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Rick Waldron edited this page Jun 2, 2015 · 28 revisions

The Expander class constructs objects that represent a single I2C IO Expander attached to the physical board.

Supported Expanders:

This list will continue to be updated as more component support is implemented.


  • Controller String

    • MCP23017
    • MCP23008
    • PCF8574
    • PCF8574A
    • PCF8575
    • PCF8591
    • PCA9685
    new five.Expander("MCP23017");
  • General Options

    Property Type Value/Description Default Required
    controller string MCP23017, MCP23008, PCF8574, PCF8574A, PCF8575, PCF8591, PCA9685. The Name of the controller to use Yes
    address Number Address for I2C device. By Device no
    new five.Expander({
      controller: "MCP23017"
    // or
    new five.Expander({
      controller: "MCP23017", 
      address: 0x??
    Expander Capabilities
    Chip Pins Modes
    MCP23017 16 INPUT, OUTPUT
    MCP23008 8 INPUT, OUTPUT
    PCF8575 16 INPUT, OUTPUT
    PCF8591 4 ANALOG
    Default Addresses
    Chip Range Default
    MCP23017 0x20-0x27 0x20
    MCP23008 0x20-0x27 0x20
    PCF8574 0x20-0x27 0x20
    PCF8574A 0x38-0x3F 0x38
    PCF8575 0x20-0x27 0x20
    PCF8591 0x48-0x4F 0x48
    PCA9685 0x40-0x4F 0x40


  id: A user definable id value. Defaults to a generated uid
  pins: An array of pin objects, containing capability data.
  MODES: An object containing supported modes.

Component Initialization


// Create a MCP23017 Expander object:
//  - attach SDA and SCL to the I2C pins on 
//     your board (A4 and A5 for the Uno)
//  - specify the MCP23017 controller

new five.Expander("MCP23017");

// or 

new five.Expander({
  controller: "MCP23017"

// or 

new five.Expander({
  controller: "MCP23017",
  address: 0x??



// Create a MCP23008 Expander object:
//  - attach SDA and SCL to the I2C pins on 
//     your board (A4 and A5 for the Uno)
//  - specify the MCP23008 controller

new five.Expander("MCP23008");

// or 

new five.Expander({
  controller: "MCP23008"

// or 

new five.Expander({
  controller: "MCP23008",
  address: 0x??



// Create a PCF8574 Expander object:
//  - attach SDA and SCL to the I2C pins on 
//     your board (A4 and A5 for the Uno)
//  - specify the PCF8574 controller

new five.Expander("PCF8574");

// or 

new five.Expander({
  controller: "PCF8574"

// or 

new five.Expander({
  controller: "PCF8574",
  address: 0x??



// Create a PCF8575 Expander object:
//  - attach SDA and SCL to the I2C pins on 
//     your board (A4 and A5 for the Uno)
//  - specify the PCF8575 controller

new five.Expander("PCF8575");

// or 

new five.Expander({
  controller: "PCF8575"

// or 

new five.Expander({
  controller: "PCF8575",
  address: 0x??



// Create a PCA9685 Expander object:
//  - attach SDA and SCL to the I2C pins on 
//     your board (A4 and A5 for the Uno)
//  - specify the PCA9685 controller

new five.Expander("PCA9685");

// or 

new five.Expander({
  controller: "PCA9685"

// or 

new five.Expander({
  controller: "PCA9685",
  address: 0x??



// Create a PCF8591 Expander object:
//  - attach SDA and SCL to the I2C pins on 
//     your board (A4 and A5 for the Uno)
//  - specify the PCF8591 controller

new five.Expander("PCF8591");

// or 

new five.Expander({
  controller: "PCF8591"

// or 

new five.Expander({
  controller: "PCF8591",
  address: 0x??



Expander objects have the same surface API as an IO Plugin, which allows them to be optionally used as an IO Plugin themselves. The usage examples here show how an Expander can be used to create a virtual board with Board.Virtual that can be passed to any Johnny-Five component class initialization.

Example: Digital or PWM Output

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  var expander = new five.Expander({
    controller: "PCA9685"

  var virtual = new five.Board.Virtual({
    io: expander

  var led = new five.Led({
    pin: 0, 
    board: virtual

  // or
  // led.pulse();


Example: Digital Input & Output

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  // An Expander instance can also be passed 
  // directly as an argument to Virtual
  var virtual = new five.Board.Virtual(
    new five.Expander("PCF8575")

  var led = new five.Led({
    board: virtual,
    pin: 0, 

  var button = new five.Button({
    board: virtual,
    pin: 17, 

  button.on("press", function() {

  button.on("release", function() {;

PCF8575 Led & Button


While the API of an Expander instance will be the same as a Board instance, not all capabilities will always be supported. In latter cases, attempts to call methods that would result in attempting an unsupported operation will throw an exception.

  • normalize(pin) Provides pin value normalization. In most cases, this will simply return the value it was passed. It exists to override the default Firmata-centric normalization.

    expander.normalize(1); // 1;
  • pinMode(pin, mode) Set the mode of a pin. Must correspond to a mode listed in the MODES property. Expander Capabilities

    expander.pinMode(0, expander.MODES.INPUT);
  • analogRead(pin, handler) Read an ANALOG pin. Expander Capabilities

    expander.analogRead(0, function(value) { ... });
  • digitalRead(pin, handler) Read an INPUT pin. Expander Capabilities

    expander.digitalRead(0, function(value) { ... });
  • analogWrite(pin, 0-255) An alias to pwmWrite, for backward compat only. Use pwmWrite instead.

  • digitalWrite(pin, HIGH | LOW) Write a HIGH or LOW value to an OUTPUT pin. Expander Capabilities

    expander.digitalWrite(0, 1);
  • pwmWrite(pin, 0-255) Write an 8-bit PWM value to a PWM pin. Expander Capabilities

    expander.pwmWrite(0, 255);
  • servoWrite(pin, 0-180) Write a 0-180° value to a SERVO pin. Expander Capabilities

    expander.servoWrite(0, 180);


  • digital-read-# Whenever digitalRead(pin, ...) is called, an event handler with naming form of digital-read-# (where # is the pin number) is registered.

  • analog-read-# Whenever analogRead(pin, ...) is called, an event handler with naming form of analog-read-# (where # is the pin number) is registered.

  • ready For compatibility with IO Plugins only. This event is meaningless, so don't use it.

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