All you need to get started is:
- A Git repository available locally or remotely
- A commit history following the Conventional Commits convention
- Optionally, a configuration file inside the Git repository to version
The following example configuration file suites most use cases:
# <REPOSITORY_ROOT>/.semver.yaml
remote-name: "origin"
git-name: "My Custom Robot Name"
git-email: ""
tag-prefix: "v"
- feat
- fix
- perf
- revert
- name: "master"
- name: "alpha"
prerelease: true
Once the configuration file is saved inside the Git repository to version, the tool can be ran from inside a local environment or a CI runner as below:
$ go-semver-release release <REPOSITORY_PATH_OR_URL> --config <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> [--dry-run, --verbose]