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File metadata and controls

1651 lines (1244 loc) · 53 KB
  • Feature Name: structured_logging
  • Start Date: 2019-03-11
  • RFC PR: log/rfcs#0296


Add support for structured logging to the log crate in both std and no_std environments, allowing log records to carry typed data beyond a textual message. This document serves as an introduction to what structured logging is all about, and as an RFC for an implementation in the log crate.

log will provide an API for capturing structured data that offloads complex serialization to de-facto standards in the ecosystem, but avoids integrating them too tightly, or forcing any specific framework on consumers.

The API is heavily inspired by slog and tokio-trace.

NOTE: Code in this RFC uses recent language features like impl Trait, but can be implemented without them.



What is structured logging?

Information in log records can be traditionally captured as a blob of text, including a level, a message, and maybe a few other pieces of metadata. There's a lot of potentially valuable information we throw away when we format log records this way. Arbitrary textual representations often result in output that is neither easy for humans to read, nor for machines to parse.

Structured logs can retain their original structure in a machine-readable format. They can be changed programmatically within a logging pipeline before reaching their destination. Once there, they can be analyzed using common database tools.

As an example of structured logging, a textual record like this:

[INF 2018-09-27T09:32:03Z basic] [service: database, correlation: 123] Operation completed successfully in 18ms

could be represented as a structured record like this:

    "ts": 1538040723000,
    "lvl": "INFO",
    "msg": "Operation completed successfully in 18ms",
    "module": "basic",
    "service": "database",
    "correlation": 123,
    "took": 18

When log records are kept in a structured format like this, potentially interesting queries like what are all records where the correlation is 123?, or how many errors were there in the last hour? can be computed efficiently.

Even when logging to a console for immediate consumption, the human-readable message can be presented better when it's not trying to include ambient metadata inline:

[INF 2018-09-27T09:32:03Z] Operation completed successfully in 18ms
module: "basic"
service: "database"
correlation: 123
took: 18

Having a way to capture additional metadata is good for human-centric formats. Having a way to retain the structure of that metadata is good for machine-centric formats.

Why do we need structured logging in log?

Why add structured logging support to the log crate when libraries like slog already exist and support it? log needs to support structured logging to make the experience of using slog and other logging tools in the Rust ecosystem more compatible.

On the surface there doesn't seem to be a lot of difference between log and slog, so why not just deprecate one in favor of the other? Conceptually, log and slog are different libraries that fill different roles, even if there's some overlap.

slog is a logging framework. It offers all the fundamental tools needed out-of-the-box to capture log records, define and implement the pieces of a logging pipeline, and pass them through that pipeline to an eventual destination. It has conventions and trade-offs baked into the design of its API. Loggers are treated explicitly as values in data structures and as arguments, and callers can control whether to pass owned or borrowed data.

log is a logging facade. It's only concerned with a standard, minimal API for capturing log records, and surfacing those records to some consumer. The tools provided by log are only those that are fundamental to the operation of the log! macro. From log's point of view, a logging framework like slog is a black-box implementation of the Log trait. In this role, the Log trait can act as a common entry-point for capturing log records. That means the Record type can act as a common container for describing a log record. log has its own set of trade-offs baked into the design of its API. The log! macro assumes a single, global entry-point, and all data in a log record is borrowed from the call-site.

A healthy logging ecosystem needs both log and frameworks like slog. As a standard API, log can support a diverse but cohesive ecosystem of logging tools in Rust by acting as the glue between libraries, frameworks, and applications. A lot of libraries already depend on it. In order to really fulfill this role though, log needs to support structured logging so that libraries and their consumers can take advantage of it in a framework-agnostic way.

Guide-level explanation

This section introduces log's structured logging API through a tour of how structured records can be captured and consumed.

Logging structured key-value pairs

Structured logging is supported in log by allowing typed key-value pairs to be associated with a log record. This support isn't surfaced in the log! macros initially, so you'll need to use a framework like slog or tokio-trace with log integration, or an alternative implementation of the log! macros to capture structured key-value pairs.

What can be captured as a structured value?

A value can be captured as a structured value in a log record if it implements the ToValue trait:

pub trait ToValue {
    fn to_value<'v>(&'v self) -> Value<'v>;

where Value is a special container for structured data:

pub struct Value<'v>(_);

// A value can always be debugged
impl<'v> Debug for Value<'v> {

We'll look at Value in more detail later. For now, we can think of it as a container that normalizes capturing and emitting the structure of values.

Initially, that means a fixed set of primitive types from the standard library:

  • Standard formats: Arguments
  • Primitives: bool, char
  • Unsigned integers: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128
  • Signed integers: i8, i16, i32, i64, i128
  • Strings: &str, String
  • Paths: &Path, PathBuf
  • Special types: Option<T>, &T, and ().

Each of these types implements ToValue in a way that opaquely retains some notion of their underlying structure. Using u8 as an example:

impl ToValue for u8 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.u64(*v as u64))

The Value::from_any method accepts any type, &T, and an ad-hoc function that tells the Value what its structure is:

impl<'v> Value<'v> {
    pub fn from_any<T>(v: &'v T, from: fn(FromAny, &T) -> Result<(), Error>) -> Self {

pub struct FromAny(_);

impl FromAny {
    pub fn debug(v: impl Debug) -> Result<(), Error> {

    // Not publicly exposed. Used by internal implementations
    fn u64(v: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {

Only being able to log primitive types from the standard library is a bit limiting though. What if correlation_id is a uuid::Uuid, and user is a struct, User, with its own fields?

Implementing ToValue for a simple value

A newtype structure like uuid::Uuid could implement the ToValue trait directly in terms of some underlying value that already implements ToValue:

impl ToValue for Uuid {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {

Alternatively, uuid::Uuid could provide a nicer implementation using its Debug implementation:

impl ToValue for Uuid {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {

Finally, it could use the Debug implementation of its hyphenated format:

impl ToValue for Uuid {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, uuid| from.debug(uuid.to_hyphenated()))

There's some subtlety in this last implementation. The actual value whose structure is captured is not the &'v Uuid, it's the owned ToHyphenated<'v>. This is why Value::from_any uses a separate function for capturing the structure of its values that doesn't depend on the lifetime of the given &'v T. It lets us capture a borrowed Uuid with the right lifetime 'v, but materialize an owned ToHyphenated with the structure we want.

Implementing ToValue for a complex value

A structure like User is a bit different from a newtype like uuid::Uuid. It could be represented using Debug, but then the contents of its fields would be lost in an opaque and unstructured string. It would be better represented as a map of key-value pairs. However, complex values like maps and sequences aren't directly supported in log. They're offloaded to serialization frameworks like serde and sval that are capable of handling them effectively.

serde and sval have direct two-way integration with log's Value type through optional Cargo features. Let's use sval as an example. It's a serialization framework that's built specifically for structured logging. Adding the kv_sval feature to log will enable it:

features = ["kv_sval"]

Complex structures that derive sval's Value trait can then implement log's ToValue trait in terms of sval:

#[derive(Debug, Value)]
struct User {
    name: String,

impl ToValue for User {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {

In this way, the underlying structure of a User, described as a map by sval, is retained when converting it into a Value. Using serde instead of sval is a similar story:

features = ["kv_serde"]
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
struct User {
    name: String,

impl ToValue for User {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {

Supporting key-value pairs in Log implementations

Capturing structured logs is only half the story. Implementors of the Log trait also need to be able to work with any key-value pairs associated with a log record. Key-value pairs are accessible on a log record through the Record::key_values method:

impl Record {
    pub fn key_values(&self) -> impl Source;

where Source is a trait for iterating over the individual key-value pairs:

pub trait Source {
    // Get the value for a given key
    fn get<'kvs, Q>(&'kvs self, key: Q) -> Option<Value<'kvs>>
        Q: ToKey,

    // Run a function for each key-value pair
    fn for_each<F>(self, f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
        Self: Sized,
        F: FnMut(Key, Value),

    // Run a function for each key-value pair
    fn try_for_each<F, E>(self, f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
        Self: Sized,
        F: FnMut(Key, Value) -> Result<(), E>,
        E: Into<Error>,

    // Serialize the source as a map of key-value pairs
    fn as_map(self) -> AsMap<Self>
        Self: Sized,

    // Serialize the source as a sequence of key-value tuples
    fn as_seq(self) -> AsSeq<Self>
        Self: Sized,

    // Other methods we'll look at later

Writing key-value pairs as text

To demonstrate how to work with a Source, let's take the textual log format from before:

[INF 2018-09-27T09:32:03Z] Operation completed successfully in 18ms
module: "basic"
service: "database"
correlation: 123
took: 18

Each key-value pair, shown as a $key: $value line, can be formatted from the Source on a record using the std::fmt machinery:

use log::key_values::Source;

fn log_record(w: impl Write, r: &Record) -> io::Result<()> {
    // Write the first line of the log record

    // Write each key-value pair on a new line
        .for_each(|k, v| writeln!("{k}: {v}"))?;


In the above example, the Source::for_each method iterates over each key-value pair in the Source and writes them to the output stream.

Writing key-value pairs as JSON

Let's look at a structured example. Take the following JSON map:

    "ts": 1538040723000,
    "lvl": "INFO",
    "msg": "Operation completed successfully in 18ms",
    "module": "basic",
    "service": "database",
    "correlation": 123,
    "took": 18

A Source can be serialized as a map using a serialization framework like serde or sval. Using serde for this example requires the kv_serde feature:

features = ["kv_serde"]

Defining a serializable structure based on a log record for the previous JSON map could then be done using serde_derive, and then written using serde_json:

use log::key_values::Source;

fn log_record(w: impl Write, r: &Record) -> io::Result<()> {
    let r = SerializeRecord {
        lvl: r.level(),
        ts: epoch_millis(),
        msg: r.args().to_string(),
        kvs: r.key_values().as_map(),

    serde_json::to_writer(w, &r)?;


struct SerializeRecord<KVS> {
    lvl: Level,
    ts: u64,
    msg: String,
    kvs: KVS,

This time, instead of using the Source::for_each method, we use the Source::as_map method to get an adapter that implements serde::Serialize by serializing each key-value pair as an entry in a serde map.

Integrating log frameworks with log

The Source trait we saw previously describes some container for structured key-value pairs that can be iterated or serialized. Other log frameworks that want to integrate with the log crate should build Records that contain some implementation of Source based on their own structured logging.

The previous section demonstrated some of the methods available on Source like Source::try_for_each and Source::as_map. Both of those methods are provided on top of a required lower-level Source::visit method, which looks something like this:

trait Source {
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error>;

    // Provided methods

where Visitor is another trait that accepts individual key-value pairs:

trait Visitor<'kvs> {
    fn visit_pair(&mut self, k: Key<'kvs>, v: Value<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error>;

where Key is a container for a string and Value is the container for structured data we saw previously. The lifetime 'kvs is threaded from the original borrow of the Source through to the Keys and Values that a Visitor sees. That allows visitors to work with key-value pairs that can live for longer than a single call to Visitor::visit_pair.

Let's implement a Source. As an example, let's say our log framework captures its key-value pairs in a BTreeMap:

struct KeyValues {
    data: BTreeMap<String, serde_json::Value>,

The Source trait could be implemented for KeyValues like this:

use log::key_values::source::{self, Source};

impl Source for KeyValues {
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl source::Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), source::Error> {
        for (k, v) in {
            visitor.visit_pair(source::Key::from_str(k), source::Value::from_serde(v))

The Key::from_str method accepts any T: Borrow<str>. The Value::from_serde accepts any T: serde::Serialize + Debug.

A Source doesn't have to just contain key-value pairs directly like BTreeMap<String, serde_json::Value> though. It could act like an adapter that changes its pairs before emitting them, like we have for iterators in the standard library. As another example, the following Source doesn't store any key-value pairs of its own, instead it will sort and de-duplicate pairs read from another source by first reading them into a map before forwarding them on:

use log::key_values::source::{self, Source, Visitor};

pub struct SortRetainLast<KVS>(KVS);

impl<KVS> Source for SortRetainLast<KVS>
    KVS: Source,
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl source::Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), source::Error> {
        // `Seen` is a visitor that will capture key-value pairs
        // in a `BTreeMap`. We use it internally to sort and de-duplicate
        // the key-value pairs that `SortRetainLast` is wrapping.
        struct Seen<'kvs>(BTreeMap<source::Key<'kvs>, source::Value<'kvs>>);

        impl<'kvs> Visitor<'kvs> for Seen<'kvs> {
            fn visit_pair<'vis>(&'vis mut self, k: source::Key<'kvs>, v: source::Value<'kvs>) -> Result<(), source::Error> {
                self.0.insert(k, v);


        // Visit the inner source and collect its key-value pairs into `seen`
        let mut seen = Seen(BTreeMap::new());
        self.0.visit(&mut seen)?;

        // Iterate through the seen key-value pairs in order
        // and pass them to the `visitor`.
        for (k, v) in seen.0 {
            visitor.visit_pair(k, v)?;


How producers and consumers of structured values interact

The previous sections demonstrated some of the APIs for capturing and consuming structured data on log records. The ToValue trait and Value::from_any methods capture values into a common Value container. The Source trait allows these Values to be consumed using std::fmt, sval or serde.

Values captured from any one supported framework can be represented by any other. That means a value can be captured in terms of sval and consumed in terms of serde, with its underlying structure retained.

Reference-level explanation

This section details the nuts-and-bolts of the structured logging API.

Design considerations

Don't break anything

Allow structured logging to be added in the current 0.4.x series of log. This gives us the option of including structured logging in an 0.4.x release, or bumping the minor crate version without introducing any actual breaking changes.

Don't create a public dependency

Don't create a new serialization API that requires log to become a public dependency of any library that wants their data types to be logged. Logging is a truly cross-cutting concern, so if log was a public dependency it would become even more difficult to develop its API without compounding churn. Any traits that are expected to be publicly implemented should be narrowly scoped to make backwards compatibility easier.

Support arbitrary producers and arbitrary consumers

Provide an API that's suitable for two independent logging frameworks to integrate through if they want. Producers of structured data and consumers of structured data should be able to use different serialization frameworks opaquely and still get good results. As an example, a producer of a log::Record should be able to log a map that implements sval::Value, and the implementor of the receiving Log trait should be able to format that map using serde::Serialize.

Remain object safe

log is already designed to be object-safe so this new structured logging API needs to be object-safe too.

Enable the next round of log development

Once structured logging is available, there will be a lot of new ways to hold log and new concepts to try out, such as a procedural-macro-based log! implementation and explicit treatment of std::error::Error. The APIs introduced by this RFC should enable others to build these features in external crates, and look at integrating that work back into log in the future.

Cargo features

Structured logging will be supported in either std or no_std contexts by default.

std = []
kv_sval = ["sval"]
kv_serde = ["std", "serde", "erased-serde", "sval"]

kv_sval and kv_serde

Using default features, implementors of the Log trait will be able to format structured data (in the form of Values) using the std::fmt machinery.

sval is a new serialization framework that's specifically designed with structured logging in mind. It's no_std and object-safe, but isn't stable and requires rustc 1.31.0. Using the kv_sval feature, any Value will also implement sval::Value so its underlying structure will be visible to consumers of structured data using sval::Streams.

serde is the de-facto general-purpose serialization framework for Rust. It's widely supported and stable, but requires some significant runtime machinery in order to be object-safe. Using the kv_serde feature, any Value will also implement serde::Serialize so its underlying structure will be visible to consumers of structured data using serde::Serializers.

A complete key-values API

The following section details the public API for structured values in log, along with possible future extensions. Actual implementation details are excluded for brevity unless they're particularly noteworthy. See the original comment on the RFC issue for a reference implementation.


Just about the only things you can do with a structured value are format it or serialize it. Serialization and writing might fail, so to allow errors to get carried back to callers there needs to be a general error type that they can early return with:

pub struct Error(Inner);

impl Error {
    pub fn msg(msg: &'static str) -> Self {

impl Debug for Error {

impl Display for Error {

impl From<fmt::Error> for Error {

impl From<Error> for fmt::Error {

#[cfg(feature = "kv_sval")]
mod sval_support {
    impl From<sval::Error> for Error {

    impl Error {
        pub fn into_sval(self) -> sval::Error {

#[cfg(feature = "kv_serde")]
mod serde_support {
    impl Error {
        pub fn into_serde<E>(self) -> E
            E: serde::ser::Error,

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
mod std_support {
    impl Error {
        pub fn custom(err: impl fmt::Display) -> Self {

    impl From<io::Error> for Error {

    impl From<Error> for io::Error {

    impl error::Error for Error {

There's no really universal way to handle errors in a logging pipeline. Knowing that some error occurred, and knowing where, should be enough for implementations of Log to decide how to handle it. The Error type doesn't try to be a general-purpose error management tool, it tries to make it easy to early-return with other errors.

To make it possible to carry any arbitrary S::Error type, where we don't know how long the value can live for and whether it's Send or Sync, without extra work, the Error type does not attempt to store the error value itself. It just converts it into a String.


A Value is an erased container for some type whose structure can be visited, with a potentially short-lived lifetime:

pub struct Value<'v>(_);

impl<'v> Value<'v> {
    pub fn from_any<T>(v: &'v T, from: FromAnyFn<T>) -> Self {

    pub fn from_debug(v: &'v impl Debug) -> Self {
        Self::from_any(v, |from, v| from.debug(v))

    #[cfg(feature = "kv_sval")]
    pub fn from_sval(v: &'v (impl sval::Value + Debug)) -> Self {
        Self::from_any(v, |from, v| from.sval(v))

    #[cfg(feature = "kv_serde")]
    pub fn from_serde(v: &'v (impl serde::Serialize + Debug)) -> Self {
        Self::from_any(v, |from, v| from.serde(v))

impl<'v> Debug for Value<'v> {

impl<'v> Display for Value<'v> {

#[cfg(feature = "kv_sval")]
impl<'v> sval::Value for Value<'v> {

#[cfg(feature = "kv_serde")]
impl<'v> serde::Serialize for Value<'v> {

type FromAnyFn<T> = fn(FromAny, &T) -> Result<(), Error>;

The FromAny type is like a visitor that accepts values with a particular structure, but doesn't require those values satisfy any lifetime constraints:

pub struct FromAny<'a>(_);

impl<'a> FromAny<'a> {
    pub fn debug(self, v: impl Debug) -> Result<(), Error> {

    #[cfg(feature = "kv_sval")]
    pub fn sval(self, v: impl sval::Value + Debug) -> Result<(), Error> {

    #[cfg(feature = "kv_serde")]
    pub fn serde(self, v: impl serde::Serialize + Debug) -> Result<(), Error> {

    fn value(self, v: Value) -> Result<(), Error> {

    fn u64(self, v: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {

    fn u128(self, v: u128) -> Result<(), Error> {

    fn i64(self, v: i64) -> Result<(), Error> {

    fn i128(self, v: i128) -> Result<(), Error> {

    fn f64(self, v: f64) -> Result<(), Error> {

    fn bool(self, v: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {

    fn char(self, v: char) -> Result<(), Error> {

    fn none(self) -> Result<(), Error> {

    fn str(self, v: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {

Erasing values in Value::from_any

Internally, the Value type uses similar machinery to std::fmt::Argument for pairing an erased incoming type with a function for operating on it:

pub struct Value<'v>(Inner<'v>);

impl<'v> Value<'v> {
    pub fn from_any<T>(v: &'v T, from: FromAnyFn<T>) -> Self {
        Value(Inner::new(v, from))

struct Void {
    _priv: (),
    _oibit_remover: PhantomData<*mut dyn Fn()>,

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Inner<'a> {
    data: &'a Void,
    from: FromAnyFn<Void>,

type FromAnyFn<T> = fn(FromAny, &T) -> Result<(), Error>;

impl<'a> Inner<'a> {
    fn new<T>(data: &'a T, from: FromAnyFn<T>) -> Self {
        unsafe {
            Inner {
                data: mem::transmute::<&'a T, &'a Void>(data),
                from: mem::transmute::<FromAnyFn<T>, FromAnyFn<Void>>(from),

    // Backend is an internal trait that bridges supported serialization frameworks
    fn visit(&self, backend: &mut dyn Backend) -> Result<(), Error> {

The benefit of the Value::from_any approach over a dedicated trait is that Value::from_any doesn't make any constraints on the incoming &'v T besides needing to satisfy the 'v lifetime. That makes it possible to materialize newtypes from the borrowed &'v T to satisfy serialization constraints for cases where the caller doesn't own T and can't implement traits on it.


The Value type borrows from its inner value.


The Value type doesn't try to guarantee that values are Send or Sync, and doesn't offer any way of retaining that information when erasing.


The ToValue trait represents a type that can be converted into a Value:

pub trait ToValue {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value;

It's the generic trait bound that macros capturing structured values can require.

Object safety

The ToValue trait is object-safe.


ToValue is implemented for fundamental primitive types:

impl<'v> ToValue for Value<'v> {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {

impl<'a, T> ToValue for &'a T
    T: ToValue,
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {

impl ToValue for () {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, _| from.none())

impl ToValue for u8 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.u64(*v as u64))

impl ToValue for u16 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.u64(*v as u64))

impl ToValue for u32 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.u64(*v as u64))

impl ToValue for u64 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.u64(*v))

impl ToValue for u128 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.u128(*v))

impl ToValue for i8 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.i64(*v as i64))

impl ToValue for i16 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.i64(*v as i64))

impl ToValue for i32 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.i64(*v as i64))

impl ToValue for i64 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.i64(*v))

impl ToValue for i128 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.i128(*v))

impl ToValue for f32 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.f64(*v as f64))

impl ToValue for f64 {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.f64(*v))

impl ToValue for bool {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.bool(*v))

impl ToValue for char {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.char(*v))

impl<T> ToValue for Option<T>
    T: ToValue,
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| match v {
            Some(ref v) => from.value(v.to_value()),
            None => from.none(),

impl<'a> ToValue for &'a str {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.str(*v))

impl<'a> ToValue for &'a Arguments {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.debug(*v))

When std is available, ToValue is implemented for additional types:

impl<T: ?Sized> ToValue for Box<T> where T: ToValue {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {

impl<T: ?Sized> ToValue for Arc<KVS> where KVS: ToValue  {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {

impl<T: ?Sized> ToValue for Rc<KVS> where KVS: ToValue  {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {

impl ToValue for String {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.str(*v))

impl<'a> ToValue for &'a Path {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.debug(*v))

impl ToValue for PathBuf {
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::from_any(self, |from, v| from.debug(*v))

Other implementations for std types can be added in the same fashion.


A Key is a short-lived structure that can be represented as a UTF-8 string:

pub struct Key<'k>(_);

impl<'k> Key<'k> {
    pub fn from_str(key: &'k (impl Borrow<str> + ?Sized)) -> Self {

    pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {

impl<'k> AsRef<str> for Key<'k> {

impl<'k> Borrow<str> for Key<'k> {

impl<'k> From<&'k str> for Key<'k> {

impl<'k> PartialEq for Key<'k> {

impl<'k> Eq for Key<'k> {}

impl<'k> PartialOrd for Key<'k> {

impl<'k> Ord for Key<'k> {

impl<'k> Hash for Key<'k> {

impl<'k> Debug for Key<'k> {

impl<'k> Display for Key<'k> {

When std is available, a Key can also contain an owned String:

impl<'k> Key<'k> {
    pub fn from_owned(key: impl Into<String>) -> Self {

impl ToKey for String {
    fn to_key(&self) -> Key {
        Key::from_str(self, None)

impl<'k> From<String> for Key<'k> {

When the kv_sval or kv_serde features are enabled, a Key can be serialized using sval or serde:

#[cfg(feature = "kv_sval")]
mod sval_support {
    impl<'k> sval::Value for Key<'k> {

#[cfg(feature = "kv_serde")]
mod serde_support {
    impl<'k> Serialize for Key<'k> {

Other standard implementations could be added for any K: Borrow<str> in the same fashion.


The Key type can either borrow or own its inner value.


The Key type is probably Send and Sync, but that's not guaranteed.

Extensibility: Adding an index to keys

The Key type could be extended to hold an optional index into a source. This could be used to retrieve a specific key-value pair more efficiently than scanning. There's some subtlety to consider though when the sources of keys are combined in various ways that might invalidate a previous index.


The ToKey trait represents a type that can be converted into a Key:

pub trait ToKey {
    fn to_key(&self) -> Key;

Object safety

The ToKey trait is object-safe.


The ToKey trait is implemented for common string containers in the standard library:

impl<'a, T: ?Sized> ToKey for &'a T
    T: ToKey,
    fn to_key(&self) -> Key {

impl ToKey for str {
    fn to_key(&self) -> Key {
        Key::from_str(self, None)

impl<'k> ToKey for Key<'k> {
    fn to_key(&self) -> Key {


The Source trait is a bit like std::iter::Iterator for key-value pairs. It gives us a way to inspect some arbitrary collection of key-value pairs using an object-safe visitor pattern:

pub trait Source {
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error>;

    fn erase(&self) -> ErasedSource
        Self: Sized,

    fn get<'kvs, Q>(&'kvs self, key: Q) -> Option<Value<'kvs>>
        Q: ToKey,

    fn by_ref(&self) -> &Self {

    fn chain<KVS>(self, other: KVS) -> Chained<Self, KVS>
        Self: Sized,

    fn for_each<F>(self, f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
        Self: Sized,
        F: FnMut(Key, Value),

    fn try_for_each<F, E>(self, f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
        Self: Sized,
        F: FnMut(Key, Value) -> Result<(), E>,
        E: Into<Error>,

    #[cfg(any(feature = "kv_serde", feature = "kv_sval"))]
    fn as_map(self) -> AsMap<Self>
        Self: Sized,

    #[cfg(any(feature = "kv_serde", feature = "kv_sval"))]
    fn as_seq(self) -> AsSeq<Self>
        Self: Sized,

The Source trait is the main extensibility point for structured logging in the log crate that's used by the Record type. It doesn't make any assumptions about how many key-value pairs it contains or how they're visited. That means the visitor may observe keys in any order, and observe the same key multiple times.


Some useful adapters exist as provided methods on the Source trait. They're similar to adapters on the standard Iterator trait:

  • by_ref to get a reference to a Source within a method chain.
  • chain to concatenate one source with another. This is useful for composing implementations of Log together for contextual logging.
  • get to try finding the value associated with a key. This is useful for well-defined key-value pairs that a framework built over log might want to provide, like timestamps or message templates.
  • for_each to execute some closure over all key-value pairs. This is a convenient way to do something with each key-value pair without having to create and implement a Visitor. One potential downside of for_each is the Result return value, which seems surprising when the closure itself can't fail. The Source::for_each call might itself fail if the underlying visit call fails when iterating over its key-value pairs. This shouldn't be common though, so when paired with try_for_each, it might be reasonable to make for_each return a () and rely on try_for_each for surfacing any fallibility.
  • try_for_each is like for_each, but takes a fallible closure.
  • as_map to get a serializable map. This is a convenient way to serialize key-value pairs without having to create and implement a Visitor.
  • as_seq is like as_map, but for serializing as a sequence of tuples.

None of these methods are required for the core API. They're helpful tools for working with key-value pairs with minimal machinery. Even if we don't necessarily include them right away it's worth having an API that can support them later without breakage.

Object safety

Source is not object-safe because of the provided adapter methods not being object-safe. The only required method, visit, is safe though, so an object-safe version of Source that forwards this method can be reasonably written:

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ErasedSource<'a>(&'a dyn ErasedSourceBridge);

impl<'a> ErasedSource<'a> {
    pub fn erased(kvs: &'a impl Source) -> Self {

    pub fn empty() -> Self {
        ErasedSource(&(&[] as &[(&str, Value)]))

impl<'a> Source for ErasedSource<'a> {
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error> {

    fn get<'kvs, Q>(&'kvs self, key: Q) -> Option<Value<'kvs>>
        Q: ToKey,

trait ErasedSourceBridge {
    fn erased_visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error>;
    fn erased_get<'kvs>(&'kvs self, key: Key) -> Option<Value<'kvs>>;

impl<KVS> ErasedSourceBridge for KVS
    KVS: Source + ?Sized,
    fn erased_visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error> {

    fn erased_get<'kvs>(&'kvs self, key: Key) -> Option<Value<'kvs>> {


A Source containing a single key-value pair is implemented for a tuple of a key and value:

impl<K, V> Source for (K, V)
    K: ToKey,
    V: ToValue,
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error>
        visitor.visit_pair(self.0.to_key(), self.1.to_value())

A Source with multiple pairs is implemented for arrays of Sources:

impl<KVS> Source for [KVS] where KVS: Source {
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error> {
        for kv in self {


When std is available, Source is implemented for some standard collections too:

impl<KVS: ?Sized> Source for Box<KVS> where KVS: Source {
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error> {

impl<KVS: ?Sized> Source for Arc<KVS> where KVS: Source  {
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error> {

impl<KVS: ?Sized> Source for Rc<KVS> where KVS: Source  {
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error> {

impl<KVS> Source for Vec<KVS> where KVS: Source {
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error> {

impl<K, V> Source for BTreeMap<K, V>
    K: ToKey + Borrow<str> + Ord,
    V: ToValue,
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error>
        for (k, v) in self {
            visitor.visit_pair(k.borrow().to_key(), v.to_value())?;


    fn get<'kvs, Q>(&'kvs self, key: Q) -> Option<Value<'kvs>>
        Q: ToKey,
        BTreeMap::get(self, key.to_key().borrow()).map(|v| v.to_value())

impl<K, V> Source for HashMap<K, V>
    K: ToKey + Borrow<str> + Eq + Hash,
    V: ToValue,
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error>
        for (k, v) in self {
            visitor.visit_pair(k.borrow().to_key(), v.to_value())?;


    fn get<'kvs, Q>(&'kvs self, key: Q) -> Option<Value<'kvs>>
        Q: ToKey,
        HashMap::get(self, key.to_key().borrow()).map(|v| v.to_value())

The BTreeMap and HashMap implementations provide more efficient implementations of Source::get.

Extensibility: Sending Sources between threads

Implementations of Log might want to offload the processing of records to some background thread. The record would need to be converted into some owned representation before being sent across threads. This is straightforward for the existing borrowed string metadata on a record, but less so for any structured data. The Source trait is the point where having some way to convert from a borrowed to an owned set of key-value pairs would make the most sense because that's where the knowledge of the underlying key-value storage is.

A new provided method could be added to the Source trait that allows it to be converted into an owned variant that is Send + Sync + 'static:

pub trait Source {

    fn to_owned(&self) -> OwnedSource {

pub struct OwnedSource(Arc<dyn ErasedSource + Send + Sync>);

impl OwnedSource {
    pub fn new(impl Into<Arc<impl Source + Send + Sync>>) -> Self {

    pub fn collect(impl Source) -> Self {
        // Serialize the `Source` to something like
        // `Vec<(String, OwnedValue)>`
        // where `OwnedValue` is like `serde_json::Value`

Other implementations of Source would be encouraged to override the to_owned method if they could provide a more efficient implementation. As an example, if there's a Source that is already wrapped up in an Arc then it can implement to_owned by just cloning itself.


The Visitor trait used by Source can visit a single key-value pair:

pub trait Visitor<'kvs> {
    fn visit_pair(&mut self, k: Key<'kvs>, v: Value<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error>;

impl<'a, 'kvs, T: ?Sized> Visitor<'kvs> for &'a mut T
    T: Visitor<'kvs>

A Visitor may serialize the keys and values as it sees them. It may also do other work, like sorting or de-duplicating them. Operations that involve ordering keys will probably require allocations.


There aren't any public implementors of Visitor in the log crate. Other crates that use key-value pairs will implement Visitor, or use the adapter methods on Source and never need to touch Visitors directly.

Object safety

The Visitor trait is object-safe.

Record and RecordBuilder

Structured key-value pairs can be set on a RecordBuilder as an implementation of a Source:

impl<'a> RecordBuilder<'a> {
    pub fn key_values(&mut self, kvs: ErasedSource<'a>) -> &mut RecordBuilder<'a> {
        self.record.kvs = kvs;

These key-value pairs can then be accessed on the built Record:

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Record<'a> {

    kvs: ErasedSource<'a>,

impl<'a> Record<'a> {
    pub fn key_values(&self) -> ErasedSource {

A minimal key-values API

The following API is just the fundamental pieces of what's proposed by this RFC. Everything else could be implemented on top of this subset without introducing breakage. It also offers the freedom to move in a different direction entirely:

impl<'a> RecordBuilder<'a> {
    pub fn key_values(&mut self, kvs: ErasedSource<'a>) -> &mut RecordBuilder<'a> {

impl<'a> Record<'a> {
    pub fn key_values(&self) -> ErasedSource {

pub struct Error(_);

impl Error {
    pub fn msg(msg: &'static str) -> Self {

impl Debug for Error {

impl Display for Error {

impl From<fmt::Error> for Error {

impl From<Error> for fmt::Error {

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl Error {
    pub fn custom(err: impl fmt::Display) -> Self {

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl From<io::Error> for Error {

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl From<Error> for io::Error {

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl error::Error for Error {

pub struct Value<'v>(_);

impl<'v> Value<'v> {
    pub fn from_debug(value: &'v impl Debug) -> Self {

impl<'v> Debug for Value<'v> {

impl<'v> Display for Value<'v> {

pub struct Key<'k>(_);

impl<'k> Key<'k> {
    pub fn from_str(key: &'k (impl Borrow<str> + ?Sized)) -> Self {

    pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {

pub trait Source {
    fn visit<'kvs>(&'kvs self, visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error>;

    fn erase(&self) -> ErasedSource
        Self: Sized,

pub struct ErasedSource<'a>(_);

pub trait Visitor<'kvs> {
    fn visit_pair(&mut self, k: Key<'kvs>, v: Value<'kvs>) -> Result<(), Error>;

The log! macros

The existing log! macros will not be changed in the initial implementation of structured logging. Instead, log will rely on new log! macro implementations and existing structured frameworks like slog and tokio-trace to capture structured key-value pairs.

It's expected that an external library will be created to explore new implementations of the log! macros that are structured by design, rather than attempting to graft structured logging support onto the existing macros. The result of this work should eventually find its way back into the log crate.

Drawbacks, rationale, and alternatives

Supporting structured logging at all

Structured logging is a non-trivial feature to support. It adds complexity and overhead to the log crate. The alternative, not supporting structured logging, is not a suitable long-term solution for log unless we plan to eventually deprecate it.

Internalizing sval and serde

Values captured from any one supported framework can be represented by any other. That means a value can be captured by sval can be consumed by serde, with its underlying structure retained. This is done through an internal one-to-one integration from each framework to each other framework.

The choice of sval as a supported framework is because it's purpose-built for serializing values in structured logging. The choice of serde as a supported framework is because it's the de-facto standard in the Rust ecosystem and already used within log.


The one-to-one bridge between serialization frameworks within log makes the effort needed to support them increase exponentially with each addition, and discourages it from supporting more than a few.

It also introduces direct coupling between log and these frameworks. For sval specifically, this is risky because it's not currently stable and breaking changes are a possibility.

The mechanism suggested in this RFC for erasing values in Value::from_any relies on unsafe code. It's the same as what's used in std::fmt, but in std::fmt the machinery isn't directly exposed to callers outside of unstable features.


Build a serialization contract in log

Instead of internalizing a few serialization frameworks, log could provide a public common contract for them to conform to:

// Instead of `Value::from_any` + `FromAny`

pub trait Visit {
    fn visit(&self, visitor: &mut dyn Visitor) -> Result<(), Error>;

pub trait Visitor {
    fn u64(&mut self, v: u64) -> Result<(), Error>;
    fn i64(&mut self, v: i64) -> Result<(), Error>;


This is fairly straightforward for primitive types like integers and strings, but becomes much more involved when dealing with complex values likes maps and sequences. Not supporting these complex structures is limiting, and reduces logs interoperability with other frameworks that do. A serialization framework needs to do more than just provide a contract, its API needs to work to support implementations on either side of that contract, otherwise it won't gain adoption.

Maintaining a useful serialization framework is a distraction for log. Serialization of structured values is a complex, necessary, but not primary function of log, so it should avoid owning that contract and the baggage that comes along with it if it can. That's why the sval library was created; to manage the necessary complexity of building a serialization framework that's suitable for structured logging externally from the log crate.

Within the log crate itself, internalizing fundamental serialization frameworks reduces the effort needed from building a complete framework down to shimming an existing framework. These shims would exist in the wider log ecosystem in either case. The effort of managing breaking changes in supported serialization frameworks isn't less than the effort of managing breaking changes in a common contract provided by log. The owner of that contract, whether it's log or serde or sval, has to consider the churn introduced by breakage. As a downstream consumer of that breakage, log is in the same boat as its consumers.

Just pick an existing framework

Instead of building a common shim around several serialization frameworks, log could just pick one and bake it in directly. This would have the benefit of offering the best end-user experience for existing users of that framework when interacting with the log! macros and Sources. It also means accepting the trade-offs that framework makes. For serde, that means requiring the standard library for boxing values. For sval, that means accepting churn as it matures.

The API proposed using the Value type as an opaque container along with APIs for specific frameworks is a reasonable middle-ground between baking in a specific framework and only offering a contract without any direct support. It gives producers of structured data a way to plug their data using a framework of choice into a Value, either directly or through compatibility with a supported framework. It gives consumers of structured data a first-class experience for plugging Values into their framework of choice by deriving the appropriate traits. It also gives log room to add and deprecate support for frameworks if mindshare shifts in the future.

Prior art

Structured logging is a paradigm that's supported by logging frameworks in many language ecosystems.


The slog library is a structured logging framework for Rust. Its API predates a stable serde crate, so it defines its own traits that are similar to serde::Serialize. A log record consists of a rendered message and bag of structured key-value pairs. slog goes further than this RFC proposes by requiring callers of its log! macros to state whether key-values are owned or borrowed by the record, and whether the data is safe to share across threads.

This RFC proposes an API that's inspired by slog, but doesn't directly support distinguishing between owned or borrowed key-value pairs. Everything is borrowed. That means the only way to send a Record to another thread is to serialize it into a different type.


The logrus library is a structured logging framework for Go. It uses a similar separation of the textual log message from structured key-value pairs that this API proposes.


The C# community has mostly standardized around using message templates for packaging a log message with structured key-value pairs. Instead of logging a rendered message and separate bag of structured data, the log record contains a template that allows key-value pairs to be interpolated from the same bag of structured data. It avoids duplicating the same information multiple times.

Supporting something like message templates in Rust using the log! macros would probably require procedural macros. A macro like that could be built on top of the API proposed by this RFC.

Unresolved questions