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PM pitch

compwron edited this page Mar 8, 2021 · 25 revisions

PM responsibilities:

  1. keep the backlog full and fresh
  2. be on slack every day or two to answer #casa questions
  3. communicate with stakeholders
  4. commitment: ~3-5 hr / wk
  5. weekly stakeholder mtg - 0.5 hr -
  6. office hours weekly - good to attend part of

How to pitch:

  1. intros
  2. what is
  3. time requirements
  4. give a tour of QA + mention our recorded demos on youtube
  5. show the backlog
  6. ask us questions!


  1. tech stack? rails, postgres, on heroku.
  2. how many users? Currently ~300 volunteers across 2 county-level chapters (room for growth: 900+ chapters in USA)
  3. competitors? Yes. Too expensive, not enough functionality. Partial list: Salesforce,

Onboarding plan:

  1. ????
  2. Attend stakeholder meetings
  3. Lots of pairing w/ other team leads
  4. Click around in QA lots
  5. Flesh out some existing issues
  6. Make new issues
  7. Plan new areas of product expansion and design tuning and issue them out
  8. Record more demos?