- write a ruby program
- escape special characters
- learn about "usage"
- Use loops
- Give your program arguments
- Use ruby documentation
- Look at Ruby documentation: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/String.html
- Inspired by this tutorial: https://learnrubythehardway.org/book/ex1.html
- Write a ruby program with exactly the following output (including separate lines and dots):
I want a dyke for president
I want a Black woman for president
I want someone with bad teeth...
Zoe Leonard
- Put quotes around the poem:
"I want a dyke for president ... I want a Black woman for president I want someone with bad teeth..." Zoe Leonard 1992
Write comments in the program to tell me what it does
Allow the user to add a line to the poem after the first line. How would we do this? Using arguments
Make it so that a user can write as many arguments as they want with each argument displaying as a line in the poem
Add your authorship to the piece, e.g. "& Laura Wadden". Hint: make the author the first argument
Tell the user how many lines they added, e.g., "Your new version of the poem added 3 lines"
How can we improve our program? Could we name our variables smarter so people know what we are talking about? Could we extract variables where we write in explicit things?