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Lyza Gardner edited this page Jan 14, 2018 · 23 revisions

The Multi class constructs objects that represent a single "breakout" module attached to the physical board. The "breakout" module will itself contain 2 or more components, such as a thermistor and a hygrometer, or an altimeter and a pressure sensor.

Supported multi sensor modules:

This list will continue to be updated as more component support is implemented.


  • General Options

    Property Type Value/Description Default Required
    controller string BMP180, BMP280, BME280, HTU21D, HIH6130, MPL115A2, MPL3115A2, SI7020, SI7021, MS5611, TH02. The Name of the controller to use yes
    freq Number In milliseconds, how often data events should fire 20 no

In addition, anything in the options object passed to the Multi constructor will be passed along to each of its constituent component sensors (e.g. Thermometer, Altimeter, etc.). See relevant sensor component class documentation for more details about what options each takes.


Some of these properties may or may not exist depending on whether the multi sensor supports it.

Property Name Description Read Only
accelerometer An instance of Accelerometer class. Yes
altimeter An instance of Altimeter class. Yes
barometer An instance of Barometer class. Yes
gyro An instance of Gyro class. Yes
hygrometer An instance of Hygrometer class. Yes
thermometer An instance of Thermometer class. Yes
temperature An instance of Thermometer class. Yes

Component Initialization


new five.Multi({
  controller: "BMP180"
Property Name Description Read Only
barometer An instance of Barometer class. Yes
thermometer An instance of Thermometer class. Yes
temperature An instance of Thermometer class. Yes


new five.Multi({
  controller: "HTU21D"
Property Name Description Read Only
hygrometer An instance of Hygrometer class. Yes
thermometer An instance of Thermometer class. Yes
temperature An instance of Thermometer class. Yes



new five.Multi({
  controller: "HIH6130"



new five.Multi({
  controller: "MPL115A2"
Property Name Description Read Only
barometer An instance of Barometer class. Yes
thermometer An instance of Thermometer class. Yes
temperature An instance of Thermometer class. Yes


new five.Multi({
  controller: "MPL3115A2"
Property Name Description Read Only
altimeter An instance of Altimeter class. Yes
barometer An instance of Barometer class. Yes
thermometer An instance of Thermometer class. Yes
temperature An instance of Thermometer class. Yes


new five.Multi({
  controller: "SI7020"
Property Name Description Read Only
hygrometer An instance of Hygrometer class. Yes
thermometer An instance of Thermometer class. Yes


new five.Multi({
  controller: "SI7021"
Property Name Description Read Only
hygrometer An instance of Hygrometer class. Yes
thermometer An instance of Thermometer class. Yes


new five.Multi({
  controller: "MS5611"


Property Name Description Read Only
altimeter An instance of Altimeter class. Yes
barometer An instance of Barometer class. Yes
thermometer An instance of Thermometer class. Yes


new five.Multi({
  controller: "TH02"


Property Name Description Read Only
hygrometer An instance of Hygrometer class. Yes
thermometer An instance of Thermometer class. Yes


new five.Multi({
  controller: "DHT11_I2C_NANO_BACKPACK"


Property Name Description Read Only
hygrometer An instance of Hygrometer class. Yes
thermometer An instance of Thermometer class. Yes


new five.Multi({
  controller: "DHT21_I2C_NANO_BACKPACK"


Property Name Description Read Only
hygrometer An instance of Hygrometer class. Yes
thermometer An instance of Thermometer class. Yes


new five.Multi({
  controller: "DHT22_I2C_NANO_BACKPACK"


Property Name Description Read Only
hygrometer An instance of Hygrometer class. Yes
thermometer An instance of Thermometer class. Yes


var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var multi = new five.Multi({
    controller: "MPL115A2"

  multi.on("data", function() {
    console.log("Barometer: %d", this.barometer.pressure);
    console.log("Temperature: %d", this.temperature.celsius);
var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  var multi = new five.Multi({
    controller: "HTU21D"

  multi.on("change", function() {
    console.log("  celsius           : ", this.temperature.celsius);
    console.log("  fahrenheit        : ", this.temperature.fahrenheit);
    console.log("  kelvin            : ", this.temperature.kelvin);

    console.log("  relative humidity : ", this.hygrometer.relativeHumidity);


The Multi class does not have an explicit API. Refer to the individual components for their APIs


  • data The "data" event is fired as frequently as new data becomes available.

  • change The "change" event is fired whenever a corresponding "change" is fired from any constituent component.

Note: You may also bind to events on Multi object component sensors directly, e.g. myMulti.thermometer.on('change')

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