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277 lines (215 loc) · 14.3 KB


Add method fn recycle<U>(mut self) -> Vec<U> for Vec<T> that allows safe reuse of the backing allocation of the Vec<T> at a different, but compatible, type Vec<U>. The vector is emptied and any values contained in it will be dropped. As a result, no elements of type T are transmuted to U and so this operation is safe. The target type must have the same size and alignment as the source type.


While custom allocators allow for great customizability, they are a complicated feature; the full story for them is still in flux and most of the APIs are unstable.

However, there are many use cases where the user might want to avoid calling free and malloc repeatedly, but a very simple way of reusing the same buffer would suffice.

A prominient use-case is doing zero-copy parsing from a stream:

  1. Get a chunk of bytes: a &[u8] that has only the lifetime of a single loop iteration.
  2. Deserialize the chunk and store the deserialized objects into a Vec. To achieve zero-copy parsing, the Vec holds references to the chunk.
  3. Do whatever processing one does with the Vec.
  4. Loop ends. Because the chunk lifetime is going to end, the Vec containing references to the chunk must be de-allocated.

Note that having a permanently allocated Vec outside the loop doesn't work, because the it isn't allowed to outlive the chunk. But re-allocating and freeing each iteration isn't desirable either.

This RFC presents a simple API for Vec that reconciles this situation and allows safe reuse of the backing allocation of Vec.

Guide-level explanation

Sometimes you find yourself doing performance-sensitive processing where you want to avoid creating new Vecs in a loop, but instead reuse a single Vec over and over again. If the values you are storing in the Vec are 'static, this is easy to achieve:

    let mut objects: Vec<Object> = Vec::new();

    while let Some(byte_chunk) = {                      // `byte_chunk` lifetime starts

        deserialize(byte_chunk, &mut objects)?;

    }                                                                 // `byte_chunk` lifetime ends

However, in these kinds of performance-sensitive contexts, it's not uncommon to do zero-copy parsing; that is, reusing parts of the original byte buffer as-is, to save the cost of copying the data over (and possibly allocating storage for the data) from the original buffer. This means that the Objects parsed from byte_chunk have references to it:

    let mut objects: Vec<Object<'_>> = Vec::new();                    // `objects` lifetime starts

    while let Some(byte_chunk) = {                      // `byte_chunk` lifetime starts

        // Zero-copy parsing; Objects has references to `byte_chunk`
        deserialize(byte_chunk, &mut objects)?;

    }                                                                 // `byte_chunk` lifetime ends
                                                           // `objects` is still alive after the loop

This proves to be a problem:

  1. byte_chunk must outlive the references to it for the references to stay valid.
  2. The references are contained in Objects, which means byte_chunk must outlive the Objects.
  3. The Objects in turn are contained in the objects Vec, which means byte_chunk must outlive objects.
  4. However, byte_chunk doesn't do that; instead, objects outlives it, since we want to reuse the allocation.

This leads to a lifetime conflict.

Note that since we truncate objects in the end of the each loop, it doesn't actually contain any Objects that would outlive byte_chunk! However, statements like "this Vec is empty, therefore it's contents oughtn't cause any lifetime conflicts" is not a statement that the type system understands or keeps track of. The borrow checker just sees that the type of objects is Vec<Object<'a>> where 'a must be outlived by the lifetime of byte_chunk.

However, Vec has an API that allows us to fix the situation. Calling the recycle method allows us to decouple the type – including the lifetime – of objects during each loop from the original type:

                                                // The lifetime here can be anything, including 'static
    let mut objects: Vec<Object<'static>> = Vec::new();

    while let Some(byte_chunk) = {                      // `byte_chunk` lifetime starts

         let mut objects_temp: Vec<Object<'_>> = objects.recycle();   // `objects_temp` lifetime starts
        // Zero-copy parsing; Objects has references to `byte_chunk`
        deserialize(byte_chunk, &mut objects_temp)?;
        objects = objects_temp.recycle();                             // `objects_temp` lifetime ends

    }                                                                 // `byte_chunk` lifetime ends

From the viewpoint of the borrow checker, objects_temp is a new, separate object that has nothing to do with objects. This means that when we "return" it to objects at the end of the loop, we have achieved our objective: objects_temp has a shorter lifetime than byte_chunk.

Note that recycle internally empties the Vec to preserve the soundness of the API; not doing so would accidentally transmute unrelated types! Additionally, recycle checks that the size and alignment of the source and target types match. This is to ensure that the backing allocation has compatible memory layout.

Reference-level explanation

The implementation of this RFC is very clear and concise; it's as follows:

impl Vec<T> {
    fn recycle<U>(mut self) -> Vec<U> {
        assert_eq!(core::mem::size_of::<T>(), core::mem::size_of::<U>());
        assert_eq!(core::mem::align_of::<T>(), core::mem::align_of::<U>());
        let (ptr, _, capacity) = self.into_raw_parts();
        let ptr = ptr as *mut U;
        unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, 0, capacity) }

The implementation, however, includes unsafe code and thus deserves some scrutiny; the reasoning why this API is able to provide a safe interface is as follows:

  1. It truncates the Vec to zero length, dropping all the values. This ensures that no values of arbitrary types are transmuted accidentally.
  2. It checks that the sizes and alignments of the source and target types match. This ensures that the underlying block of memory backing Vec is compatible layout-wise.
  3. It creates a new Vec value using from_raw_parts, instead of transmuting, an operation whose soundness would be questionable.

The major unresolved question whether the API is sound is its interaction with possible future allocator features. Namely, while preserving the layout of the backing memory, it might change its type. If there is going to be allocator APIs that care about the type, they might not expect the pointer passed in upon deallocation to be of different type from what was originally allocated.

This is also the main reason why this API deserves a places in the standard library: Besides providing a useful tool for the situations described in Guide-level explanation, its existence as a safe primitive is also a statement about the soundness of the operation it performs. The writer expects the Allocation WG to take a stance about whether the proposed API is sound in presense of possible interactions with anticipated future allocator APIs.

There is a complication around stabilizing this API: as defined like above, it panics at runtime when called with a Vec that has an incompatible type. However, when the const evaluation support gets improved, it is likely that we will have a support for compile-time assertions that raise a compilation error. As type sizes and alignments are knowable at compile-time, it would be even better to – instead of panicking – detect errors early and show a helpful error message. However, if stabilized as-is, changing it later to use compile- time asserts will be a breaking change, as it might cause crates that used to compile stop compiling.


  • It expands the standard library API surface with a method that could, and in fact, is currently provided by a crate. (
  • It provides a safe primitive that can't be implemented in safe code alone. Thus, is adds expressivity of safe code and in a sense decreases the guarantees that other code could depend upon. (I.e. that Vecs are dropped as the same type they were initialized as.) The author thinks that this is worth the tradeoff, as the motivation for this API is clear, and on the other hand, it's unclear whether there's any merit to be had in the said guarantee, especially as it seems like something that unsafe code might be already doing in the crates ecosystem.

Rationale and alternatives

Another design that was more focusedly trying to tackle the lifetime problem presented in the Guide-level explanation was considered; if the API allowed to only reinterpret the Vec type to have other lifetimes, it would be more restricted, especially in the sense that lifetimes are guaranteed to be erased before code generation, so the reinterpretation could never change the memory layouts of the types stored in the Vec.

However, this was deemed to be:

  1. Hard or impossible to achieve using the current type system, as it doesn't allow expressing directly subtyping relations between two generic types in where clauses. [1]
  2. Unnecessary as the API doesn't actually transmute any values, and thus ought to be safe anyway.

Thus, it was deemed to be sufficient to limit verification of the memory layout to the checking of size and alignment of the stored type.

There is an alternative to this API, provided by, that instead of panicking on mismatching size or alignment, just allocates a new Vec and returns it. This has the advantage that it works well in generic contexts. The API proposed here takes stricter stance against allocating, not allowing allocating by mistake. On the other hand, it's harder to use in generic contexts. There might be room for providing both kind of APIs.

The impact of not doing is this is that those who need to reuse allocations and run into lifetime problems as described in the Guide-level explanation, either

  1. use a crate such as
  2. implement the feature themselves using unsafe code.

The author sees the 2. option as something that we, as members of the Rust community, should strive to avoid, and instead provide and use APIs that wraps the interfaces safely. The 1. option remains a valid altertanive to providing this API in the standard library.

However, as

  1. there is generally some resistance against using small utility crates
  2. they suffer from discoverability problem
  3. they don't have a similar "mandate" over what's sound and what's not as the standard library is perceived to has, the author believes that including this API in standard library is the best alternative.

[1] This was explored in this Reddit thread without success:

Prior art

A prior implementation of a similar API is provided by the crate vec-utils:

The same API as here is also provided by the crate recycle_vec, intended to test the implementation:

There is also an unmerged RFC about transmuting Vecs: #2756 The difference with this RFC is that this RFC intends to provide a safe API for reusing the allocation and doesn't concern itself with transmuting/reinterpreting the content values of Vec.

The author is unaware about prior art outside of the Rust language and its ecosystem; it might be hard to find as the proposed API is positioned in the cutting point of high performance processing, low-level control over memory allocation and separation between unsafe and safe code. In this space, Rust remains quite alone.

Unresolved questions

  • The interaction between (typed?) allocators and a Vec having a different type on drop from what it had on allocation.
    • If the Allocation WG expects that the future allocator APIs have no interactions with higher-level types, this makes the discussion straightforward.
    • The standard library already having methods like String::into_bytes and String::into_boxed_str essentially resolves this question: reinterpreting the type, even in "owned form" is allowed if the invariants of the types allow it. It would still nice to have a confirmation about whether this author's interpretation is correct.
  • The method name can be bikeshedded.
  • There are other collections that might benefit from similar API. Should we add this API to other, or possibly all collections in the standard library?
  • The backwards-compatibilty hazard before having compile-time asserts must be reconciled somehow or the stabilization must be delayed until compile-time asserts are available.
    • It seems that there are currently no plans about supporting generic type parameters in const context. This means that asserting a size of a type as a compile time assertion seems to be like a far-fetched feature.
  • The API provided by this RFC panics on size or alignment mismatch. An alternative to this is to consider the allocation just an optional optimization, and silently allocate a new, compatible Vec in case the old allocation can't be reused. It's also plausible that both kind of APIs are provided.
  • Anything else?

Future possibilities

In the case we add this API to Vec but don't end up adding it to other collections, those collections still remain as plausible targets for extending them with a similar API in future.