This document is a configuration reference for SPIRE Server. It includes information about plugin types, built-in plugins, the server configuration file, plugin configuration, and command line options for spire-server
Type | Description |
DataStore | Provides persistent storage and HA features. Note: Pluggability for the DataStore is no longer supported. Only the built-in SQL plugin can be used. |
KeyManager | Implements both signing and key storage logic for the server's signing operations. Useful for leveraging hardware-based key operations. |
CredentialComposer | Allows customization of SVID and CA attributes. |
NodeAttestor | Implements validation logic for nodes attempting to assert their identity. Generally paired with an agent plugin of the same type. |
UpstreamAuthority | Allows SPIRE server to integrate with existing PKI systems. |
Notifier | Notified by SPIRE server for certain events that are happening or have happened. For events that are happening, the notifier can advise SPIRE server on the outcome. |
BundlePublisher | Publishes the local trust bundle to a store. |
Type | Name | Description |
DataStore | sql | An SQL database storage for SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL databases for the SPIRE datastore |
KeyManager | aws_kms | A key manager which manages keys in AWS KMS |
KeyManager | disk | A key manager which manages keys persisted on disk |
KeyManager | memory | A key manager which manages unpersisted keys in memory |
CredentialComposer | uniqueid | Adds the x509UniqueIdentifier attribute to workload X509-SVIDs. |
NodeAttestor | aws_iid | A node attestor which attests agent identity using an AWS Instance Identity Document |
NodeAttestor | azure_msi | A node attestor which attests agent identity using an Azure MSI token |
NodeAttestor | gcp_iit | A node attestor which attests agent identity using a GCP Instance Identity Token |
NodeAttestor | join_token | A node attestor which validates agents attesting with server-generated join tokens |
NodeAttestor | k8s_sat (deprecated) | A node attestor which attests agent identity using a Kubernetes Service Account token |
NodeAttestor | k8s_psat | A node attestor which attests agent identity using a Kubernetes Projected Service Account token |
NodeAttestor | sshpop | A node attestor which attests agent identity using an existing ssh certificate |
NodeAttestor | tpm_devid | A node attestor which attests agent identity using a TPM that has been provisioned with a DevID certificate |
NodeAttestor | x509pop | A node attestor which attests agent identity using an existing X.509 certificate |
UpstreamAuthority | disk | Uses a CA loaded from disk to sign SPIRE server intermediate certificates. |
UpstreamAuthority | aws_pca | Uses a Private Certificate Authority from AWS Certificate Manager to sign SPIRE server intermediate certificates. |
UpstreamAuthority | awssecret | Uses a CA loaded from AWS SecretsManager to sign SPIRE server intermediate certificates. |
UpstreamAuthority | gcp_cas | Uses a Private Certificate Authority from GCP Certificate Authority Service to sign SPIRE Server intermediate certificates. |
UpstreamAuthority | vault | Uses a PKI Secret Engine from HashiCorp Vault to sign SPIRE server intermediate certificates. |
UpstreamAuthority | spire | Uses an upstream SPIRE server in the same trust domain to obtain intermediate signing certificates for SPIRE server. |
UpstreamAuthority | cert-manager | Uses a referenced cert-manager Issuer to request intermediate signing certificates. |
Notifier | gcs_bundle | A notifier that pushes the latest trust bundle contents into an object in Google Cloud Storage. |
Notifier | k8sbundle | A notifier that pushes the latest trust bundle contents into a Kubernetes ConfigMap. |
BundlePublisher | aws_s3 | Publishes the trust bundle to an Amazon S3 bucket. |
BundlePublisher | gcp_cloudstorage | Publishes the trust bundle to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. |
The following table outlines the configuration options for SPIRE server. These may be set in a top-level server { ... }
section of the configuration file. Most options have a corresponding CLI flag which, if set, takes precedence over values defined in the file.
SPIRE configuration files may be represented in either HCL or JSON. Please see the sample configuration file section for a complete example.
If the -expandEnv flag is passed to SPIRE, $VARIABLE
style environment variables are expanded before parsing.
This may be useful for templating configuration files, for example across different trust domains, or for inserting secrets like database connection passwords.
Configuration | Description | Default |
admin_ids |
SPIFFE IDs that, when present in a caller's X509-SVID, grant that caller admin privileges. The admin IDs must reside on the server trust domain or a federated one, and need not have a corresponding admin registration entry with the server. | |
agent_ttl |
The TTL to use for agent SVIDs | The value of default_x509_svid_ttl |
audit_log_enabled |
If true, enables audit logging | false |
bind_address |
IP address or DNS name of the SPIRE server | |
bind_port |
HTTP Port number of the SPIRE server | 8081 |
ca_key_type |
The key type used for the server CA (both X509 and JWT), <rsa-2048|rsa-4096|ec-p256|ec-p384> | ec-p256 (the JWT key type can be overridden by jwt_key_type ) |
ca_subject |
The Subject that CA certificates should use (see below) | |
ca_ttl |
The default CA/signing key TTL | 24h |
data_dir |
A directory the server can use for its runtime | |
default_x509_svid_ttl |
The default X509-SVID TTL | 1h |
default_jwt_svid_ttl |
The default JWT-SVID TTL | 5m |
experimental |
The experimental options that are subject to change or removal (see below) | |
federation |
Bundle endpoints configuration section used for federation | |
jwt_key_type |
The key type used for the server CA (JWT), <rsa-2048|rsa-4096|ec-p256|ec-p384> | The value of ca_key_type or ec-p256 if not defined |
jwt_issuer |
The issuer claim used when minting JWT-SVIDs | |
log_file |
File to write logs to | |
log_level |
Sets the logging level <DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR> | INFO |
log_format |
Format of logs, <text|json> | text |
log_source_location |
If true, logs include source file, line number, and method name fields (adds a bit of runtime cost) | false |
profiling_enabled |
If true, enables a net/http/pprof endpoint | false |
profiling_freq |
Frequency of dumping profiling data to disk. Only enabled when profiling_enabled is true and profiling_freq > 0. |
profiling_names |
List of profile names that will be dumped to disk on each profiling tick, see Profiling Names | |
profiling_port |
Port number of the net/http/pprof endpoint. Only used when profiling_enabled is true . |
ratelimit |
Rate limiting configurations, usually used when the server is behind a load balancer (see below) | |
socket_path |
Path to bind the SPIRE Server API socket to (Unix only) | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
trust_domain |
The trust domain that this server belongs to (should be no more than 255 characters) | |
exclude_sn_from_ca_subject |
Do not include certificate serial number in the subject field | false |
ca_subject | Description | Default |
country |
Array of Country values |
organization |
Array of Organization values |
common_name |
The CommonName value |
experimental | Description | Default |
cache_reload_interval |
The amount of time between two reloads of the in-memory entry cache. Increasing this will mitigate high database load for extra large deployments, but will also slow propagation of new or updated entries to agents. | 5s |
events_based_cache |
Use events to update the cache with what's changed since the last update. Enabling this will reduce overhead on the database. | false |
prune_events_older_than |
How old an event can be before being deleted. Used with events based cache. Decreasing this will keep the events table smaller, but will increase risk of missing an event if connection to the database is down. | 12h |
auth_opa_policy_engine |
The auth opa_policy engine used for authorization decisions | default SPIRE authorization policy |
named_pipe_name |
Pipe name of the SPIRE Server API named pipe (Windows only) | \spire-server\private\api |
ratelimit | Description | Default |
attestation |
Whether or not to rate limit node attestation. If true, node attestation is rate limited to one attempt per second per IP address. | true |
signing |
Whether or not to rate limit JWT and X509 signing. If true, JWT and X509 signing are rate limited to 500 requests per second per IP address (separately). | true |
auth_opa_policy_engine | Description | Default |
local |
Local OPA configuration for authorization policy. |
auth_opa_policy_engine.local | Description | Default |
rego_path |
File to retrieve OPA rego policy for authorization. | |
policy_data_path |
File to retrieve databindings for policy evaluation. |
These are the available profiles that can be set in the profiling_names
configuration value:
The server configuration file also contains a configuration section for the various SPIRE server plugins. Plugin configurations live inside the top-level plugins { ... }
section, which has the following format:
plugins {
pluginType "pluginName" {
plugin configuration options here
The following configuration options are available to configure a plugin:
Configuration | Description |
plugin_cmd | Path to the plugin implementation binary (optional, not needed for built-ins) |
plugin_checksum | An optional sha256 of the plugin binary (optional, not needed for built-ins) |
enabled | Enable or disable the plugin (enabled by default) |
plugin_data | Plugin-specific data |
Please see the built-in plugins section below for information on plugins that are available out-of-the-box.
SPIRE Server can be configured to federate with others SPIRE Servers living in different trust domains. SPIRE supports configuring federation relationships in the SPIRE Server configuration file (static relationships) and through the Trust Domain API (dynamic relationships). This section describes how to configure statically defined relationships in the configuration file.
Note: static relationships override dynamic relationships. If you need to configure dynamic relationships, see the federation
command. Static relationships are not reflected in the federation
Configuring a federated trust domain allows a trust domain to authenticate identities issued by other SPIFFE authorities, allowing workloads in one trust domain to securely authenticate workloads in a foreign trust domain.
A key element to achieve federation is the use of SPIFFE bundle endpoints, these are resources (represented by URLs) that serve a copy of a trust bundle for a trust domain.
Using the federation
section you will be able to set up SPIRE as a SPIFFE bundle endpoint server and also configure the federated trust domains that this SPIRE Server will fetch bundles from.
server {
federation {
bundle_endpoint {
address = ""
port = 8443
refresh_hint = "10m"
profile "https_web" {
acme {
domain_name = ""
email = ""
federates_with "domain1.test" {
bundle_endpoint_url = ""
bundle_endpoint_profile "https_web" {}
federates_with "domain2.test" {
bundle_endpoint_url = ""
bundle_endpoint_profile "https_spiffe" {
endpoint_spiffe_id = "spiffe://domain2.test/beserver"
The federation.bundle_endpoint
section is optional and is used to set up a SPIFFE bundle endpoint server in SPIRE Server.
The federation.federates_with
section is also optional and is used to configure the federation relationships with foreign trust domains. This section is used for each federated trust domain that SPIRE Server will periodically fetch the bundle.
This optional section contains the configurables used by SPIRE Server to expose a bundle endpoint.
Configuration | Description |
address | IP address where this server will listen for HTTP requests |
port | TCP port number where this server will listen for HTTP requests |
refresh_hint | Allow manually specifying a refresh hint. Defaults to 5 minutes. Small values allow to retrieve trust bundle updates in a timely manner |
profile "<https_web|https_spiffe>" | Allow to configure bundle profile |
When setting a bundle_endpoint
, it is required
to specify the bundle profile.
Allowed profiles:
allow to configure the [Automated Certificate Management Environment](#Configuration options forfederation.bundle_endpoint.profile "https_web".acme
) section.https_spiffe
Configuration | Description | Default |
directory_url | Directory endpoint URL | |
domain_name | Domain for which the certificate manager tries to retrieve new certificates | |
Contact email address. This is used by CAs, such as Let's Encrypt, to notify about problems with issued certificates | ||
tos_accepted | ACME Terms of Service acceptance. If not true, and the provider requires acceptance, then certificate retrieval will fail | false |
Default bundle profile configuration.
The optional federates_with
section is a map of bundle endpoint profile configurations keyed by the name of the "<trust domain>"
this server wants to federate with. This section has the following configurables:
Configuration | Description | Default |
bundle_endpoint_url | URL of the SPIFFE bundle endpoint that provides the trust bundle to federate with. Must use the HTTPS protocol. | |
bundle_endpoint_profile "<https_web|https_spiffe>" | Configuration of the SPIFFE endpoint profile type. |
SPIRE supports the https_web
and https_spiffe
bundle endpoint profiles.
The https_web
profile does not require additional settings.
Trust domains configured with the https_spiffe
bundle endpoint profile must specify the expected SPIFFE ID of the remote SPIFFE bundle endpoint server using the endpoint_spiffe_id
setting as part of the configuration.
For more information about the different profiles defined in SPIFFE, along with the security considerations for setting up SPIFFE Federation, please refer to the SPIFFE Federation standard.
Please see the Telemetry Configuration guide for more information about configuring SPIRE Server to emit telemetry.
The server can expose an additional endpoint that can be used for health checking. It is enabled by setting listener_enabled = true
. Currently it exposes 2 paths: one for liveness (is server up?) and one for readiness (is server ready to serve requests?). By default, health checking endpoint will listen on localhost:80, unless configured otherwise.
health_checks {
listener_enabled = true
bind_address = "localhost"
bind_port = "8080"
live_path = "/live"
ready_path = "/ready"
Most of the configuration file above options have identical command-line counterparts. In addition, the following flags are available.
Command | Action | Default |
-bindAddress |
IP address or DNS name of the SPIRE server | |
-config |
Path to a SPIRE config file | conf/server/server.conf |
-dataDir |
Directory to store runtime data to | |
-expandEnv |
Expand environment $VARIABLES in the config file | |
-logFile |
File to write logs to | |
-logFormat |
Format of logs, <text|json> | |
-logLevel |
-serverPort |
Port number of the SPIRE server | |
-socketPath |
Path to bind the SPIRE Server API socket to | |
-trustDomain |
The trust domain that this server belongs to (should be no more than 255 characters) |
On Windows platform, SPIRE Server can optionally be run as a Windows service. When running as a Windows service, the only command supported is the run
Note: SPIRE does not automatically create the service in the system, it must be created by the user.
When starting the service, all the arguments to execute SPIRE Server with the run
command must be passed as service arguments.
> sc.exe create spire-server binpath=c:\spire\bin\spire-server.exe
> sc.exe start spire-server run -config c:\spire\conf\server\server.conf
Generates one node join token and creates a registration entry for it. This token can be used to
bootstrap one spire-agent installation. The optional -spiffeID
can be used to give the token a
human-readable registration entry name in addition to the token-based ID.
Command | Action | Default |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-spiffeID |
Additional SPIFFE ID to assign the token owner (optional) | |
-ttl |
Token TTL in seconds | 600 |
Creates registration entries.
Command | Action | Default |
-admin |
If set, the SPIFFE ID in this entry will be granted access to the Server APIs | |
-data |
Path to a file containing registration data in JSON format (optional, if specified, other flags related with entry information must be omitted). If set to '-', read the JSON from stdin. | |
-dns |
A DNS name that will be included in SVIDs issued based on this entry, where appropriate. Can be used more than once | |
-downstream |
A boolean value that, when set, indicates that the entry describes a downstream SPIRE server | |
-entryExpiry |
An expiry, from epoch in seconds, for the resulting registration entry to be pruned from the datastore. Please note that this is a data management feature and not a security feature (optional). | |
-entryID |
A user-specified ID for the newly created registration entry (optional). If no entry ID is provided, one will be generated during creation | |
-federatesWith |
A list of trust domain SPIFFE IDs representing the trust domains this registration entry federates with. A bundle for that trust domain must already exist | |
-node |
If set, this entry will be applied to matching nodes rather than workloads | |
-parentID |
The SPIFFE ID of this record's parent. | |
-selector |
A colon-delimited type:value selector used for attestation. This parameter can be used more than once, to specify multiple selectors that must be satisfied. | |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-spiffeID |
The SPIFFE ID that this record represents and will be set to the SVID issued. | |
-x509SVIDTTL |
A TTL, in seconds, for any X509-SVID issued as a result of this record. Overrides -ttl value. |
The TTL configured with default_x509_svid_ttl |
A TTL, in seconds, for any JWT-SVID issued as a result of this record. Overrides -ttl value. |
The TTL configured with default_jwt_svid_ttl |
-storeSVID |
A boolean value that, when set, indicates that the resulting issued SVID from this entry must be stored through an SVIDStore plugin |
Updates registration entries.
Command | Action | Default |
-admin |
If true, the SPIFFE ID in this entry will be granted access to the Server APIs | |
-data |
Path to a file containing registration data in JSON format (optional, if specified, other flags related with entry information must be omitted). If set to '-', read the JSON from stdin. | |
-dns |
A DNS name that will be included in SVIDs issued based on this entry, where appropriate. Can be used more than once | |
-downstream |
A boolean value that, when set, indicates that the entry describes a downstream SPIRE server | |
-entryExpiry |
An expiry, from epoch in seconds, for the resulting registration entry to be pruned | |
-entryID |
The Registration Entry ID of the record to update | |
-federatesWith |
A list of trust domain SPIFFE IDs representing the trust domains this registration entry federates with. A bundle for that trust domain must already exist | |
-parentID |
The SPIFFE ID of this record's parent. | |
-selector |
A colon-delimited type:value selector used for attestation. This parameter can be used more than once, to specify multiple selectors that must be satisfied. | |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-spiffeID |
The SPIFFE ID that this record represents and will be set to the SVID issued. | |
-x509SVIDTTL |
A TTL, in seconds, for any X509-SVID issued as a result of this record. Overrides -ttl value. |
The TTL configured with default_x509_svid_ttl |
A TTL, in seconds, for any JWT-SVID issued as a result of this record. Overrides -ttl value. |
The TTL configured with default_jwt_svid_ttl |
storeSVID |
A boolean value that, when set, indicates that the resulting issued SVID from this entry must be stored through an SVIDStore plugin |
Displays the total number of registration entries.
Command | Action | Default |
-downstream |
A boolean value that, when set, indicates that the entry describes a downstream SPIRE server | |
-federatesWith |
SPIFFE ID of a trust domain an entry is federate with. Can be used more than once | |
-parentID |
The Parent ID of the records to count. | |
-selector |
A colon-delimited type:value selector. Can be used more than once to specify multiple selectors. | |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-spiffeID |
The SPIFFE ID of the records to count. |
Deletes a specified registration entry.
Command | Action | Default |
-entryID |
The Registration Entry ID of the record to delete | |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
Displays configured registration entries.
Command | Action | Default |
-downstream |
A boolean value that, when set, indicates that the entry describes a downstream SPIRE server | |
-entryID |
The Entry ID of the record to show. | |
-federatesWith |
SPIFFE ID of a trust domain an entry is federate with. Can be used more than once | |
-parentID |
The Parent ID of the records to show. | |
-selector |
A colon-delimited type:value selector. Can be used more than once to specify multiple selectors. | |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-spiffeID |
The SPIFFE ID of the records to show. |
Displays the total number of bundles.
Command | Action | Default |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
Displays the bundle for the trust domain of the server.
Command | Action | Default |
-format |
The format to show the bundle. Either pem or spiffe |
pem |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
Displays federated bundles.
Command | Action | Default |
-id |
The trust domain SPIFFE ID of the bundle to show. If unset, all trust bundles are shown | |
-format |
The format to show the federated bundles. Either pem or spiffe |
pem |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
Creates or updates bundle data for a trust domain. This command cannot be used to alter the server trust domain bundle, only bundles for other trust domains.
Command | Action | Default |
-id |
The trust domain SPIFFE ID of the bundle to set. | |
-path |
Path on disk to the file containing the bundle data. If unset, data is read from stdin. | |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-format |
The format of the bundle to set. Either pem or spiffe |
pem |
Deletes bundle data for a trust domain. This command cannot be used to delete the server trust domain bundle, only bundles for other trust domains.
Command | Action | Default |
-id |
The trust domain SPIFFE ID of the bundle to delete. | |
-mode |
One of: restrict , dissociate , delete . restrict prevents the bundle from being deleted if it is associated to registration entries (i.e. federated with). dissociate allows the bundle to be deleted and removes the association from registration entries. delete deletes the bundle as well as associated registration entries. |
restrict |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
Creates a dynamic federation relationship with a foreign trust domain.
Command | Action | Default |
-bundleEndpointProfile |
Endpoint profile type. Either https_web or https_spiffe . |
-bundleEndpointURL |
URL of the SPIFFE bundle endpoint that provides the trust bundle (must use the HTTPS protocol). | |
-data |
Path to a file containing federation relationships in JSON format (optional, if specified, other flags related with federation relationship information must be omitted). If set to '-', read the JSON from stdin. | |
-endpointSpiffeID |
SPIFFE ID of the SPIFFE bundle endpoint server. Only used for https_spiffe profile. |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket. | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-trustDomain |
Name of the trust domain to federate with (e.g., | |
-trustDomainBundleFormat |
The format of the bundle data (optional). Either pem or spiffe . |
pem |
-trustDomainBundlePath |
Path to the trust domain bundle data (optional). |
Deletes a dynamic federation relationship.
Command | Action | Default |
-id |
SPIFFE ID of the trust domain of the relationship. | |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket. | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
Lists all the dynamic federation relationships.
Command | Action | Default |
-id |
SPIFFE ID of the trust domain of the relationship | |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket. | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
Refreshes the bundle from the specified federated trust domain.
Command | Action | Default |
-id |
SPIFFE ID of the trust domain of the relationship | |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket. | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
Shows a dynamic federation relationship.
Command | Action | Default |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket. | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-trustDomain |
The trust domain name of the federation relationship to show (e.g., |
Updates a dynamic federation relationship with a foreign trust domain.
Command | Action | Default |
-bundleEndpointProfile |
Endpoint profile type. Either https_web or https_spiffe . |
-bundleEndpointURL |
URL of the SPIFFE bundle endpoint that provides the trust bundle (must use the HTTPS protocol). | |
-data |
Path to a file containing federation relationships in JSON format (optional, if specified, other flags related with federation relationship information must be omitted). If set to '-', read the JSON from stdin. | |
-endpointSpiffeID |
SPIFFE ID of the SPIFFE bundle endpoint server. Only used for https_spiffe profile. |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket. | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-trustDomain |
Name of the trust domain to federate with (e.g., | |
-trustDomainBundleFormat |
The format of the bundle data (optional). Either pem or spiffe . |
pem |
-trustDomainBundlePath |
Path to the trust domain bundle data (optional). |
Ban attested node given its spiffeID. A banned attested node is not able to re-attest.
Command | Action | Default |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-spiffeID |
The SPIFFE ID of the agent to ban (agent identity) |
Displays the total number of attested nodes.
Command | Action | Default |
-selector |
A colon-delimited type:value selector. Can be used more than once to specify multiple selectors. | |
-canReattest |
Filter based on string received, 'true': agents that can reattest, 'false': agents that can't reattest, other value will return all | |
-banned |
Filter based on string received, 'true': banned agents, 'false': not banned agents, other value will return all | |
-expiresBefore |
Filter by expiration time (format: "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700 -07") | |
-spiffeID |
The SPIFFE ID of the records to count. |
De-attesting an already attested node given its spiffeID.
Command | Action | Default |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-spiffeID |
The SPIFFE ID of the agent to evict (agent identity) |
Displays attested nodes.
Command | Action | Default |
Command | Action | Default |
:-------------- | :------------------------------------ | :----------------------------------- |
-selector |
A colon-delimited type:value selector. Can be used more than once to specify multiple selectors. | |
-canReattest |
Filter based on string received, 'true': agents that can reattest, 'false': agents that can't reattest, other value will return all | |
-banned |
Filter based on string received, 'true': banned agents, 'false': not banned agents, other value will return all | |
-expiresBefore |
Filter by expiration time (format: "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700 -07") | |
-attestationType |
Filters agents to those matching the attestation type, like join_token or x509pop. |
Displays the details (including node selectors) of an attested node given its spiffeID.
Command | Action | Default |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-spiffeID |
The SPIFFE ID of the agent to show (agent identity) |
Checks SPIRE server's health.
Command | Action | Default |
-shallow |
Perform a less stringent health check | |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-verbose |
Print verbose information |
Validates a SPIRE server configuration file. Arguments are the same as spire-server run
Typically, you may want at least:
Command | Action | Default |
-config |
Path to a SPIRE server configuration file | server.conf |
-expandEnv |
Expand environment $VARIABLES in the config file | false |
Mints an X509-SVID.
Command | Action | Default |
-dns |
A DNS name that will be included in SVID. Can be used more than once | |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-spiffeID |
The SPIFFE ID of the X509-SVID | |
-ttl |
The TTL of the X509-SVID | First non-zero value from Entry.x509_svid_ttl , Entry.ttl , default_x509_svid_ttl , 1h |
-write |
Directory to write output to instead of stdout |
Mints a JWT-SVID.
Command | Action | Default |
-audience |
Audience claim that will be included in the SVID. Can be used more than once | |
-socketPath |
Path to the SPIRE Server API socket | /tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock |
-spiffeID |
The SPIFFE ID of the JWT-SVID | |
-ttl |
The TTL of the JWT-SVID | First non-zero value from Entry.jwt_svid_ttl , Entry.ttl , default_jwt_svid_ttl , 5m |
-write |
File to write token to instead of stdout |
A JSON object passed to -data
for entry create/update
expects the following form:
The entry object is described by RegistrationEntry
in the common protobuf file.
Note: to create node entries, set parent_id
to the special value spiffe://<your-trust-domain>/spire/server
That's what the code does when the -node
flag is passed on the cli.
This section includes a sample configuration file for formatting and syntax reference
server {
trust_domain = ""
bind_address = ""
bind_port = "8081"
log_level = "INFO"
data_dir = "/opt/spire/.data/"
default_x509_svid_ttl = "6h"
default_jwt_svid_ttl = "5m"
ca_ttl = "72h"
ca_subject {
country = ["US"]
organization = ["SPIRE"]
common_name = ""
telemetry {
Prometheus {
port = 1234
plugins {
DataStore "sql" {
plugin_data {
database_type = "sqlite3"
connection_string = "/opt/spire/.data/datastore.sqlite3"
NodeAttestor "join_token" {
plugin_data {}
KeyManager "disk" {
plugin_data {
keys_path = "/opt/spire/.data/keys.json"