggle
# # the font scaling icon so that the fonts change size as you zoom in.
# #
# Scale(size) = 0.25*sqrt(sqrt(column(size)))
# CityName(String,Size) = sprintf("{/=%d %s}", Scale(Size), stringcolumn(String))
# set termoption enhanced
# set encoding utf8
# unset xtics
# unset ytics
# unset key
# set border 0
# set size square
# set datafile separator "\t"
# plot 'cities.dat' using 5:4:($3 < 5000 ? "-" : CityName(1,3)) with labels
Numo.gnuplot do
run "Scale(size) = 0.25*sqrt(sqrt(column(size)))"
run "CityName(String,Size) = sprintf(\"{/=%d %s}\", Scale(Size), stringcolumn(String))"
set :termoption, :enhanced
set encoding:"utf8"
unset :xtics
unset :ytics
unset :key
set border:0
set size:"square"
set :datafile, :separator, "\t"
plot "'cities.dat'", using:'5:4:($3 < 5000 ? "-" : CityName(1,3))', with:"labels"