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Programmatically Manage Workbooks

Resource owners have the option to create and manage their workbooks programmatically via ARM templates.

This can be useful in scenarios like:

  1. Deploying org- or domain-specific analytics reports along with resources deployments. For instance, you may deploy org-specific performance and failure workbooks for your new apps or virtual machines.
  2. Deploying standard reports or dashboards using workbooks for existing resources.

The workbook will created in the desired sub/resource-group and with the content specified in the ARM templates.

There are two types of workbook resources that can be managed programmatically:

  1. Workbook templates
  2. Workbook instances

Deploying a workbook template

  1. Open a workbook whose content you want to deploy programmatically.

  2. Switch the workbook to edit mode by clicking on the Edit toolbar item.

  3. Open the Advanced Editor using the </> button on the toolbar.

  4. Ensure you are on the Gallery Template tab

  5. Copy the JSON payload to the clipboard for use in the ARM template later.

  6. Start with this sample ARM template that deploys a workbook template to the Azure Monitor workbook gallery:

        "$schema": "",
        "contentVersion": "",
        "parameters": {
            "resourceName": {
                "type": "string",
                "defaultValue": "my-workbook-template",
                "metadata": {
                    "description": "The unique name for this workbook template instance"
        "resources": [
                "name": "[parameters('resourceName')]",
                "type": "microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates",
                "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
                "apiVersion": "2019-10-17-preview",
                "dependsOn": [],
                "properties": {
                    "galleries": [
                            "name": "A Workbook Template",
                            "category": "Deployed Templates",
                            "order": 100,
                            "type": "workbook",
                            "resourceType": "Azure Monitor"
                    "templateData": <PASTE-COPIED-WORKBOOK_TEMPLATE_HERE>
  7. Paste the workbook payload in place of <PASTE-COPIED-WORKBOOK_TEMPLATE_HERE>. An reference ARM template that creates a workbook template can be found here.

  8. Update the gallery to deploy as applicable.

  9. Deploy this ARM template using either the Azure portal, command line interface, powershell, etc.

  10. Open the Azure portal and navigate to the workbook gallery chosen in the ARM template. In the example template, navigate to the Azure Monitor workbook gallery by:

    1. Open the Azure portal and navigate to Azure Monitor
    2. Open Workbooks from the table of contents
    3. Find you template in the gallery under category Deployed Templates (will be one of the purple items).


Parameter Explanation
name The name of the workbook template resource in ARM.
type Always microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates
location The Azure location to create the workbook in
apiVersion 2019-10-17-preview
type Always microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates
galleries The set of galleries to show this workbook template in The friendly name of the workbook template, as shown in the gallery
gallery.category The group in the gallery to place the template in
gallery.order A number that decides the order to show the template within a category in the gallery. Lower order implies higher priority
gallery.resourceType The resource type corresponding to the gallery. This usually the resource type string corresponding to the resource (e.g. microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces)
gallery.type Referred to as workbook type, this is a unique key that disambiguates the gallery within a resource type. Application Insights for instance has types 'workbook' and 'tsg' corresponding to different workbook galleries.

Existing galleries

Gallery Resource type Workbook type
Workbooks in Azure Monitor Azure Monitor workbook
VM Insights in Azure Monitor Azure Monitor vm-insights
Workbooks in Log analytics workspace microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces workbook
Workbooks in Application Insights microsoft.insights/component workbook
Troubleshooting guides in Application Insights microsoft.insights/component tsg
Usage in Application Insights microsoft.insights/component usage
Workbooks in Kubernetes service Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters workbook
Workbooks in Resource groups microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups workbook
Workbooks in Azure Active Directory microsoft.aadiam/tenant workbook
VM Insights in Virtual machines microsoft.compute/virtualmachines insights
VM Insights in VM scale sets microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets insights

Deploying a workbook instance

  1. Open a workbook whose content you want to deploy as a template.
  2. Switch the workbook to edit mode by clicking on the Edit toolbar item.
  3. Open the Advanced Editor using the </> button on the toolbar.
  4. In the editor, switch Template Type to ARM Template.
  5. The ARM template for creating shows up in the editor. Copy the content and use as-is or merge it with a larger template that also deploys the target resource.

Image showing how to get the ARM template from within the workbook UI

Sample ARM Template

This template show how to deploy a simple workbook that displays a 'Hello World!'

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "workbookDisplayName":  {             
            "defaultValue": "My Workbook",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The friendly name for the workbook that is used in the Gallery or Saved List. Needs to be unique in the scope of the resource group and source" 
        "workbookType":  {             
            "defaultValue": "tsg",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The gallery that the workbook will been shown under. Supported values include workbook, tsg, Azure Monitor, etc." 
        "workbookSourceId":  {             
            "defaultValue": "<insert-your-resource-id-here>",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The id of resource instance to which the workbook will be associated" 
        "workbookId": {
            "defaultValue": "[newGuid()]",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The unique guid for this workbook instance" 
    "resources": [
            "name": "[parameters('workbookId')]",
            "type": "Microsoft.Insights/workbooks",
            "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
            "kind": "shared",
            "apiVersion": "2018-06-17-preview",
            "dependsOn": [],
            "properties": {
                "displayName": "[parameters('workbookDisplayName')]",
                "serializedData": "{\"version\":\"Notebook/1.0\",\"items\":[{\"type\":1,\"content\":\"{\\\"json\\\":\\\"Hello World!\\\"}\",\"conditionalVisibility\":null}],\"isLocked\":false}",
                "version": "1.0",
                "sourceId": "[parameters('workbookSourceId')]",
                "category": "[parameters('workbookType')]"
    "outputs": {
        "workbookId": {
            "type": "string",
            "value": "[resourceId( 'Microsoft.Insights/workbooks', parameters('workbookId'))]"

Template Parameters

Parameter Explanation
workbookDisplayName The friendly name for the workbook that is used in the Gallery or Saved List. Needs to be unique in the scope of the resource group and source
workbookType The gallery that the workbook will been shown under. Supported values include workbook, tsg, Azure Monitor, etc.
workbookSourceId The id of resource instance to which the workbook will be associated. The new workbook will show up related to this resource instances - for example in the resource's table of content under Workbook. If you want your workbook to show up in the workbook gallery in Azure Monitor, use the string Azure Monitor instead of a resource id.
workbookId The unique guid for this workbook instance. Use [newGuid()] to automatically create a new guid.
kind Used to specify if the created workbook is shared or private. Use value shared for shared workbooks and user for private ones.
location The Azure location where the workbook will be created. Use [resourceGroup().location] to create it in the same location as the resource group
serializedData Contains the content or payload to be used in the workbook. Use the ARM template from the workbooks UI to get the value

Workbook Types

Workbook types specify which workbook gallery type the new workbook instance will show up under. Options include:

Type Gallery location
workbook The default used in most reports, including the Workbooks gallery of Application Insights, Azure Monitor, etc.
tsg The Troubleshooting Guides gallery in Application Insights
usage The More gallery under Usage in Application Insights


For an technical reason, this mechanism cannot be used to create workbook instances in the Workbooks gallery of Application Insights. We are working on addressing this limitation. In the meanwhile, we recommend that you use the Troubleshooting Guide gallery (workbookType: tsg) to deploy Application Insights related workbooks.