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InfraKit plugins for creating and managing resources in SakuraCloud.

This project is still under development

Instance plugin

An InfraKit instance plugin which creates SakuraCloud servers.


To build the instance plugin, run make build or make docker-build. The plugin binary will be located at ./build/infrakit-instance-sakuracloud.


./build/infrakit-instance-sakuracloud --token=[YOUR API TOEKN] --secret=[YOUR API SECRET] --zone=[TARGET ZONE]

${PATH_TO_INFRAKIT}/infrakit group commit sakuracloud-exemple01.json

NOTE: Following parameters are able to also set by environment variable.

Parameter Environment Variable

JSON example(with group-default and flavor-vanilla)

  "ID": "instances",
  "Properties": {
    "Allocation": {
      "Size": 2
    "Instance": {
      "Plugin": "instance-sakuracloud",
      "Properties": {
        "NamePrefix": "infrakit-sakuracloud",
        "Tags": ["ci-infrakit-sakuracloud"],
        "OSType": "centos",
        "SSHKeyPublicKeyFiles": ["/infrakit/"],
        "DisablePasswordAuth": true
    "Flavor": {
      "Plugin": "flavor-vanilla",
      "Properties": {
        "Init": [
          "sh -c \"echo 'Hello, World' > /hello\""

Instance Properties

Following parameters are available.

  • NamePrefix
  • Core: (default: 1)
  • Memory: GB(default: 1)
  • DiskMode: [create or connect or diskless]
  • OSType : see OSType values
  • DiskPlan: [ssd or hdd]
  • DiskConnection: [virtio or ide]
  • DiskSize : GB(default: 20)
  • SourceArchiveID
  • SourceDiskID
  • DistantFrom
  • DiskID
  • ISOImageID
  • UseNicVirtIO : (default: true)
  • PacketFilterID
  • Hostname
  • Password
  • DisablePasswordAuth: (default: false)
  • NetworkMode: [shared or switch or disconnect or none](default: shared)
  • SwitchID
  • IPAddress
  • NwMasklen
  • DefaultRoute
  • StartupScripts
  • StartupScriptIDs
  • StartupScriptsEphemeral: (default: true)
  • SSHKeyIDs
  • SSHKeyPublicKeys
  • SSHKeyPublicKeyFiles
  • SSHKeyEphemeral: (default: true)
  • Name
  • Tags
  • IconID
  • UsKeyboard: (default: false)

OSType values

value Public Archive
centos CentOS 7
ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04
debian Debian
vyos VyOS
coreos CoreOS
rancheros RancherOS
kusanagi Kusanagi(CentOS7)
site-guard SiteGuard(CentOS7)
plesk Plesk(CentOS7)
freebsd FreeBSD


infrakit-instance-sakuracloud Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Kazumichi Yamamoto.

This project is published under Apache 2.0 License.
