Alpino parser and related tools for Dutch
The choice is between
- binary installation from tar.gz
- Docker image
- source installation with SWI-Prolog 6.6.4
- source installation with SICStus Prolog 3.11.12
Simply unpack the tar.gz file, and that should be it. You can use the Alpino command from the Alpino/bin directory. In case you want to use any of the other programms, you need to
- define the ALPINO_HOME environment variable to point to the directory that contains the unpacked distribution
- source the environment variable definitions from create_bin/
In your shell, this looks like as follows, assuming the archive was unpacked in /opt/alpino:
export ALPINO_HOME=/opt/Alpino
. $ALPINO_HOME/create_bin/
As per October 18, 2019, we use git at for the distribution of Alpino. Note that old history is not included (for reasons of size). The old history is still available under subversion at the local server in Groningen.
Note: you need the lfs extension to git to be able to do a clone. Normally, something like this should suffice:
sudo apt-get install git-lfs
git lfs install
To compile Alpino from sources, you need SICStus Prolog 3.12.11 (it does not work with SICStus 4), or SWI-Prolog 6.6.4 (it does not work with later SWI versions).
For SWI-Prolog 6.6.4, you need the package "clib" too. Furthermore, you must make sure that the system finds (resides in directory pl-6.6.4/library/dialect/sicstus of the SWI distribution).
cp to Makefile.defs and edit the file appropriately. After that, ensure that the environment variable ALPINO_HOME points to the right directory, and run make
cd Alpino
cp Makefile.defs
vi Makefile.defs
export ALPINO_HOME=`pwd`
make install
In order to build the Tokenization/partok tool, you need Go.
There is also a Docker image available with Alpino and related tools. Refer to