This module contains code that allows you to run various NLP tools to annotate plain text input.
- Quickstart
- Purpose
- Intended Use
- Pipeline NLP Components
- License
- Prerequisites
- General Requirements: System
- Specific Requirements: SRL
- Download contents
- Dependencies
- Running the Illinois NLP Pipeline
- Running a Simple Command-Line Test
- Programmatic use
- Configuration Options
- Changing the logging settings
- Troubleshooting
Assuming you downloaded the pipeline package as a zip from the Illinois Cognitive Computation Group's web site: To process a set of plain text files in one directory and generate a corresponding set of annotated files in json format in a second directory, run the command:
scripts/ <configFile> <inputDirectory> <outputDirectory>
The configuration file needs only to contain options to override defaults.
This software bundles some basic preprocessing steps that a lot of NLP applications need, with the goal of making them run locally. Some components have significant memory requirements, but given a machine with sufficient memory, you can instantiate a AnnotatorService object that provides plain text tokenization, Part-of-Speech tagging, chunking, Named Entity tagging, lemmatization, dependency and constituency parsing, and (verb) semantic role labeling. You can also use just a subset of these by changing the configuration file that the pipeline uses.
By default, the illinois-nlp-pipeline will cache its outputs in a local directory, so that if you process overlapping data sets (or process the same data set multiple times), it will use a cached copy of the system outputs and run much faster.
The illinois-nlp-pipeline package was designed to be used either programmatically -- inline in your Java code -- or from the command line, using only those components you need to use for a given task.
Currently, the pipeline works only for English plain text. You will need to remove XML/HTML mark-up, as well as formatting like bulleted lists if you want well-formed output. (The pipeline may generate output for such texts, but it is not guaranteed that the different tools will succeed in producing mutually consistent output.)
One important note: if you wish to use your own tokenization, you should implement a class that follows the Tokenizer interface from illinois-core-utilities, and use it as an argument to a TokenizerTextAnnotationBuilder (also from illinois-core-utilities).
The pipeline has the following annotators. To understand the annotations, please refer to the descriptions of the individual packages at the URLs provided. These annotations are stored as Views in a single TextAnnotation data structure -- see README_DEVELOPER and the illinois-cogcomp-nlp library. The memory is expected MAXIMUM run-time memory required for the component by itself. Note that the pipeline runs only one copy of each active component so that, for example, a single Chunker component fulfils the needs of several other components for which it is a dependency.
- Lemmatizer: <1G memory, no dependencies.
- Part-of-Speech tagger: <1G, no dependencies.
- Chunker: <1G, requires Part-of-Speech tagger.
- Named Entity Recognizer (CoNLL): 2G, no dependencies.
- Named Entity Recognizer (OntoNotes) 4G, no dependencies.
- Constituency Parser (Stanford): 1G, no dependencies.
- Dependency Parser (Stanford): shares resources of Constituency parser so no individual footprint; no dependencies.
- Dependency Parser (CogComp): <1G requires Part-of-Speech tagger, Chunker.
- Verb Semantic Role Labeler: 4G, requires Lemmatizer, Part-of-Speech, Named Entity Recognizer (CoNLL), Constituency Parser.
- Noun Semantic Role Labeler: 1G, requires Lemmatizer, Part-of-Speech, Named Entity Recognizer (CoNLL), Constituency Parser.
- Quantifier: <2G, requires Part-of-Speech.
To see the full license for this software, see LICENSE or visit the download page for this software and press 'Download'. The next screen displays the license.
The Illinois NLP Pipeline provides a suite of state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing tools of varying complexity. Some have specific prerequisites that must be present if you want to run them.
This software was developed on the following platform:
Ubuntu Linux (2.6.32-279.5.2.el6.x86_64) Java 1.8
The memory required depends on the options you set in the config file. 2G should be plenty to run the Tokenizer, POS tagger, lemmatizer, and Shallow Parser (a.k.a. Chunker). NER will require an additional 2G (CoNLL model) or 4G (OntoNotes model). The Stanford Syntactic and Dependency Parsers require approximately 2G. The Ilinois Verb Semantic Role Labeler (SRL) requires 4G, and the Noun SRL also requires 4G.
Note that individual Illinois NLP tools may depend on other tools for inputs, and will not work unless those components are also active. If you try to run the system with an invalid configuration, it will print a warning about the missing components.
To run the Semantic Role Labeler you must have an instance of the Gurobi license on your machine, and set the relevant environment variables (see this page -- note that there is a free academic use license).
If you have downloaded the Illinois NLP Pipeline as a stand-alone package, it will come with all the libraries and other files it requires. (If you want to use the Semantic Role Labelers, you will need to install a Gurobi license -- see the section 2.2.)
The download package is organized thus:
config/ : configuration files
dist/ : the Illinois Preprocessor jar
lib/ : dependencies
scripts/ : scripts to allow command-line test of the Illinois NLP Pipeline
src/ : source code for the Illinois NLP Pipeline
test/ : test files used for the command line test of the Illinois NLP Pipeline
See the section "Running the Illinois NLP Pipeline" for details on running the pipeline.
This distribution contains all the dependencies needed to run the Illinois NLP Pipeline. This includes configuration files for some individual components; scripts to process plain text files from the command line; and .jar files for the libraries used by the pipeline and its components.
The Illinois NLP Pipeline package sets default configuration options for all its components. If you want to experiment with different settings, we recommend checking out the project from github -- see the section on Programmatic Use.
If this package is used in maven, please add the following dependencies with proper repositories.
where #VERSION
is the version included in the pom.xml
This software has been developed to allow some of our more complex tools to be run completely within a single JVM, either programmatically or from the command line, instead of in tandem with the CCG NLP Curator.
These instructions assume you have downloaded the pipeline as a single package from the Cognitive Computation Group web site.
The standard distribution for this package puts dependencies in lib/; the parser model in data/; and the config file in config/. There are two sample scripts that are provided to test that the pipeline works after you have downloaded it. scripts/ takes as arguments a configuration file and a text file; it processes the text file according to the properties set in the config file, and writes output to STDOUT. scripts/ is a self-contained script that calls with fixed arguments and compares the output to some reference output. If the new output and reference output are different, the script prints an error message and indicates the differences.
Running the test:
Running your own text to get a visual sense of what IllinoisPreprocessor is doing:
scripts/ config/pipelineConfig.txt [yourTextFile] > [yourOutputFile]
You can check the javadoc for detailed information about the IllinoisPreprocessor API.
The main class is PipelineFactory, in the package edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.pipeline.main under src/main/java. For an example showing how the PipelineFactory and BasicAnnotatorService (the class it instantiates, which is the pipeline itself) can be used, look at CachingPipelineTest class under src/test/resources/, in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.pipeline.main.
To process text input, use the '()' method:
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.annotation.AnnotatorService;
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.core.datastructures.textannotation.TextAnnotation;
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.pipeline.main.PipelineFactory;
String docId = "APW-20140101.3018"; // arbitrary string identifier
String textId = "body"; // arbitrary string identifier
String text = ...; // contains plain text to be annotated
AnnotatorService pipeline = PipelineFactory.buildPipeline();
TextAnnotation ta = pipeline.createAnnotatedTextAnnotation( docId, textId, text );
This method takes as its argument a String variable containing the text you want to process. This String should not be too long -- depending on the annotators you plan to use, a reasonable upper limit is 1,000 words (fewer if you use resource-intensive annotators like Verb or Noun SRL).
The method returns a TextAnnotation data structure (see the illinois-core-utilities package for details), which contains a View corresponding to each annotation source. Each View contains a set of Constituents and Relations representing the annotator output. Access views and constituents via:
String viewName = ViewNames.POS; // example using ViewNames class constants
View view = ta.getView(viewName);
List<Constituent> constituents = view.getConstituents();
See the documentation for individual components (links in section 1 above) for more information about the annotations and their representation as Constituents and Relations.
The default configuration options are specified in the class edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.nlp.common.PipelineConfigurator. Each property has a String as a key and a value. If you want to change specific behaviors, such as activating or deactivating specific components, you can write non-default entries in a configuration file and use a ResourceManager (see illinois-core-utilities) to instantiate an instance of the pipeline (any entries that duplicate default values will have no effect and are not required).
Code snippet to show how to override default configuration with user-specified properties.
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.annotation.AnnotatorService;
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.core.utilities.configuration.ResourceManager;
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.pipeline.main.PipelineFactory;
ResourceManager userConfig = new ResourceManager("config/");
AnnotatorService pipeline = PipelineFactory.buildPipeline(userConfig);
The default keys and values are specified below; comments provide more information where the values themselves are not self-explanatory. Note that the key/value pairs each appear on a separate line and are themselves separated by a tab key. If you have limited memory or wish to save on processing time, you should set the values for unnecessary annotations to 'false' -- in particular, SRL components require more time and memory than most other components, and the parsers can take a relatively long time on long sentences.
// Used by PipelineFactory. If 'true', instantiates a version of the pipeline --
// SentencePipeline -- that where possible, processes text
// sentence-by-sentence to minimize failures at the document level
isSentenceLevel false
// in milliseconds
stanfordMaxTimePerSentence 1000
// in tokens
stanfordParseMaxSentenceLength 60
// directory in which cached annotations will be written.
simpleCacheDir simple-annotation-cache
// flags indicating which NLP components will be used
usePos true
useLemma true
useShallowParse true
// "standard" NER: see
useNerConll true
// "extended" NER -- see
useNerOntonotes true
useStanfordParse true
useStanfordDep true
// semantic role labelers
useSrlVerb true
useSrlNom true
Note that individuals have their own configuration options -- see the documentation for individual components for details.
This project uses slf4j's log4j libraries. You can change the settings by creating a file and adding the directory containing that file to the classpath.
- While running the Pipeline if you see an error regarding insufficient Java heap space, you will need to set the
to include "-Xmx20g":
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx10g"
- Between different runs of the Pipeline, if you see the following exception, you should remove the temporary cache folders created by MapDB.
Caused by: org.mapdb.DBException$DataCorruption: Header checksum broken. Store was not closed correctly, or is corrupted
- Initializing multiple instances of
in a single run will lead to an exception in MapDB. For example, the code below:
public class testpipeline {
public static TextAnnotation getTA(String id, String text) throws Exception{
ResourceManager rm = new PipelineConfigurator().getConfig(new ResourceManager( "" ));
AnnotatorService prep = PipelineFactory.buildPipeline(rm);//pipeline is instantiated everytime this function is called.
TextAnnotation rec = prep.createAnnotatedTextAnnotation(id, "", text);
return rec;
public static void main(String[] args_) throws Exception {
String text = "Houston, Monday, July 21 -- Men have landed and walked on the moon.";
TextAnnotation rec1 = testpipeline.getTA("1",text);
text = "Here's another sentence to process.";
TextAnnotation rec2 = testpipeline.getTA("2",text);
would lead to the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" org.mapdb.DBException$FileLocked: File is already opened and is locked: annotation-cache
at org.mapdb.volume.Volume.lockFile(
at org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol.<init>(
at org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol$1.makeVolume(
Caused by: java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException
To fix this problem, consider changing it to:
public class testpipeline {
public static TextAnnotation getTA(String id, String text, AnnotatorService prep) throws Exception{
TextAnnotation rec = prep.createAnnotatedTextAnnotation(id, "", text);
return rec;
public static void main(String[] args_) throws Exception {
ResourceManager rm = new PipelineConfigurator().getConfig(new ResourceManager( "" ));
AnnotatorService prep = PipelineFactory.buildPipeline(rm);//pipeline is only instantiated once.
String text = "Houston, Monday, July 21 -- Men have landed and walked on the moon.";
TextAnnotation rec1 = testpipeline.getTA("1",text);
text = "Here's another sentence to process.";
TextAnnotation rec2 = testpipeline.getTA("2",text);
Often a convenient model of using the pipeline server is, running the server (which includes all the annotators) on a big machine (=big memory) and sending calls to the server with clients. Here we first introduce the details of the server and later we will delineate the clients.
The server supports post and get requests to obtain annotation for a requested text, with desired views. In order to run the webserver with default settings (port = 8080), do:
The following arguments are supported:
usage: pipeline/scripts/ [-h] [--port PORT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--port PORT, -P PORT Port to run the webserver.
Here are the available APIs:
API | Address | Supported request type | Parameters | Example |
Annotating text | /annotate |
POST/GET | text : the target raw text ; views : views to be added, separated by comma |
/annotate?text="This is sample text"&views=POS,NER_CONLL |
Getting existing views | /viewNames |
POST/GET | N/A | /viewNames |
Note that the current webserver is a very basic one and very small sophistications. It does not support any parallel annotations of single request, or parallel processing of multiple requests. Such extensions are in our TODO-list for future.
After setting up the server on a remote machine, we can create a java client to make calls to the server. Here in the snnippet we show how it is done:
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.pipeline.server.ServerClientAnnotator;
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.core.datastructures.ViewNames;
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.core.datastructures.textannotation.TextAnnotation;
ServerClientAnnotator annotator = new ServerClientAnnotator();
annotator.setUrl("localhost", "8080"); // set the url and port name of your server here
annotator.setViews(ViewNames.POS, ViewNames.LEMMA); // specify the views that you want
TextAnnotation ta = annotator.annotate("This is the best sentence ever.");
System.out.println(ta.getAvailableViews()); // here you should see that the required views are added
Coming soon . . .