This tutorial describes how to deploy the local news operator to OpenShift. This has been tested on OCP 4.10.
git clone
If you want to create your own operator follow theses steps. If you want to stick with the existing one you can skip this
mkdir k8s/operator/my-own-operator
cd k8s/operator/my-own-operator
operator-sdk init --plugins helm --helm-chart ../../helm-chart
Create the necessary roles to manage the CRDs. This step requires the permission to create ClusterRoles. You can skip this when you are going to use a user with cluster admin permissions.
oc login <admin>
OCP_USER=$(oc whoami)
oc apply -f snippets/ocp6-operator/crd-role.yaml
cd k8s/operator/news-operator-helm
oc apply -f config/rbac/role.yaml
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user manager-role $OCP_USER
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user crd-role $OCP_USER
Run the operator locally with the make command and create a new local news CR.
oc login
oc new-project localnews-operator
make -C k8s/operator/news-operator-helm install run
In another tab create the CR of type LocalNewsApp to trigger the operator. Determine your cluster base domain and add it to snippets/ocp6-operator/localnews.yaml. Then create the CR.
#In another terminal tab from the git root folder
#Determine the cluster base domain
oc whoami --show-server=true | sed -E 's/https:\/\/api\.|:6443//g'
# Create the CR after adding the domain to the snippets/ocp6-operator/localnews.yaml
oc apply -f snippets/ocp6-operator/localnews.yaml
You can demonstrate that the Helm operator prohibits config drift by scaling down one of the components or even deleting the whole deployment.
oc delete deployment news-backend
oc get deployments
feed-scraper 1/1 1 1 3h51m
location-extractor 1/1 1 1 3h51m
news-backend 0/1 1 0 3s
news-frontend 1/1 1 1 3h51m
postgis 1/1 1 1 3h51m
Clean up the cluster for the next steps.
oc delete -f snippets/ocp6-operator/localnews.yaml
oc delete project localnews-operator
Instead of running it locally you can deploy the operator to OpenShift. Before that you must build an image and push it to a registry accessible from OpenShift.
# Build the image and push it to the registry
make -C k8s/operator/news-operator-helm docker-build docker-push IMG=<Your Image URL>
# Deploy the operator and create the CR
make -C k8s/operator/news-operator-helm deploy IMG=<Your Image URL>
oc new-project localnews-operator
oc apply -f snippets/ocp6-operator/localnews.yaml
Clean up the cluster for the next steps.
oc delete -f snippets/ocp6-operator/localnews.yaml
oc delete project localnews-operator
make -C k8s/operator/news-operator-helm undeploy
Create a bundle, build an image of the bundle and push it. Then build and push the catalog.
make -C k8s/operator/news-operator-helm bundle IMG=<Your Image URL>
make -C k8s/operator/news-operator-helm bundle-build bundle-push BUNDLE_IMG=<Your Bundle Image URL>
make -C k8s/operator/news-operator-helm catalog-build catalog-push CATALOG_IMG=<Your Catalog Image URL> BUNDLE_IMGS=<Your Image URL>
To add the catalog to OpenShift create the CatalogSource:
oc apply -f snippets/ocp6-operator/localnews-catalogsource.yaml
You can now pick it up from the OperatorHub page.