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Erlang tutorial day 8

Table of Contents

  1. Maps
  2. Error propagation
  3. gen_servers
  4. Supervisors
  5. Exercises

1 Maps

Creating a new map:

> M1 = #{a => 1, b => 2}.
#{a => 1,b => 2}

Key update:

> M2 = M1#{a => 3}.
#{a => 3,b => 2}

> M2 = M1#{a := 3}.
#{a => 3,b => 2}

> M3 = M1#{c => 3}.
#{a => 1,b => 2,c => 3}

> M3 = M1#{c := 3}.
* exception error: {badkey,c}

Pattern matching:

> #{a := A, c := C} = M3.
#{a => 1,b => 2,c => 3}

> A.

> C.

maps module example:

> maps:get(a, M3).

> maps:get(d, M3, mydefault).

2 Error propagation

Linking example:

> self().

> spawn(fun() -> timer:sleep(2000), 1+a end).

=ERROR REPORT==== 3-Jul-2018::07:54:16 ===
Error in process <0.80.0> with exit value:

> self().

> spawn_link(fun() -> timer:sleep(2000), 1+a end).

=ERROR REPORT==== 1-Jul-2018::22:37:55 ===
Error in process <0.67.0> with exit value:
** exception error: an error occurred when evaluating an arithmetic
     in operator  +/2
        called as 1 + a

> self().

Trap exit example:

> self().

> process_flag(trap_exit, true).

> spawn_link(fun() -> timer:sleep(2000), 1+a end).

=ERROR REPORT==== 1-Jul-2018::22:37:55 ===
Error in process <0.67.0> with exit value:

> self().

Trap exit example with three processes:

+-----------+    link     +-----------+    link    +------------+
| Process 1 |  ---------  | Process 2 |  --------  | Process 3  |
|           |             |           |            | traps exit |
+-----------+             +-----------+            +------------+

xxxxxxxxxxxxx    link     +-----------+    link    +------------+
xxxxxxxxxxxxx  ---------  | Process 2 |  --------  | Process 3  |
xxxxxxxxxxxxx             |           |            | traps exit |
xxxxxxxxxxxxx             +-----------+            +------------+

xxxxxxxxxxxxx    exit     +-----------+    link    +------------+
xxxxxxxxxxxxx  -------->  | Process 2 |  --------  | Process 3  |
xxxxxxxxxxxxx   signal    |           |            | traps exit |
xxxxxxxxxxxxx             +-----------+            +------------+

xxxxxxxxxxxxx    exit     xxxxxxxxxxxxx    link    +------------+
xxxxxxxxxxxxx  -------->  xxxxxxxxxxxxx  --------  | Process 3  |
xxxxxxxxxxxxx   signal    xxxxxxxxxxxxx            | traps exit |
xxxxxxxxxxxxx             xxxxxxxxxxxxx            +------------+

xxxxxxxxxxxxx    exit     xxxxxxxxxxxxx    exit    +------------+
xxxxxxxxxxxxx  -------->  xxxxxxxxxxxxx  ------->  | Process 3  |
xxxxxxxxxxxxx   signal    xxxxxxxxxxxxx   signal   | traps exit |
xxxxxxxxxxxxx             xxxxxxxxxxxxx            +------------+

xxxxxxxxxxxxx    exit     xxxxxxxxxxxxx    exit    +------------+
xxxxxxxxxxxxx  -------->  xxxxxxxxxxxxx  ------->  | Process 3  |
xxxxxxxxxxxxx   signal    xxxxxxxxxxxxx   message  | traps exit |
xxxxxxxxxxxxx             xxxxxxxxxxxxx            +------------+

3 gen_servers

Id server as a plain process: id_server_1.erl.

> c(id_server_1).

> id_server_1:start_link().

> id_server_1:get_id().    

> id_server_1:get_id().

Idea: let's extract the generic part of a server process (spawn, registration, loop, receive, timeouts, stopping, state management, system messages, error handling, etc.) into a separate module! → This is the gen_server module.

Now we only have to write the part specific to us: handling requests, updating the server state and providing the API.

Calling the id server from the shell:

> id_server_2:start_link().
{ok, <0.91.0>}

> is_server_2:get_id().

> is_server_2:get_id().

gen_server structure:

         Caller process                        Server process
 ---------------------------------   ------------------------------------
/                                 \ /                                    \

+-------------+                                          +----------------+
| id_server_2 |    call     +------------+  handle_call  | id_server_2    |
| interface   |  -------->  | gen_server |  ---------->  | implementation |
| (API)       |             +------------+               | (callbacks)    |
+-------------+                                          +----------------+

4 Supervisors

Process hierarchy example:

                    | supervisor |
      |                   |                            |
      V                   V                            V
+------------+      +============+                +------------+
| gen_server |      | supervisor |                | gen_server |
+------------+      +============+                +------------+
          |                |                |
          V                V                V
    +------------+   +------------+
    | gen_server |   | gen_server |        ...
    +------------+   +------------+

A few rules:

  • The processes are started pre-order: parent, left child (+its subtree), next child, etc.
  • The processes are terminate in the reverse order.
  • Processes can send synchronous requests only to processes that proceed them in the start order (otherwise deadlocks can easily occur).
  • Processes can send asynchronous requests and messages to any other process.

Id server example:

> catch_exception(true).

> application:start(sasl).

> id_server_2_sup:start_link().
{ok, <0.91.0>}

> id_server_2:get_id().

> id_server_2:get_id().

> exit(whereis(id_server_2), test).

=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 3-Jul-2018::08:59:06 ===
     Supervisor: {local,id_server_2_sup}
     Context:    child_terminated
     Reason:     test
     Offender:   [{pid,<0.88.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 3-Jul-2018::08:59:06 ===
          supervisor: {local,id_server_2_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.101.0>},

> id_server_2:get_id().

> [begin exit(whereis(id_server_2), test), timer:sleep(100) end || _ <- lists:seq(1, 6)].
** exception exit: shutdown

> id_server_2:get_id().                                                                  
* exception exit: {noproc,{gen_server,call,[id_server_2,get_id,5000]}}
    in function  gen_server:call/3 (gen_server.erl, line 212)

5 Exercises

  1. Write a beer_inventory gen_server that keeps track of how many beers we have.

    You can use the following state:

    -term state() :: #{beer_count := integer()}.

    Implement the following API:

    -spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}.
    -spec increase_beer_count(integer()) -> ok.
    -spec get_beer_count() -> integer().

    You can copy gen_server_template.erl and modify it.

    Try the API from the Erlang shell:

    > beer_inventory:start_link().
    > beer_inventory:get_beer_count().
    > beer_inventory:increase_beer_count(1).
    > beer_inventory:increase_beer_count(2).
    > beer_inventory:get_beer_count().
  2. Create a beer_inventory_sup.erl with the following API:

    -spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}.

    Try the API from the Erlang shell:

    > beer_inventory_sup:start_link().
    {ok, <0.91.0>}
    > beer_inventory:get_beer_count().

    Kill the server and check if it is automatically restarted.