- Isomorphic500
- node, fluxible, ngrok
- Discourse
- ruby, rails, sidekiq, postgres, redis, mailcatcher, ngrok
- task-cerebral
- node, cerebal, rethinkdb, ngrok
- Jekyll
- ruby
- lets-chat
- node, mongo, express.oi, less, passport
- Habitica (HabitRPG)
- node, express, mongo
- Paperwork
- php, php-fpm, composer, mysql
- Mattermost
- go, mysql, node, ruby, react, sass
- Cloudtunes
- python, tornado, celery, mongo, redis, coffeescript, sass, brunch, backbone.js, socketio, handlebars, compass, soundmanager
- Feedbin
- RSS reader
- ruby, rails, clockwork, sidekiq, redis, postgres, elasticsearch, memcached
Isomorphic500 is a small isomorphic (universal) web application featuring photos from 500px. It is built on express using React and Flux with yahoo/fluxible. It is developed with webpack and react-hot-loader and written with babeljs with the help of eslint. It supports multiple languages using react-intl. Check Azkfile.js and Azkfile.md for more info.
node, fluxible, ngrok
Discourse is the 100% open source discussion platform built for the next decade of the Internet. It works as: a mailing list, a discussion forum or a long-form chat room; Check Azkfile.js and Azkfile.md for more info.
ruby, rails, sidekiq, postgres, redis, mailcatcher, ngrok
Simples list example using cerebral controller. webpack/hot/dev-server enabled; production ready version on dist folder; exposes everything (app, DB) with ngrok; Check Azkfile.js and Azkfile.md for more info.
node, cerebal, rethinkdb, ngrok
Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites. Think of it like a file-based CMS, without all the complexity. Jekyll takes your content, renders Markdown and Liquid templates, and spits out a complete, static website ready to be served by Apache, Nginx or another web server. Jekyll is the engine behind GitHub Pages, which you can use to host sites right from your GitHub repositories. Check Azkfile.js
A self-hosted chat app for small teams built by [Security Compass][seccom]. Check Azkfile.js and Azkfile.md for more info.
node, mongo, express.oi, less, passport
A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game. Check Azkfile.js and Azkfile.md for more info.
node, express, mongo
Paperwork - OpenSource note-taking & archiving alternative to Evernote, Microsoft OneNote & Google Keep. Check Azkfile.js and Azkfile.md for more info.
php, php-fpm, composer, mysql
Open source Slack-alternative in Golang and React. Check Azkfile.js and Azkfile.md for more info.
go, mysql, node, ruby, react, sass
Open source, web-based music player for the cloud. Check Azkfile.js and Azkfile.md for more info.
python, tornado, celery, mongo, redis, coffeescript, sass, brunch, backbone.js, socketio, handlebars, compass, soundmanager
Feedbin is a simple, fast and nice looking RSS reader. Check Azkfile.js and Azkfile.md for more info.
ruby, rails, clockwork, sidekiq, redis, postgres, elasticsearch, memcached