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PM pitch

compwron edited this page Mar 5, 2021 · 25 revisions

PM responsibilities:

  1. keep the backlog full and fresh
  2. talk to stakeholders
  3. commitment: ~3-5 hr / wk
  4. weekly stakeholder mtg - 0.5 hr
  5. office hours weekly - good to attend part of

How to pitch:

  1. intros
  2. give a tour of QA
  3. show the github project board
  4. open Q&A


  1. tech stack? rails, postgres, on heroku.
  2. how many users? Currently ~300 volunteers across 2 county-level chapters (900+ in USA)
  3. competitors? Yes. Too expensive, not enough functionality. Partial list: Optima, Salesforce, that one written in the very old language that had the PII breach...