I'm playing with your Ruby blockchain stuff. It's very good. It's giving me a way to learn it without having to learn Go or C++ at the same time. But...
When I try running central bank from the command line as described in blockchains section 6. using
it doesn't work because centralbank is in the bin/ directory, so I tried (after setting chmod +x etc)
and then got an error I've never seen before
env: ruby\r: No such file or directory
So I wrote added one space at the end of the shebang header line That removed the extra \r and I then progressed to
Traceback (most recent call last):
(LoadError)h file or directory --
Because it doesn't know where the library path is. If I run with
ruby -Ilib bin/centralbank
Then it's fine.
So you need to do something to remove that \r at the end of the shebang line, and add the library path before the require.