status 2019-06-13: this document is incomplete and unvetted. We anticipate to be receiving guidelines from Mozilla Legal in the near future. If this notice is still here on 2019-09-13, please file an issue on this repo to ping for updated status.
If we get a DMCA takedown notice, here's what needs to happen:
TODO specific instructions
The codebase doesn't currently have a builtin way to remove the already-generated docs, so the current approach when a DMCA arrives is to prevent users accessing the docs at the nginx level. The people who currently have permissions to access the server are:
- rustdoc team:
- infra team:
- People with 1password access
One of these people needs to log into the
machine through the bastion and add
this snippet to /home/ubuntu/conf/
location /CRATENAME {
return 410;
location /crate/CRATENAME {
return 410;
Then reload the nginx configuration:
$ sudo systemctl reload nginx