This small tutorial will explain to you how to install and run nf-core/sarek on a small sample test data on the Swedish UPPMAX cluster bianca
made for sensitive data.
It can be followed to install on any similar secure cluster.
For more information about bianca
, follow the bianca
user guide.
For more information about using Singularity with UPPMAX, follow the Singularity UPPMAX guide.
# Connect to rackham
> ssh -AX [USER]
# Or just open a terminal
# Download the all Nextflow bundle
> wget[xx.yy.zz]/nextflow-[xx.yy.zz]-all
# Send to bianca (here using sftp)
# For FileZilla follow the bianca user guide
> put nextflow-[xx.yy.zz]-all
# Exit sftp
> exit
# Connect to bianca
> ssh -A [USER]-[PROJECT]
# Go to your project
> cd /castor/project/proj_nobackup
# Make directory for Nextflow
> mkdir tools
> mkdir tools/nextflow
# Move Nextflow from wharf to its directory
> mv /castor/project/proj_nobackup/wharf/[USER]/[USER]-[PROJECT]/nextflow-[xx.yy.zz]-all /castor/project/proj_nobackup/tools/nextflow
# Establish permission
> chmod a+x /castor/project/proj_nobackup/tools/nextflow/nextflow-[xx.yy.zz]-all
# If you want other people to use it
# Be sure that your group has rights to the directory as well
> chown -R .[PROJECT] /castor/project/proj_nobackup/tools/nextflow/nextflow-[xx.yy.zz]-all
# Make a link to it
> ln -s /castor/project/proj_nobackup/tools/nextflow/nextflow-[xx.yy.zz]-all /castor/project/proj_nobackup/tools/nextflow/nextflow
# And everytime you're launching Nextflow, don't forget to export the following ENV variables
# Or add them to your .bashrc file
> export NXF_HOME=/castor/project/proj/nobackup/tools/nextflow/
> export PATH=${NXF_HOME}:${PATH}
> export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/sw/data/uppnex/ToolBox/sarek
nf-core/sarek use Singularity containers to package all the different tools. All containers, and all Reference files are already stored on UPPMAX.
As bianca
is secure, no direct download is available, so nf-core/sarek will have to be installed and updated manually.
You can either download nf-core/sarek on your computer or on rackham
, make an archive, and send it to bianca
using FileZilla
or sftp
given your preferences.
# Connect to rackham
> ssh -AX [USER]
# Or just open a terminal
# Clone the repository
> git clone
# Go to the newly created directory
> cd sarek
# It is also possible to checkout a specific version using
> git checkout <branch, tag or commit>
# You also include the nf-core/test-datasets and nf-core/configs using git-archive-all
# Install pip
> curl -o
> python
# If it fails due to permission, you could consider using
> python --user
# Install git-archive-all using pip
> pip install git-archive-all
# If you used --user before, you might want to do that here too
> pip install git-archive-all --user
> ./scripts/ --include-test-data --include-configs
# Or you can just include nf-core/sarek:
> ./scripts/
# You will get this message in your terminal
Wrote sarek-[snapID].tar.gz
# Send the archive to bianca (here using sftp)
# For FileZilla follow the bianca user guide
> put sarek-[snapID].tar.gz
> exit
# The archive will be in the wharf folder in your user home on your bianca project
# Connect to bianca
> ssh -A [USER]-[PROJECT]
# Go to your project
> cd /castor/project/proj_nobackup
# Make and go into a nf-core/sarek directoy (where you will store all nf-core/sarek versions)
> mkdir sarek
> cd sarek
# Copy the tar from wharf to the project
> cp /castor/project/proj_nobackup/wharf/[USER]/[USER]-[PROJECT]/sarek-[snapID].tgz /castor/project/proj_nobackup/sarek
# extract the archive. Also remember to extract the containers you uploaded.
> tar xvzf sarek-[snapID].tgz
# If you want other people to use it,
# Be sure that your group has rights to the directory as well
> chown -R .[PROJECT] sarek-[snapID]
# Make a symbolic link to the extracted repository
> ln -s sarek-[snapID] default
The principle is to have every member of your project to be able to use the same nf-core/sarek version at the same time. So every member of the project who wants to use nf-core/sarek will need to do:
# Connect to bianca
> ssh -A [USER]-[PROJECT]
# Go to your user directory
> cd /home/[USER]
# Make a symbolic link to the default nf-core/sarek
> ln -s /castor/project/proj_nobackup/sarek/default sarek
Singularity images for Sarek are available on Uppmax in /sw/data/uppnex/ToolBox/sarek
Sometimes Nextflow needs write access to the image folder, and if so the images needs to be copied to a location with write permission, for example in a subfolder of your project folder.
#Create a folder for the singularity images somewhere in your project:
mkdir sarek_simg
#Copy the relevant singularity image from the write protected folder on Uppmax to the folder where you have write permission:
cp /sw/data/uppnex/ToolBox/sarek/nfcore-sarek-dev.img /path/to/your/sarek_simg/.
export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/path/to/your/sarek_simg
And then nf-core/sarek can be used with:
> nextflow run ~/sarek/ -profile uppmax --custom_config_base ~/sarek/configs --project [PROJECT] --genome [GENOME ASSEMBLY] ...
This command worked on Bianca 20190906:
>screen -S SAMPLE /path/to/nextflow run /path/to/sarek/ -profile uppmax --project PROJID --sample SAMPLE.tsv --genome GRCh37 --genomes_base /sw/data/uppnex/ToolBox/ReferenceAssemblies/hg38make/bundle/2.8/b37 --step variantcalling --tools ASCAT --igenomesIgnore
#To detach screen:
This is an example of how to run sarek with the tool Manta and the genome assembly version GRCh38:
> nextflow run ~/sarek/ -profile uppmax --custom_config_base ~/sarek/configs --project [PROJECT] --tools Manta --sample [SAMPLE.TSV] --genome GRCh38
Repeat the same steps as for installing nf-core/sarek, and once the tar has been extracted, you can replace the link.
# Connect to bianca (Connect to rackham first if needed)
> ssh -A [USER]-[PROJECT]
# Go to the sarek directory in your project
> cd /castor/project/proj_nobackup/sarek
# Remove link
> rm default
# Link to new nf-core/sarek version
> ln -s sarek-[NEWsnapID] default
You can for example keep a default
version that you are sure is working, an make a link for a testing
or development