Original Demo
# # demo for tics settings
# set xlabel "x"
# set ylabel "y"
# set mxtics
# set title "Default tics settings"
# set xrange [-15:15]
# set yrange [-0.25:1]
# plot sin(sqrt(x**2))/sqrt(x**2) notitle
Numo.gnuplot do
set xlabel:"x"
set ylabel:"y"
set :mxtics
set title:"Default tics settings"
set xrange:-15..15
set yrange:-0.25..1
plot "sin(sqrt(x**2))/sqrt(x**2)", :notitle
# set title "Different modification of tics settings"
# set tics scale 3,2 rotate by 45
# set xtics out offset 0,-1.0
# replot
Numo.gnuplot do
set title:"Different modification of tics settings"
set :tics, :scale, [3,2], rotate_by:45
set :xtics, :out, offset:[0,-1.0]
# set xtics textcolor rgb "red" norotate
# set ytics rotate by 90 offset 2,0
# replot
Numo.gnuplot do
set :xtics, :textcolor, rgb:"red", norotate:true
set :ytics, :rotate, by:90, offset:[2,0]
# set title "Modification of tics settings (pm3d map with colorbar)"
# set pm3d map
# set border 4095
# set samples 25
# set isosamples 20
# set palette color positive
# set samples 50; set isosamples 50
# set tics norotate nooffset
# set cbtics in scale 4
# set xrange [-15:15]
# set yrange [-15:15]
# set zrange [-0.25:1]
# splot sin(sqrt(x**2+y**2))/sqrt(x**2+y**2) notitle
Numo.gnuplot do
set title:"Modification of tics settings (pm3d map with colorbar)"
set :pm3d, :map
set border:4095
set samples:25
set isosamples:20
set :palette, color:"positive"
set samples:50; set isosamples:50
set :tics, :norotate, :nooffset
set :cbtics, :in, scale:4
set xrange:-15..15
set yrange:-15..15
set zrange:-0.25..1
splot "sin(sqrt(x**2+y**2))/sqrt(x**2+y**2)", :notitle