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File metadata and controls

102 lines (76 loc) · 3.94 KB


Framework for fast and easy rest and post webservice communication.


  • Auto parse json based on objet type (lists and objects);
  • Parse entire webservice response (objects, status, msg, etc)
  • Auto add progress dialogs;
  • Auto save json for offline usage (with parsed objects and list);
  • Auto add on error dialog (try again dialog);
  • Auto inflate loading and error layout with custom try again button;
  • Possibility to create a dao for every object or create a single request at runTime;
  • Possibility to override a url for a single request only;
  • Post and Rest support (you can do any type of request, but those come with examples by default);


Open JsonMessage.class and adapt to your webservice return.

Doing a single request:

new RestDao<MyModel>(Activity, "MyModelBaseUrlName", "serverUrl").getAll(CallListListener); 

Creating a dao:

Extends RestDao or PostDao using the model that you want :

    public class TelephoneDao extends RestDao<Telephone> {
        public TelephoneDao(Activity activity) {
            super.modelUrl = "telephone"; // this is the url under the domain for telephone object
            super.serverUrl = "";

It inerits four methods (getAll, getById, add, delete).

Then on your activities you must use a CallListener to handle the json parse, save local data, create dialogs, etc:

           private void getData() {

            OnDialogButtonClick onDialogButtonClick = new OnDialogButtonClick() {
                public void onPositiveClick() {
                    getData(); // what to do on try again click if connection fail, usually try again

                public void onNegativeClick() {
                    // what to do on close click if connection fail

            CallListListener<Telephone> callListener = new CallListListener<Telephone>(this, Telephone.class, "Message to show on dialog", onDialogButtonClick, true, null) {

                public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
                    list = this.getLocalList();   //  data downloaded before

                public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
                        if (this.success()) { // check if things are fine
                            list = this.jsonMessageList.getObject(); // get the parsed list
                          } else { // request is ok, but your server returned an error or not found

            new TelephoneDao(getActivity()).getAll(callListener); // make the call

The true, is for saving the parsed list for offline usage (it parses and saves the list using gson).

The null is to use the default class name for local save (you can pass a string here to save with custom name).

The onDialogButtonClick is optional, it creates an error dialog when the request fails.

The "Message to show on dialog" is optional, it creates a dialog while the request is beeing made.

The getById request use the same approach, but you need to pass a CallSingleListener (it parses a single object, instead of an array).

You can create a single request with different url too:

MyDao.getAll(callListListener, myURL);
MyDao.getById(callSingleListener, id, myUrl);

There are more constructors for CallListener:

  • Auto inflate a layout with a progress dialog (to use with a relativeLayout parent);