A C++ program built to make OMR (MCQ) checking easy, with options of Data storing in File and use of Colors for a better appearance of Output in Command Line Interface. It uses C++ classes, structure and file handling concepts to fetch, process and retrieve data. A user can insert multiple New Answer keys having multiple sets (Example. Science :- Set 1,2,3,4,5 ) and can store it in a file if desired. Entered answer keys can be processed to compare with the entered answers of a student for retrieving the result (marks that student got). The list of students along with their marks is stored in a file titling "marks.txt" whereas the answer keys that user tried to store in a file are stored in "answerkey_data.txt" along with the System's Date and Time, which are created during the execution of the C++ code. Images of the main INDEX page appearing while execution along with the shots of some important Code Execution are added. Images of Key TXT File created when the AnswerKey_data is stored in file as Text are also uploaded for proper understanding of execution.