- comments
- more then 1/3 lines commented
- comments describe the line they are on, or if their line is otherwise blank, the next code block
- if a calculation line or lambda calculus is complicated, use backslash linebreaks to spread it out and comment each component
- variables
- no shorthand, do not short the hand.
- camelCase (i dont care what it should be, "_" is lame.)
- constants are CAPITALS because if you change them i will YELL AT YOU
- code blocks
- USE TABS! One tab per indentation level.
- every flow controll must be followed directly after by a new code block with one more level of indentation
- must have valid syntax.
- other
- turnery operators exist, use whenever possible
- no maximum line size
- all commands get docstrings to explain arguments and returns, as well as basic usage