This guide assumes ~/bin
# >>> cl >>>
log_last_command() {
local last_command=$(fc -ln -1 | sed -E 's/^[ \t]+//') # Removes all leading spaces and tabs
# Check if the last command is 'cl' or contains 'cl'
if [[ "$last_command" != "cl" && "$last_command" != cl* ]]; then
echo " > $last_command" > ~/.last
eval "$last_command" &> ~/.last_output
if [ -f ~/.last_output ]; then
cat ~/.last_output >> ~/.last
rm ~/.last_output
# Set a trap on DEBUG to log the last command after it runs
trap 'log_last_command' DEBUG
# <<< cl <<<
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\ncat ~/.last | xclip -selection clipboard' > ~/bin/cl && chmod +x ~/bin/cl
ryan ~ 16:03 ✨
> cat /sys/power/mem_sleep
[s2idle] deep
ryan ~ 16:13 ✨
> cl
> cat /sys/power/mem_sleep
[s2idle] deep